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Created November 23, 2011 08:59
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Akka Presentation: GOTO Prague 2011
import //Actor
import //actorOf
import akka.dispatch._ //Futures
import java.util.concurrent.CountDownLatch //Need for demo
//Create an Actor here...
class AnActor(var state : String) extends Actor {
def receive = {
case m => {
state = m.toString
println("replying with: " + state)
object helpers {
class Waiter(latch : CountDownLatch) extends Actor {
def receive = {
case m => latch.countDown
def sleep(ms : Long) = Thread.sleep(ms)
def timeItTook(f : => Unit) : Unit = {
val time = System.currentTimeMillis
f //running what ever is blocking
println("Took: %s millis" format (System.currentTimeMillis - time))
object AkkaPres extends App{
import helpers._
//Create and start your actor
val actor = actorOf(new AnActor("init")).start
val res = actor ? "hello prague"
//Other ways of initializing...
//Observe non-blocking behavior...
//Till I actually get the result...
println("waited for the result: " + res.get)
//Asking for results == create a Future
//A simple future
val future = Future { sleep(100); "hello from Future"}
println("got: " + future.get)
//Am I non-blocking?
//Chain up several future tasks and make sure that you can wait for it
//waiter counts down the latch
// when it gets messages
val latch = new CountDownLatch(1)
val waiter = actorOf(new Waiter(latch)).start();
val f = Future{ sleep(100); "a" }.onComplete {
value => actor ? "checking"
}.onComplete {
value => waiter ! "count"
//Utils for Futures
val firstOf = Futures.firstCompletedOf( List(
Future { sleep(200); "200" },
Future { sleep(100); "100" }
println("first was : " + firstOf.get)
//Composing futures
val c = for {
a <- Future { 2 }
b <- Future { sleep(100); 3 }
} yield (a + b)
println("2 + 3 = " + c.get)
//Shutting down all actors to clean up
Actor.registry.actors foreach (_ ! PoisonPill)
//Remoting in 1.2:
object Server extends App{
remote.start("localhost", 1337)
remote.register("aservice", actorOf(new AnActor("init state")).start)
object Client extends App{
remote.start("localhost", 6164)
val actor = remote.actorFor("aservice", "localhost", 1337)
println("remotly got: " + (actor ? "hello").get)
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