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Last active September 4, 2015 01:05
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  • Save funkaoshi/239572 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save funkaoshi/239572 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop. backup script.
export PATH="/usr/local/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/mysql/bin:/Users/ramanan/local/bin:$PATH"
# dump database, downlaod it locally, restore it over local copy
# of the database. Everything is done in /tmp/
cd /tmp/
# cd to the tmp directory on; dump the database
# out of mysql, and gzip it up.
ssh 'cd /home/ramanan/local/tmp; mysqldump funkaoshi | gzip -f > funkaoshi.sql.gz'
# copy the zip'd database dump to my computer; unzip it on my box
scp .
gunzip funkaoshi.sql.gz
# start up mysql, since I normally use postgres.
mysql.server start
# overwrite my dev database with the data from live server
mysql -D funkaoshi < funkaoshi.sql
# archive the data using git, so we keep versioned snapshots
mv funkaoshi.sql /Users/ramanan/local/backups/funkaoshi.db/funkaoshi.sql
cd /Users/ramanan/local/backups/funkaoshi.db/
git add .
git commit -m 'Import data from webserver.'
# archive files from locally
cd /Users/ramanan/local/backups/
rsync -azve ssh .
# update site prefs so we can view local copy of site from localhost/
mysql -D funkaoshi -e "update txp_prefs set val='localhost/' where name='siteurl'"
# shut down mysql
mysql.server stop
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