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Last active September 23, 2019 06:09
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Instadapp User Wallets
import { CREATED_EVENT, INSTADAPP_REGISTRY } from "./constants";
export const CDAI_CONTRACT = "\\xf5dce57282a584d2746faf1593d3121fcac444dc"
export const CETH_CONTRACT = "\\x4ddc2d193948926d02f9b1fe9e1daa0718270ed5"
cube(`UserWallets`, {
sql: `SELECT
'0x' || encode(tx_hash, 'hex') AS "tx_hash",
'0x' || substr(encode(e.topics[1], 'hex'), 25) AS "logged_sender",
'0x' || substr(encode(e.topics[2], 'hex'), 25) AS "logged_owner",
'0x' || substr(encode(, 'hex'), 25) AS "logged_proxy", AS "log_data",
COALESCE(b.balance, 0) as eth_balance
live.block_log_events e
account, value AS balance FROM batch.trace_balance_events
order by block_id desc, emit_seq desc
limit 1
) b
ON substr(, 13) = b.account
e.topics[1] = '${CREATED_EVENT}'
` ,
joins: {
UserTransactions: {
relationship: `hasMany`,
sql: `${UserTransactions}.to_address = ${UserWallets}.logged_proxy`
CompoundDai: {
relationship: `hasOne`,
sql: `('"' || encode(substr(log_data, 13), 'hex') || '"')::jsonb = ${CompoundDai}.key_path and ${CompoundDai}.rn = 1`
CompoundEth: {
relationship: `hasOne`,
sql: `('"' || encode(substr(log_data, 13), 'hex') || '"')::jsonb = ${CompoundEth}.key_path and ${CompoundEth}.rn = 1`
CompoundBat: {
relationship: `hasOne`,
sql: `('"' || encode(substr(log_data, 13), 'hex') || '"')::jsonb = ${CompoundBat}.key_path and ${CompoundBat}.rn = 1`
CompoundRep: {
relationship: `hasOne`,
sql: `('"' || encode(substr(log_data, 13), 'hex') || '"')::jsonb = ${CompoundRep}.key_path and ${CompoundRep}.rn = 1`
CompoundUsdc: {
relationship: `hasOne`,
sql: `('"' || encode(substr(log_data, 13), 'hex') || '"')::jsonb = ${CompoundUsdc}.key_path and ${CompoundUsdc}.rn = 1`
CompoundWbtc: {
relationship: `hasOne`,
sql: `('"' || encode(substr(log_data, 13), 'hex') || '"')::jsonb = ${CompoundWbtc}.key_path and ${CompoundWbtc}.rn = 1`
CompoundZrx: {
relationship: `hasOne`,
sql: `('"' || encode(substr(log_data, 13), 'hex') || '"')::jsonb = ${CompoundZrx}.key_path and ${CompoundZrx}.rn = 1`
measures: {
count: {
type: `count`,
drillMembers: [Created, walletAddress, walletLink]
growth_rate: {
type: `number`,
format: `percent`,
sql: `COALESCE( (${count} * 1.0 / lag( NULLIF( ${count}, 0) , 1) OVER ()) - 1.0 , 0)`
eth_balance: {
type: `sum`,
sql: `eth_balance`,
format: `currency`,
dimensions: {
blockId: {
sql: `block_id`,
type: `number`,
primaryKey: true
Created_date: {
sql: `date_trunc('day', ${CUBE}.block_signed_at)`,
type: `time`
Created_week: {
sql: `date_trunc('week', ${CUBE}.block_signed_at)`,
type: `time`
Created_month: {
sql: `date_trunc('month', ${CUBE}.block_signed_at)`,
type: `time`
Created: {
sql: `${CUBE}.block_signed_at`,
type: `time`
walletAddress: {
sql: `logged_proxy`,
type: `string`
walletLink: {
sql: `'' || logged_proxy`,
type: `string`,
format: {
label: `Etherscan`,
type: `link`
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