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Created November 1, 2008 07:43
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;; 5:37am Tuesday,28 October 2008
(defpackage :goo (:use :cl :compat-utils))
(in-package :goo)
(defmacro op (fn &rest args)
`(lambda (_) (,fn ,@args)))
(defalias d. cl:defconstant)
(defalias dv cl:defvar)
;; def
;; let -> let*
;; set
;; use
;; export
;; use/export
;(defalias seq cl:progn)
(defmacro seq (&body body)
`(progn ,@body))
;; {}
;; if
;; and
;; or
;; unless
;; when
;; cond
;; case
;; (CASE[-BY] ,value [ ,test ]((,@keys) ,@body) ...)
(define-macro-helper *case-by-to-cond (value fn clause)
(destructuring-bind (keys &rest body) clause
(if (consp keys)
`((member (funcall ,fn ,value) ',keys) ,@body)
`((eql (funcall ,fn ,value) ',keys) ,@body))))
(defmacro case-by (value test &rest clauses)
(let ((/value (gensym)))
`(let ((,/value ,value))
(cond ,@(mapcar (lambda (x)
(*case-by-to-cond /value test x))
(define-macro-helper split-by-def (expr)
(do ((x expr (cdr x))
((endp x) (nreverse ans))
(destructuring-bind (head &rest tail) x
(if (consp head)
(if (string-equal 'def (car head))
(push (if (and (consp (cadr head))
(string-equal 'tup (caadr head)))
(let ((tup (cadr head)))
`(multiple-value-bind ,(cdr tup) ,(caddr head)
,@(split-by-def tail)))
`(let (,(cdar x))
,@(split-by-def tail)))
(push (split-by-def head) ans))
(push head ans)))))
;; with-defをseqにしてしまうというのが良いアイディアに思える
;; がその場合、seqは一回しか展開されないように、入れ子を排除
;; する必要がある。面倒なのでwith-defとしてしまっている。
(defmacro with-def (&body body)
,@(split-by-def body)))
(def x 3)
(def (tup x y) (values x 4))
(list x y))|#
(defmacro df (name arg &body body)
`(defun ,name ,arg
#|(df fib (n)
(if (< n 2)
(+ (fib (1- n))
(fib (- n 2)))))|#
#|(df hello (n)
(def x (list n n))
#|(df hello (list.list sym.symbol => list)
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