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Created March 12, 2012 02:50
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// ----- Don't edit this -----------------
require_once(dirname(__FILE__) . '/engine/Updater.php');
// ---------------------------------------
// ----- You can edit these settings: -----
date_default_timezone_set('America/New_York'); // Sometimes I hate PHP. This is one of those times.
// Paths
Updater::$source_path   = '/home/123916/users/.home/domains/';
Template::$template_dir = '/home/123916/users/.home/domains/';
Updater::$dest_path     = '/home/123916/users/.home/domains/';
Updater::$cache_path    = '/home/123916/users/.home/domains/';
Updater::$post_extension = '.txt';
// Blog metadata
Post::$blog_title = 'Defiant App';
Post::$blog_url   = '';
Post::$blog_description = 'I\'m a blogger.';
// Meta Weblog API params
Updater::$api_blog_id = 1; // leave this, probably
Updater::$api_blog_username = 'username here';
Updater::$api_blog_password = 'abcdefg';
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(isset($content['post']) ? h($content['post']['post-title']) . ' &ndash; ' : '') . 
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<section id="posts">
<? if ($content['page-type'] == 'page') { ?>
<h2><?= h($content['page-title']) ?></h2>
<?= $content['page-body'] ?>
<? } else { ?>
<? if (isset($content['posts'])) foreach ($content['posts'] as $post) { ?>
<article<?= $post['post-type'] == 'link' ? ' class="link"' : '' ?>>
<a href="<?= h($post['post-permalink-or-link']) ?>"><?= h($post['post-title']) ?></a>
<?= $post['post-type'] == 'link' ? '<span class="linkarrow">&rarr;</span>' : '' ?>
<time datetime="<?= h(date('c', $post['post-timestamp'])) ?>" pubdate="pubdate"><?= date('F j, Y', $post['post-timestamp']) ?></time>
<a class="permalink" title="Permalink" href="<?= h($post['post-permalink']) ?>">∞</a>&nbsp;
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var disqus_shortname = 'defiantapp';
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<nav id="archives">
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<? $so_far = 0; $per_column = ceil(count($content['archives']) / 5); ?>
<? foreach ($content['archives'] as $archive) { ?>
<? if (++$so_far > $per_column) { ?>
<? $so_far = 1; ?>
<div style="float: left; width: 90px; text-align: right;">
<? } ?>
<a href="<?= h($archive['archives-uri']) ?>"><?= $archive['archives-month-short-name'] ?>&nbsp;<?= $archive['archives-year'] ?></a>
<? } ?>
<div style="clear: both; font-size: 1px; line-height: 1px;">&nbsp;</div>
<? } ?>
<?php } ?>
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