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Zoltán Gálli gallizoltan

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AdamISZ /
Created December 27, 2018 18:48
Basic payjoin/p2ep protocol for Joinmarket wallets

Described here is a variant of what has previously been published under the name "P2EP" or Pay-to-endpoint, in which A pays B but B contributes utxos, i.e. it's a coinjoin-payment.

I'm using the term "payjoin" here to refer to using that idea, but not including a URI/endpoint specific to B, and not allowing (as a merchant would) arbitrary payments, which opens up certain problems around snooping attackers (more on this below). So payjoin just means "A pays B but B actively participates and passes across utxos as extra inputs".

I'll defer a more features-focused and non-tech friendly description of what this means to a later blogpost.