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Last active August 29, 2015 14:07
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Shell session detailing the steps for ROS-Industrial workspace creation and building under Indigo
# - in a new terminal, after you've installed ROS Indigo
# - I assume you use bash as your shell and Ubuntu as your OS.
# - longer commands always go on a single line
# - lines starting with '#' are comments
# get access to ROS commands
source /opt/ros/indigo/setup.bash
# create a new workspace
mkdir -p ~/ros_fanuc_ws/src
cd ~/ros_fanuc_ws/src
# make sure we have 'wstool' installed
sudo apt-get install python-wstool
# let wstool do the management for us
wstool init .
# we checkout the Hydro packages, but they work on Indigo
# we'll store them in directories with a '_hydro' suffix, so we know they are not indigo packages
wstool set fanuc_hydro --git --version=hydro-devel
wstool set fanuc_experimental_hydro --git --version=hydro-devel
# there is no industrial_core released for Indigo, so we need to check it out from source as well.
# we'll use the 'hydro' branch, which is the release branch
wstool set industrial_core_hydro --git --version=hydro
# make wstool download the pkgs
wstool up
# make sure all dependencies have been satisfied (otherwise we'll get build errors)
cd ~/ros_fanuc_ws
rosdep install --from-paths src --ignore-src --rosdistro indigo
# if you installed ros-indigo-desktop-full, I don't think you'll
# have to install anything, but we just make sure. Any pkgs will
# be installed from debians by your package manager.
# now we are ready to start building the fanuc & industrial packages
# wait ..
# if all was successfull, we'll now have a 'devel/' directory with
# the binaries. To be able to use them, we need to 'source' the setup.bash
# in 'devel/', just like we did with the Indigo base install earlier.
source ~/ros_fanuc_ws/devel/setup.bash
# now test the M-430iA/2P model (just an example)
roslaunch fanuc_m430ia_support test_m430ia2p.launch
# that will start rviz for you, and open a window with some sliders you
# can use to manipulate the 6 DOFs.
# to stop: ctrl+c
# to do motion planning with the provided MoveIt configurations:
roslaunch fanuc_lrmate200ic_moveit_config demo.launch
# for future sessions, you just need to source the 'devel/setup.bash'
# no need to source the base Indigo one.
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