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gardart / robocopy_powershell.ps1
Created August 2, 2018 14:32
Robocopy with Powershell
# This script runs robocopy jobs in parallel by increasing the number of outstanding i/o's to the VPSA. Even though you can
# change the number of threads using the "/mt:#" parameter, your backups will run faster by adding two or more jobs to your
# original set.
# To do this, you need to subdivide the work into directories. That is, each job will recurse the directory until completed.
# The ideal case is to have 100's of directories as the root of the backup. Simply change $src to get
# the list of folders to backup and the list is used to feed $ScriptBlock.
from lxml import html
import csv
import os
import requests
from exceptions import ValueError
from time import sleep
from random import randint
def parse(url):
headers = {
gardart /
Created January 17, 2019 22:36 — forked from scrapehero/
Python 3 code to extract amazon reviews
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Written as part of
from lxml import html
from json import dump,loads
from requests import get
import json
from re import sub
from dateutil import parser as dateparser
from time import sleep
gardart / amazon_bestseller.json
Created January 17, 2019 22:37 — forked from scrapehero/amazon_bestseller.json
JSON Sitemap to scrape amazon bestseller listings from Amazon using Web Scraper Chrome Extension
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Written as part of
from lxml import html
import json
import requests
import json,re
from dateutil import parser as dateparser
from time import sleep
gardart /
Last active February 7, 2019 22:20
Raspberry Pi - Install Nagios NRPE

# Debian | Raspbian

All steps on Debian require to run as root. To become root simply run:




gardart / imo_reykjavik_3h.yml
Last active May 6, 2024 11:00
Home Assistant skynjari fyrir 3ja tíma mannaðar veðurathuganir frá Veðurstofu Íslands
# 5.4.2024 : Breytti ur yfir i xml thjonustu
# Home Assistant skynjari fyrir 3ja tíma mannaðar veðurathuganir frá Veðurstofu Íslands.
# Mannaðar veðurstöðvar birta athuganir á 3 klst fresti.
# Stöðvanúmerin má finna með því að fara á slóðina:
# Hér að neðan er Reykjavík valin (station=1)
gardart /
Created January 30, 2022 20:57 — forked from ManuelSchmitzberger/
This script will download a cloud image of many Linux distros and create a Proxmox 6 KVM template from it.
set -o errexit
printf "\n*** This script will download a cloud image and create a Proxmox VM template from it. ***\n\n"
### Pre-req:
### - run on a Proxmox 6 server
### - a dhcp server should be active on vmbr1