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Last active April 12, 2023 07:44
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[Excel][VBA] Excel用DatePicker

[Excel][VBA] Excel用DatePicker




  • 例によって興味本位でやってみただけなので、実用性には疑問符が付きます
  • ソースコードを見ていただけるとわかりますが、すこしトリッキーなことをやっています(とりあえずインターネットへのアクセスに制限があるとうまく動きません)
  • 「セルのすぐ隣にUserFormを表示する」という一見簡単なことも実際やってみるとかなりややこしいみたいです……この部分については、もしかすると参考になるかも……?
  • ほとんどテストをしていないので、うまく動かなくてもご容赦を……特にマルチディスプレイ環境などでは正常に動作しない確率が高いです(アドバイスは歓迎です)



01 GoogleDriveからすべてダウンロード


ダウンロードされたZIPファイルはそのままではセキュリティの関係でうまく動作しないため、ファイルのプロパティより以下のように「☑ 許可する」にチェックした上で解凍してください。

02 zipのプロパティで全般→セキュリティの□許可するにチェック


  1. 起動中のエクセルがあればすべて終了しておく
  2. 「インストール」フォルダにある「Install.vbs」を実行して指示に従う
  3. エクセルを起動し、ファイル>オプション>アドインにて、「DatePicker」アドインを有効にしておく




  1. 「インストール」フォルダにある「Uninstall.vbs」を実行して指示に従う


  • The MIT license
  • Copyright (c) 2023 風柳(furyu)






Option Explicit
Const DataVbaIdName = "data-vbaid"
Private WithEvents TargetBrowser As WebBrowser
Private NextElementId
Private EventCollectionDict As Dictionary
Public Function Init(Browser)
Set TargetBrowser = Browser
NextElementId = CLng(1)
Set EventCollectionDict = New Dictionary
Set Init = Me
End Function
Public Function AddEventHandler(DomElement, EventType, CallbackFunc, Optional CallObject, Optional UseCapture As Boolean = False, Optional StopPropagation As Boolean = False, Optional PreventDefault As Boolean = False)
With TargetBrowser.Document
' イベント対象となる要素に一意の番号(VbaId)を付与
Dim VbaId: VbaId = DomElement.getAttribute(DataVbaIdName)
If IsNull(VbaId) Then
VbaId = NextElementId
NextElementId = NextElementId + 1
Call DomElement.setAttribute(DataVbaIdName, VbaId)
End If
VbaId = CStr(VbaId)
' 指定されたイベント情報をVbaIdをkeyとして対応するCollectionに追加
Dim EventInfo As Dictionary: Set EventInfo = New Dictionary
With EventInfo
Call .Add("DomElement", DomElement)
Call .Add("EventType", EventType)
Call .Add("CallbackFunc", CallbackFunc)
Call .Add("CallObject", IIf(IsMissing(CallObject), Nothing, CallObject))
Call .Add("UseCapture", UseCapture)
Call .Add("StopPropagation", StopPropagation)
Call .Add("PreventDefault", PreventDefault)
End With
If Not EventCollectionDict.Exists(VbaId) Then Call EventCollectionDict.Add(VbaId, New Collection)
Call EventCollectionDict(VbaId).Add(EventInfo)
' ブラウザ上(JavaScript)にて、イベント対象となる要素にイベントハンドラを登録
' [TODO] イベントハンドラ登録時に document.querySelector() にて要素を特定する関係上、DomElement は予め document 下の DOM ツリー上になければならない
' ※ EventType で指定されたイベントが発生すると、
' - event オブジェクトを自要素([data-vbaid="<VbaId>"])の lastEvent として保存
' - document.title を自要素の VbaId に書き換え
' が行われ、これにより VBAのTargetBrowser_TitleChangeプロシージャが呼び出される
Dim ElmScript: Set ElmScript = .createElement("script")
Dim ScriptText
If .documentMode < 9 Then
' [TODO] コールバックに渡される event において、IE8 以下だと event.type がセットされない模様→独自に .eventType を設定
ScriptText = Join(Array( _
"(function(elm){", _
"elm.attachEvent('on" & EventType & "', function(event){", _
" event.eventType = '" & EventType & "'; elm.lastEvent = event;", _
" document.title = " & VbaId & ";", _
" return " & IIf(PreventDefault, "false", "true") & ";", _
"});", _
"})(document.querySelector('[" & DataVbaIdName & "=""" & VbaId & """]'));" _
), vbLf)
ScriptText = Join(Array( _
"document.querySelector('[" & DataVbaIdName & "=""" & VbaId & """]').addEventListener('" & EventType & "', function(event){", _
" " & IIf(StopPropagation, "event.stopPropagation();", ""), _
" " & IIf(PreventDefault, "event.preventDefault();", ""), _
" this.lastEvent = event;", _
" document.title = " & VbaId & ";", _
"}, " & IIf(UseCapture, "true", "false") & ");" _
), vbLf)
End If
ElmScript.Text = ScriptText
Call .body.appendChild(ElmScript)
End With
Set AddEventHandler = Me
End Function
' JavaScript での document.title の上書きに伴い呼び出される
Private Sub TargetBrowser_TitleChange(ByVal Text As String)
Dim VbaId: VbaId = Text
If Not EventCollectionDict.Exists(VbaId) Then Exit Sub
Dim TargetElement
' On Error Resume Next
' Set TargetElement = TargetBrowser.Document.querySelector("[" & DataVbaIdName & "=""" & VbaId & """]")
' ' [TODO] documentMode が 8 以下だと、WebBrowser コントロールの Document.querySelector が動作しない模様
' If Err.Number <> 0 Then Exit Sub
If Not EventCollectionDict.Exists(VbaId) Then Exit Sub
Dim EventInfo
For Each EventInfo In EventCollectionDict(VbaId)
Set TargetElement = EventInfo("DomElement")
Call Callback(TargetElement, EventInfo)
End Sub
Private Sub Callback(DomElement, EventInfo)
Dim DomEvent: Set DomEvent = DomElement.lastEvent
Dim EventType: EventType = EventInfo("EventType")
If TargetBrowser.Document.documentMode < 9 Then
' [TODO] DomEvent.Type は IE8 以下だとセットされない模様→ JavaScript 側にて独自に DomEvent.eventType を設定するようにしてある
If DomEvent.EventType <> EventType Then Exit Sub
If DomEvent.Type <> EventType Then Exit Sub
End If
Dim CallbackFunc: CallbackFunc = EventInfo("CallbackFunc")
Dim CallObject: Set CallObject = EventInfo("CallObject")
If CallObject Is Nothing Then
Call Application.Run(CallbackFunc, EventType, DomElement, DomEvent)
Call CallByName(CallObject, CallbackFunc, VbMethod, EventType, DomElement, DomEvent)
End If
End Sub
Option Explicit
Const WebBrowserNavigateError = 5001
Const WebBrowserTimeout = 5002
Private IsDocumentReady As Boolean
Private DomEventUtil As ClsDomEventUtil
Private CurrentTargetCell As Range
Private CurrentFirstWeekday As Integer
Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
Unload Me
End Sub
Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()
CurrentFirstWeekday = 1
CommandButton1.Cancel = False ' 準備(Activate)完了までは閉じる(Esc)機能を無効化
End Sub
Private Sub UserForm_Activate()
Dim CellDateString
On Error Resume Next
If CurrentTargetCell.Value <> "" Then
CellDateString = Format(CDate(CurrentTargetCell.Value), "yyyy/mm/dd")
End If
On Error GoTo 0
FormPage = "" & CellDateString & "&firstday=" & CStr(FirstWeekday)
Dim InputElement: Set InputElement = WebBrowser1.Document.getElementById("target-date")
Set DomEventUtil = New ClsDomEventUtil
Call DomEventUtil.Init(WebBrowser1).AddEventHandler(InputElement, "change", "EventCallback", Me)
CommandButton1.Cancel = True
End Sub
Public Sub EventCallback(EventType, DomElement, DomEvent)
' Debug.Print DomEvent.Type & ":" & DomElement.Value
If Not (CurrentTargetCell Is Nothing) Then CurrentTargetCell.Value = CDate(DomElement.Value)
End Sub
Public Property Get Sunday() As Integer: Sunday = 0: End Property
Public Property Get Monday() As Integer: Monday = 1: End Property
Public Property Get Tuesday() As Integer: Tuesday = 2: End Property
Public Property Get Wednesday() As Integer: Wednesday = 3: End Property
Public Property Get Thursday() As Integer: Thursday = 4: End Property
Public Property Get Friday() As Integer: Friday = 5: End Property
Public Property Get Saturday() As Integer: Saturday = 6: End Property
Public Property Set TargetCell(SpecifiedCell As Range)
Set CurrentTargetCell = SpecifiedCell
End Property
Public Property Get TargetCell() As Range
Set TargetCell = CurrentTargetCell
End Property
Public Property Let FirstWeekday(DayNumber As Integer)
If DayNumber < 0 Or 6 < DayNumber Then
DayNumber = 1
End If
CurrentFirstWeekday = DayNumber
End Property
Public Property Get FirstWeekday() As Integer
FirstWeekday = CurrentFirstWeekday
End Property
Private Property Let FormPage(URL)
Dim TimeoutTime: TimeoutTime = Now() + TimeValue("00:00:30")
IsDocumentReady = False
With WebBrowser1
Call .Navigate(URL)
Do While Not IsDocumentReady
If TimeoutTime <= Now() Then Call Err.Raise(WebBrowserTimeout, Description:="タイムアウトしました")
End With
End Property
Private Sub WebBrowser1_DocumentComplete(ByVal pDisp As Object, URL As Variant)
IsDocumentReady = True
End Sub
Private Sub WebBrowser1_NavigateError(ByVal pDisp As Object, URL As Variant, frame As Variant, StatusCode As Variant, Cancel As Boolean)
Call Err.Raise(WebBrowserNavigateError, Description:="ページ読み込み失敗" & vbLf & vbLf & URL & vbLf & vbLf & "実行時エラー: " & StatusCode & " (" & Hex(StatusCode) & ")")
End Sub
Option Explicit
Sub DatePicker()
Dim TargetCell As Range: Set TargetCell = ActiveCell
Dim TargetWindow As Window: Set TargetWindow = ActiveWindow
Dim TargetDisplayPosition As ScreenPosition: TargetDisplayPosition = ConvertToScreenPosition(TargetCell.Top, TargetCell.Left)
Dim TargetDisplayDotsPerPoint As DotsPerPoint: TargetDisplayDotsPerPoint = GetDisplayDotsPerPoint()
Dim WindowScale As Double: WindowScale = TargetWindow.Zoom / 100#
Dim FormTopOffset As Double: FormTopOffset = 0 * WindowScale
Dim FormLeftOffset As Double: FormLeftOffset = TargetCell.MergeArea.Width * WindowScale
Dim FormTop As Double: FormTop = (TargetDisplayPosition.y / TargetDisplayDotsPerPoint.y) + FormTopOffset
Dim FormLeft As Double: FormLeft = (TargetDisplayPosition.x / TargetDisplayDotsPerPoint.x) + FormLeftOffset
Dim TargetDatePicker As FormDatePicker: Set TargetDatePicker = FormDatePicker
Call SetUserFormPosition(TargetDatePicker, FormTop, FormLeft)
With TargetDatePicker
Set .TargetCell = TargetCell ' 日付取得対象のセル指定
.FirstWeekday = .Monday ' カレンダー左端の曜日指定
Call .Show(vbModal)
End With
End Sub
Option Explicit
Public Sub Rbn_customUI_onLoad(ribbon As IRibbonUI)
' Code for onLoad callback. Ribbon control customUI
End Sub
Public Sub Rbn_DatePicker_Calendar_OpenDatePicker_onAction(control As IRibbonControl)
' Code for onAction callback. Ribbon control button
Call DatePicker
End Sub
Option Explicit
' - ActiveWindowが解像度が違うモニタ(デスクトップ)間にまたがっている場合にはUserFormの表示や位置が崩れてしまう(画面端にスナップした場合等にも発生)
' 【覚書】
' - 環境によってはActiveCellがActiveWindowの右の方にあるとUserFormの表示位置が左によってきてしまう場合がある(PointsToScreenPixelsXが正しい値を返さない模様)
' → Microsoft 365のエクセルにて「ファイル>オプション>設定>全般>ユーザー インターフェイスのオプション>複数ディスプレイを使用する場合」で
' ○ 表示を優先した最適化 (アプリケーションの再起動が必要)
'   を選択していると、マルチディスプレイ環境にて発生する場合があることが判明(
' この場合には
' ○ 互換性に対応した最適化
' に変更後、再起動すれば、改善される模様
Private Type RECT
Left As Long
Top As Long
Right As Long
Bottom As Long
End Type
Private Declare PtrSafe Function GetWindowRect Lib "user32" (ByVal hWnd As LongPtr, lpRect As RECT) As Long
Private Declare PtrSafe Function WindowFromObject Lib "oleacc" Alias "WindowFromAccessibleObject" (ByVal pacc As Object, phwnd As LongPtr) As LongPtr
Type ScreenPosition
x As Double
y As Double
End Type
Type DotsPerPoint
x As Double
y As Double
End Type
Type CoordinateFactor
x As Double
y As Double
End Type
Function ConvertToScreenPosition(TargetTop, TargetLeft, Optional TargetWindow As Window) As ScreenPosition
If TargetWindow Is Nothing Then Set TargetWindow = ActiveWindow
Dim Result As ScreenPosition
Dim PaneIndex As Long, WorkPane As Pane, WorkRange As Range
For PaneIndex = 1 To TargetWindow.Panes.Count
Set WorkPane = TargetWindow.Panes(PaneIndex)
With WorkPane.VisibleRange
If _
((.Top <= TargetTop) And (TargetTop < .Top + .Height)) And _
((.Left <= TargetLeft) And (TargetLeft < .Left + .Width)) _
Result.x = WorkPane.PointsToScreenPixelsX(TargetLeft)
Result.y = WorkPane.PointsToScreenPixelsY(TargetTop)
Exit For
End If
End With
ConvertToScreenPosition = Result
End Function
Function GetDisplayDotsPerPoint(Optional TargetWindow As Window) As DotsPerPoint
If TargetWindow Is Nothing Then Set TargetWindow = ActiveWindow
Dim Result As DotsPerPoint
Dim WindowRect As RECT
If Application.Version < 15# Then
' Excel 2010以前のバージョンだとWindowオブジェクトにはhWndプロパティがない(SDIのためと思われる)
' →代わりにApplication.hWndを使用
Call GetWindowRect(Application.hWnd, WindowRect)
Call GetWindowRect(TargetWindow.hWnd, WindowRect)
End If
With WindowRect
Result.x = (.Bottom - .Top) / TargetWindow.Height
Result.y = (.Right - .Left) / TargetWindow.Width
End With
GetDisplayDotsPerPoint = Result
End Function
Function SetUserFormPosition(TargetForm, Top As Double, Left As Double, Optional Calibration As Boolean = True) As CoordinateFactor
' UserFormの表示位置(.Top/.Left)は画面左上を基点として(ポイント数で)指定するはずだが、何故か想定する位置より右下にずれてしまうことがある
' その場合は経験上、表示したい位置(ポイント)の値にある係数(高さと幅(.Height/.Width)の設定値と実測値の比率・例:14/15=0.9333…)を掛けるとちょうどよい位置となる模様
Dim Result As CoordinateFactor
With TargetForm
.StartUpPosition = 0 ' 0:Manual, 1:CenterOwner, 2:CenterScreen, 3:WindowsDefault
.Top = Top
.Left = Left
If Not Calibration Then
Result.y = 1#: Result.x = 1#
End If
Dim Height As Double: Height = .Height
Dim Width As Double: Width = .Width
Dim FormhWnd As LongPtr: Call WindowFromObject(TargetForm, FormhWnd)
Dim FormRect As RECT: Call GetWindowRect(FormhWnd, FormRect)
Dim TargetDisplayDotsPerPoint As DotsPerPoint: TargetDisplayDotsPerPoint = GetDisplayDotsPerPoint()
Dim ActualHeight As Double: ActualHeight = (FormRect.Bottom - FormRect.Top) / TargetDisplayDotsPerPoint.y
Dim ActualWidth As Double: ActualWidth = (FormRect.Right - FormRect.Left) / TargetDisplayDotsPerPoint.x
Dim FormCoordinateFactorY As Double: FormCoordinateFactorY = Height / ActualHeight
Dim FormCoordinateFactorX As Double: FormCoordinateFactorX = Width / ActualWidth
.Top = Top * FormCoordinateFactorY
.Left = Left * FormCoordinateFactorX
Result.y = FormCoordinateFactorY
Result.x = FormCoordinateFactorX
End With
SetUserFormPosition = Result
End Function
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