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Created February 17, 2011 22:57
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Lecture at the Georgia Tech College of Computing by Bill Murdock of IBM Research on 17 February 2011 about Watson, the computing system IBM designed and built to compete against humans in Jeopardy.

Notes for talk on Watson

Bill Murdock - IBM Research


DeepBlue defeating Gary Kasparov at chess was ~10 years ago

  • important achievement in a complex problem domain

DeepQA is a very different problem:

  • Chess - it was finite, well defined state can be encoded in a very compact representation
  • Jeopardy - human language, context, ambiguity, grounded in human cognition

numerous ways express a conceptual question

Where was Einstein born?

  • using structured data, easy
  • unstructured text, hard inference is a bitch, cut structuring your data is often an untenable proposition

"Hard part for Watson is finding and justifying an answer and providing a confidence" People are extremely good at this, though


Top human players are really good. Winners win well over half the board.

Ken Jennings answers 60-70 percent of questions, 85% right consistently DeepQA started off much worse. Got less than half of things it was most confident about right. Typically less than 20% confident about any answer.

Big Idea

  • Deep Analysis - semantic analysis dictionaries, encyclopedia, web
  • search for many answers based on different interpretations
  • use many different NLP techniques and reasoning algorithms
  • uses statistical analysis engine to rank answers based on confidence values
  • rank based on confidence
  • if top is above threshhold, buzz in, else keep your mouth shut

big ass diagram of architecture here

  1. Question analysis - parts of speech, grammatical relationships, probabilistic estimation of sort of question
  2. is this a multipart question? if so, have to decompose question (

Hypothesis generation:

  • primary search

    • go find documents,
    • text snippets,
    • knowledge bases
    • statistical knowledge base based on word correlations
  • candidate answer generation

    • look through results, find things that look like candidates
    • go through paragraphs and find potential answers (tied to answer type)
  • Hypothesis and Evidence Scoring

    • surface answer scoring (characteristics of answer in isolation, no context e.g. several algorithms to find if answer is suitable answer type (is it a person? place? ))
    • evidence retrieval (do a secondary source based on particular answer candidate to see if there's anything that reinforces strength of answer)
    • How well do other passages support candidate answer?
  • Deep evidence scoring

  • Synthesis

    • assign confidence values
  • Final confidence merging and ranking

Presenter's Computer crashes here

DeepBlue and DeepQA have very little in common

  • different problem domains
  • DeepQA not an exercise in pushing hardware whereas DeepBlue very much was
  • new techniques, algorithms were what made Watson possible

Watson's information retrieval process was naturally very parallellizable

  • evidence leads to candidate answers which leads to more evidence which leads to more candidate answers

DeepQA got WAY BETTER in the few years it was under development

Jeopardy is hard because of a need for precision, confidence, and speed

If you ran the DeepQA answer search process on single processor sequentially, it would typically take ~2 hours

Over 2800 Power7 cores the process can be parallelized down to ~3 seconds

Hypothesis generation tends to be liberal in accepting candidate hypotheses for exploration, choosing to let later stages of the pipeline remove answers rather than dismissing them outright.

Business Applications

  • Healthcare/life sciences: DiagnosticAssitance, evidence-based collaborative medicine
  • tech support: help desk, contact centers
  • Enterprise knowledge management and business intelligence: companies with cast quantities of data, want to extract knowledge
  • government: improved information sharing and education

Evidence profiles were diagnistic tools for evaluating what Watson did, but jeopardy does not demand explanation of support other domains would perhaps be more critical.

For example, healthcare applications would likely demand an explanation of why a particular answer was given before accepting it

Medicine has a constantly updating corpus of information that may cause new answers to be given for medical domain questions

  • new drugs come to market
  • new tests performed give new insight and data into a particular illness
  • not a static corpus of data to work with

Really surprised we got this right: ($600) Literary character APB: Wanted for general evilness, last seen at the tower of Barad-Dur; it's a giant eye, folks. Kinda hard to miss.

WATSON: "Sauron" (0.74) - CORRECT 4 independent clauses, lots of slang, not useful phrases (kinda, folks) used tower of Barad-Dur to root search

($200) Name The Decade: Disneyland opens and The Peace Symbol is created WATSON: "1950's"

did not solve problem by looking up db of events manual effort needed to create this only would work on narrow set of questions

Instead, organized information to concept "decade", had strong evidence that 1950's was a decade

Evidence profile shows 1950's beating Kingdom on almost all dimensions - big factors - Document Support and Type Match

($600) Olympic ODDITIES: A 1976 entrant in the "modern" this was kicked out for wiring his epee to score points without touching his foe WATSON: "Pentathalon" CORRECT

epee would suggest fencing, but modern suggest something else

a priori probability was much higher that fencing would be the answer compared to pentathalon. passage support helped a lot

($1000) OLYMPIC ODDITIES: It was the anatomical oddity of US gymnast George Eyser, who won a gold medal on the parallel bars in 1904 WATSON: leg (0.61) - WRONG! (Correct answer: "wooden leg")

very difficult to anticipate a concept like "oddity", we DO NOT build a database ahead of time

found passage tating "George Eyser's left leg was made out of wood", but did not understand which part was the "oddity" did not understand oddity of leg versus the fact that it was wood

Literary Character APB: His victims include Charity Burbage, Mad Eye Moody and Severus Snape; he'd be easier to catch if you'd jsut name him

Harry Potter - WRONG (correct answer: Lord Voldemort)

close call, voldemort was second strongest confidence didn't understand that all elements in the category were bad guys weak reference to Voldemort with no one saying his name was totally lost on us victim and murderer is a relationship that DeepQA could understand

FINAL FRONTIERS: It's a 4-letter term for a type of summit; the first 3 letters mean a type of simian

WATSON: Peak (0.65) - WRONG! (Correct Ans: Apex)

Matched first constraint, second constraint was not understood

skip some questions

DIALING FOR DIALECTS: Dialects of this language include Wu, Yue, and Hakka

Watson: Cantonese (0.41) - WRONG (Chinese)

Rare case where open domain type analysis hurts difference between dialect versus language is subtle. Documents often refer to cantonese as a language

US Cities - Largest airport is named for a WWII hero; it's second largest, for a WWII battle

Watson: Toronto (0.14) - WRONG Chicago

Toronto v chicago

one of the challenging issues is this clue asking for a US city? for this clue, we do propose US City as the answer type with moderate confidence (not extremely high) Is Toronto a US city? Go to db of entities, first hit was "Toronto the largest city in Canada" lots of other smaller entities, e.g. band, couple of small cities in Iowa and Ohio lots of evidence that it was a city list of fictional US presidents lists one being kidnapped in Toronto List of US and Canadian Cities rare case where and is a union, meant or (Note: Wikipedia kind of fucked Watson) flaky and unreliable evidence if it hadn't been final Jeopardy, Watson would not have answered. would have worked reasonably well in different problem domain if Watson could produce Evidence and answer set


What did Bill work on? Everything, but in particular answer scoring and deep evidence scoring

Very little is specific to Jeopardy, besides training based on previous games of Jeopardy some things (e.g. 4 letter word meaning X) would be of limited utility most of it is still generalizable

what was the relative importance of ontologies? Looked at OpenPSYCH (sp?) Not particularly useful, some typing info for terms is available from this corpus Had lots of other typing sources, so not useful overall

Above all, don't let undergrads ask questions, or they ask stupid ones about things not pertinent to the lecture

Watson would have a chance to do much better at a large portion of the reasons people use search engines currently, such as asking a question and desiring an answer rather than a collection of potentially related documents.

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