Option Explicit |
'【TODO】 |
' - ActiveWindowが解像度が違うモニタ(デスクトップ)間にまたがっている場合にはUserFormの表示や位置が崩れてしまう(画面端にスナップした場合等にも発生) |
' 【覚書】 |
' - 環境によってはActiveCellがActiveWindowの右の方にあるとUserFormの表示位置が左によってきてしまう場合がある(PointsToScreenPixelsXが正しい値を返さない模様) |
' → Microsoft 365のエクセルにて「ファイル>オプション>設定>全般>ユーザー インターフェイスのオプション>複数ディスプレイを使用する場合」で |
' ○ 表示を優先した最適化 (アプリケーションの再起動が必要) |
' を選択していると、マルチディスプレイ環境にて発生する場合があることが判明(https://twitter.com/furyutei/status/1645413942582448129) |
' この場合には |
' ○ 互換性に対応した最適化 |
' に変更後、再起動すれば、改善される模様 |
Private Type RECT |
Left As Long |
Top As Long |
Right As Long |
Bottom As Long |
End Type |
Private Declare PtrSafe Function GetWindowRect Lib "user32" (ByVal hWnd As LongPtr, lpRect As RECT) As Long |
Private Declare PtrSafe Function WindowFromObject Lib "oleacc" Alias "WindowFromAccessibleObject" (ByVal pacc As Object, phwnd As LongPtr) As LongPtr |
Type ScreenPosition |
x As Double |
y As Double |
End Type |
Type DotsPerPoint |
x As Double |
y As Double |
End Type |
Type CoordinateFactor |
x As Double |
y As Double |
End Type |
Function ConvertToScreenPosition(TargetTop As Double, TargetLeft As Double, Optional TargetWindow As Window) As ScreenPosition |
If TargetWindow Is Nothing Then Set TargetWindow = ActiveWindow |
Dim Result As ScreenPosition |
Dim PaneIndex As Long, WorkPane As Pane, WorkRange As Range |
For PaneIndex = 1 To TargetWindow.Panes.Count |
Set WorkPane = TargetWindow.Panes(PaneIndex) |
With WorkPane.VisibleRange |
If _ |
((.Top <= TargetTop) And (TargetTop < .Top + .Height)) And _ |
((.Left <= TargetLeft) And (TargetLeft < .Left + .Width)) _ |
Then |
Result.x = WorkPane.PointsToScreenPixelsX(TargetLeft) |
Result.y = WorkPane.PointsToScreenPixelsY(TargetTop) |
Exit For |
End If |
End With |
Next |
ConvertToScreenPosition = Result |
End Function |
Function GetDisplayDotsPerPoint(Optional TargetWindow As Window) As DotsPerPoint |
If TargetWindow Is Nothing Then Set TargetWindow = ActiveWindow |
Dim Result As DotsPerPoint |
Dim WindowRect As RECT |
If Application.Version < 15# Then |
' Excel 2010以前のバージョンだとWindowオブジェクトにはhWndプロパティがない(SDIのためと思われる) |
' →代わりにApplication.hWndを使用 |
Call GetWindowRect(Application.hWnd, WindowRect) |
Else |
Call GetWindowRect(TargetWindow.hWnd, WindowRect) |
End If |
With WindowRect |
Result.x = (.Bottom - .Top) / TargetWindow.Height |
Result.y = (.Right - .Left) / TargetWindow.Width |
End With |
GetDisplayDotsPerPoint = Result |
End Function |
Function SetUserFormPosition(TargetForm, Top As Double, Left As Double, Optional Calibration As Boolean = True) As CoordinateFactor |
'【覚書】 |
' UserFormの表示位置(.Top/.Left)は画面左上を基点として(ポイント数で)指定するはずだが、何故か想定する位置より右下にずれてしまうことがある |
' その場合は経験上、表示したい位置(ポイント)の値にある係数(高さと幅(.Height/.Width)の設定値と実測値の比率・例:14/15=0.9333…)を掛けるとちょうどよい位置となる模様 |
Dim Result As CoordinateFactor |
With TargetForm |
.StartUpPosition = 0 ' 0:Manual, 1:CenterOwner, 2:CenterScreen, 3:WindowsDefault |
.Top = Top |
.Left = Left |
If Not Calibration Then |
Result.y = 1#: Result.x = 1# |
End If |
Dim Height As Double: Height = .Height |
Dim Width As Double: Width = .Width |
Dim FormhWnd As LongPtr: Call WindowFromObject(TargetForm, FormhWnd) |
Dim FormRect As RECT: Call GetWindowRect(FormhWnd, FormRect) |
Dim TargetDisplayDotsPerPoint As DotsPerPoint: TargetDisplayDotsPerPoint = GetDisplayDotsPerPoint() |
Dim ActualHeight As Double: ActualHeight = (FormRect.Bottom - FormRect.Top) / TargetDisplayDotsPerPoint.y |
Dim ActualWidth As Double: ActualWidth = (FormRect.Right - FormRect.Left) / TargetDisplayDotsPerPoint.x |
Dim FormCoordinateFactorY As Double: FormCoordinateFactorY = Height / ActualHeight |
Dim FormCoordinateFactorX As Double: FormCoordinateFactorX = Width / ActualWidth |
.Top = Top * FormCoordinateFactorY |
.Left = Left * FormCoordinateFactorX |
Result.y = FormCoordinateFactorY |
Result.x = FormCoordinateFactorX |
End With |
SetUserFormPosition = Result |
End Function |