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Last active March 4, 2022 01:02
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Docker Cheat Sheet

Windows Containers notes

-v notes

  • If host directory doesn't exist, it's created
  • Windows uses windows path semantics: C:\host:C:\container
    • Can create new drives: C:\host:d:
    • Destination must be a non-existant directory, or empty, or a drive other than C: - bind-mount will fail otherwise
    • Source must be a directory, cannot be a file like linux bind-mounts

Mounting the current directory

Works with both Bash and Powershell: -v ${PWD}:/dest

Bash: -v ${PWD}:/dest or -v $(pwd):/dest or -v ``pwd``:/dest - this is command substitution

  • docs refer to both $(pwd) and ``pwd``

Powershell: -v ${PWD}:/dest


Dockerfile Windows Containers

Change escape to backtick

Change escape from the default of \ to `` which is what powershell uses, this avoids issues with windows \ path separator. Another option is to use / instead for paths. Here's an example:

# escape=`
FROM microsoft/nanoserver

COPY testfile.txt c:\
RUN dir c:\

Escape docs

RUN caveats

  • Shell vs Exec (json) form:

    • Shell form runs command in the default shell, exec runs the command specifies
      • Linux default shell is ["/bin/sh", "-c"]
      • Windows default shell is ["cmd", "/S", "/C" ]
      • Change default shell with SHELL instruction, use JSON format
        • i.e. SHELL ["powershell", "-command"]
        • shell changes for all subsequent instructions, so you can switch shells
        • affects RUN, CMD, and ENTRYPOINT when shell form is used (not exec form)
    • Exec can avoid shell string munging
    • Exec allows to RUN commands using a base image that does not contain the specified shell executable
  • Exec form is parsed as JSON, need to escape \ to have valid JSON. The Shell form doesn't require this.

RUN ["c:\\windows\\system32\\tasklist.exe"]


CMD has three use cases:

  • CMD ["executable","param1","param2"] (exec form, this is the preferred form)
  • CMD ["param1","param2"] (as default parameters to ENTRYPOINT)
  • CMD command param1 param2 (shell form)

ENTRYPOINT has use cases:

  • ENTRYPOINT ["executable", "param1", "param2"] (exec form, preferred)
  • ENTRYPOINT command param1 param2 (shell form)


  • ENTRYPOINT allows you to create a container that runs as if it were an executable - args passed are passed to the entrypoint.

  • 3 Scenarios:

      1. ENTRYPOINT exec form - specifies program and fixed arguments
      • Container acts as an executable: docker run nginx <args>
      • Use CMD for additional default parameters
      • Use DOCKERRUN args to override CMD
        1. Startup script + Executable
        • ENTRYPOINT set to startup script
        • Use exec or gosu in script to launch executable so your process recieves signals
      1. CMD (exec or shell) alone - specifies program and args
      • Use when an image provides multiple programs and you just want to provide a default program that's easily changed.
        • Rationale: ENTRYPOINT requires an extra -e arg to override the program specified by the image.
      • Use DOCKERRUN args to override CMD (both program and args)
      1. ENTRYPOINT shell form
      • CMD and DOCKERRUN args ignored
      • Process won't be PID1 b/c PID1 is the shell
      • Process won't receive signals, unless you use exec
      • Avoid this unless you need a shell
  • Last CMD instruction wins (same for ENTRYPOINT)

  • CMD purpose - provide defaults for what to execute

  • If using both ENTRYPOINT and CMD - use JSON format (exec) - doesn't execute a shell

    • Pass full path to executable
  • Arguments after docker run image ... override CMD

  • Entrypoint override is a flag -e VAL or --entrypoint VAL - uses exec form override (not shell)

  • CMD and ENTRYPOINT interaction docs



  • Use array syntax if path has whitespace
  • Prefer COPY (local files only) - Use RUN for remote files and archives - can do everthing in one instruction
  • First ADD (COPY too?) with a changed SRC directory invalidates cache for all subsequent instructions
  • SRC can include wildcards - matches with Go's filepath.Match
  • SRC must be in Build Context (what is sent to daemon for build)
  • If SRC is a directory, all contents are copied, but not the directory itself
  • Good idea to end DEST with / or \ to indicate it is a directory, refer to ADD docs
  • COPY is a subset of ADD, ADD includes URL sources and extracting archives from local sources
Copy link

Here's the Windows command-line equiv to $(pwd): %cd%, as in:
-v %cd%:/dest

You show it above as "tbd". I didn't see a way to propose this as an edit to the gist. Hope that helps you and/or other readers.

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