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George Brown g0xA52A2A

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g0xA52A2A /
Last active December 29, 2019 20:41
Keyboard setup
# Caps as Ctrl
setxkbmap -option ctrl:nocaps
# Ctrl as Esc when not chorded
xcape -e 'Control_L=Escape'
# Swap semi-colon and colon
xmodmap -e 'keycode 47 = colon semicolon'

Use of a language map is needed to cover things like f and r, see :help language-mapping.

set iminsert=1
for mode in ['n', 'x', 'c', 'l']
  execute mode . 'noremap  : ;'
  execute mode . 'noremap  ; :'

Show the git object for the current line or selection. Different from git log -L as I'm only interested in the current text (also I don't deem line based ancerstory particularly intersting).

Commit hashes are pulled from git blame. We need to pass -f and --show-email to ensure the time is always shown as the forth field. This is considered important as I want to sort upon the time to ensure the commits passed to git show are in chronological order.

I "prime" less with a search pattern to allow me to quickly page though the interesting bits of the output. I do this along with passing the -R flag via the LESS environment variable as to override other options that may be set there that could potentially interfere, such as -F.

The use of a UNIX pipeline is a little ugly but it is far more concise than the equivalent Vim script.

function! Gshow() range


In an effort to consolidate my focus in Vim I wondered what it would be like if I limited myself to a single window. This notion came about because I knew I wasn't utilizing things like tags, jumps, and the quickfix list as effectively could be done.

It's important to remember that no configuration is a substitute for discipline when learning to change. This is simply a journey I went on and sharing what I learnt about Vim along the way.

In lieu of a set verymagic option in Vim we need to have plethora of mappings to insert \v.

The AutoVeryMagic() function / command-line mapping is the main item of interest here. It should only insert \v where needed.

augroup AutoVeryMagic
  autocmd CmdlineEnter /,\? if empty(getcmdline()) | call feedkeys('\v', 'n') | endif

Many people (myself included) have set wildcharm=<C-Z> as suggested by :help 'wildcharm' in their config. However in mappings I often see this is repeated explicitly, e.g.

nnoremap <key> :buffer<Space><C-Z><S-Tab>

I prefer to refer to the setting itself, avoiding repetition and also making things more portable. A conversion of the above would be as follows.

A simplified variant of vim-addon-qf-layout.

  • Format location like grep -H
  • Align start of contents from all files
  • Sperate location and contents with |
function! QuickFixFormat()
  let qflist = map(getqflist(),
 \ "extend(v:val, {'filename' : bufname(v:val.bufnr)})")

Enable hlsearch whenever the cursor is on any part of a match and disable hlsearch otherwise.

Whenever the cursor is moved the current line is checked if it contains a match for the current search. If it does a range is created that can be compared to the cursor's current column. This matching is repeated for the current line until no more matches are found.

function! AutoHL() abort
g0xA52A2A /
Last active November 30, 2020 18:15
Lazy case correction for user commands

Some user commands are intended as replacements for built-in commands, for example :Grep may replace :grep. Given the existence of such a "replacement" user command when typing :grep it would be convenient to have it replaced with :Grep for the sake of muscle memory.

For other user commands a similar replacement scheme may be desirable simply to avoid having to chord with the shift key.

We can achieve this with command-line abbreviations.

Searching in Vim isn't limited to / and ? however those other searches don't have the same easy one key command to move through matches and I'm lazy. So let's make N and n move to the next match for whatever the last type of search was performed. I'm mainly interested in the quickfix list but I've written this generically so it can be easily adapted to other sources.

function! Cycle(type, forward) abort