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Created February 18, 2014 20:57
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Validation Mixin for React (
define(function () {
'use strict';
var _ = require('underscore');
var ValidationMixin = {
getInitialState: function () {
return {
errors: []
componentWillMount: function () {
assertValidatorsDefined: function () {
if (!this.validators) {
throw new Error('ValidatorMixin requires this.validators to be defined on the component.');
_.each(_.keys(this.validators), function (key) {
var validator = this.validators[key];
if (!_.has(this.state, key)) {
throw new Error('Key "' + key + '" is defined in this.validators but not present in initial state.');
if (!_.isFunction(validator)) {
throw new Error('Validator for key "' + key + '" is not a function.');
}, this);
hasError: function (key) {
return _.contains(this.state.errors, key);
resetError: function (key) {
'errors': _.without(this.state.errors, key)
validate: function () {
var errors = _.filter(_.keys(this.validators), function (key) {
var validator = this.validators[key],
value = this.state[key];
return !validator(value);
}, this);
'errors': errors
return _.isEmpty(errors);
return ValidationMixin;
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