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George Bougakov gbougakov

View GitHub Profile
// ==UserScript==
// @name Informatics Highlight Completed
// @namespace
// @version 0.1
// @description Highlign solved problems in the sidebar
// @author George Bougakov
// @match*
// @grant none
// ==/UserScript==
"For loop from 0 to var": {
"prefix": ["forn"],
"body": [
"for (int i = 0; i < ${1:var}; i++)",
" $0",

Snapbeat Privacy Policy

When you sign up for snapbeat, we only store your display name provided to us by Snapchat.

When people suggest songs through your link, we delete them from our servers in 48 hours

If you want us to delete your data from our servers or request a copy of your data, email us at

[{"id":0,"question":"What was a rumor that went around about you?"},{"id":1,"question":"Have you ever failed a class?"},{"id":2,"question":"If you had the power to fire one teacher, who would that be?"},{"id":3,"question":"If you could plan a class prank knowing you'll never get caught, what would the prank be?"},{"id":4,"question":"Have you ever cheated on a test?"},{"id":5,"question":"Have you ever had a crush on a teacher? Who?"},{"id":6,"question":"Who would you take to prom?"},{"id":7,"question":"Have you ever made out at school?"},{"id":8,"question":"Who would you never ever want to sit next to in class?"},{"id":9,"question":"Have you ever been late to class?"},{"id":10,"question":"What's the most embarrassing thing you've ever done in front of a teacher?"},{"id":11,"question":"Have you ever stuck gum under a desk?"},{"id":12,"question":"What do you think is better: tests or essays?"},{"id":13,"question":"Have you ever eaten lunch by yourself? Why?"},{"id":14,"question":"If you had to take one class for
// SATextField.swift
// Originally created by @valvolinne. Extracted into a separate file and improved by @gbougakov
import SwiftUI
import UIKit
class WrappableTextField: UITextField, UITextFieldDelegate {
var textFieldChangedHandler: ((String)->Void)?

Keybase proof

I hereby claim:

  • I am gbougakov on github.
  • I am gbougakov ( on keybase.
  • I have a public key ASB5AkuCbShvlU7nwHAXBS28xmW1rVOgGjhkIkEVJ1nfYwo

To claim this, I am signing this object:

<div class="uk-flex uk-flex-middle uk-flex-center uk-padding-large" uk-height-viewport>
<div class="uk-width-1-1 uk-width-1-3@m uk-text-center">
<h1 class="uk-text-bold uk-margin-remove"></h1>
<p class="uk-margin-remove">Need a random WTF GIF? Just type <code></code> in almost any message field.</p>
<div class="uk-margin-small-top">
<div class="uk-grid-match" uk-grid>
<div class="uk-width-expand">
<input type="text" class="uk-input" </div>
gbougakov /
Created August 29, 2018 09:28
Timer Cloner
echo "[SCRIPT] Creating temporary clone directory"
tempdir=`mktemp -d`
echo "[SCRIPT] Cloning to $tempdir"
git clone $tempdir
if [ ! -f $tempdir/index.html ]; then
echo "Clone failed :("
echo "[SCRIPT] Moving files"
"days": ["Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday"],
"schedule": {
"Monday": ["Maths", "Russian", "English", "Maths", "Literature", "Geografeeeea"],
"Tuesday": ["ICT", "ICT", "Russian", "Maths", "Literature", "PE"],
"Wednesday": ["Russian", "Russian", "Biology", "English", "Maths", "Maths"],
"Thursday": ["Maths", "English", "Project - History", "Project - History", "History", "PE"],
"Friday": ["History", "Geography", "Project - Biology", "Project - Biology", "Russian", "Literature"]