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Created August 6, 2019 21:47
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[{"id":0,"question":"What was a rumor that went around about you?"},{"id":1,"question":"Have you ever failed a class?"},{"id":2,"question":"If you had the power to fire one teacher, who would that be?"},{"id":3,"question":"If you could plan a class prank knowing you'll never get caught, what would the prank be?"},{"id":4,"question":"Have you ever cheated on a test?"},{"id":5,"question":"Have you ever had a crush on a teacher? Who?"},{"id":6,"question":"Who would you take to prom?"},{"id":7,"question":"Have you ever made out at school?"},{"id":8,"question":"Who would you never ever want to sit next to in class?"},{"id":9,"question":"Have you ever been late to class?"},{"id":10,"question":"What's the most embarrassing thing you've ever done in front of a teacher?"},{"id":11,"question":"Have you ever stuck gum under a desk?"},{"id":12,"question":"What do you think is better: tests or essays?"},{"id":13,"question":"Have you ever eaten lunch by yourself? Why?"},{"id":14,"question":"If you had to take one class for the rest of your life, what class would it be and who would the teacher be?"},{"id":15,"question":"If you wanted to make out on campus, where would you do it?"},{"id":16,"question":"Have you ever gotten into a fight on school grounds?"},{"id":17,"question":"What was the worst score you’ve ever gotten on a test?"},{"id":18,"question":"Have you ever fallen asleep in class?"},{"id":19,"question":"Have you ever gotten detention or been suspended?"},{"id":20,"question":"If you were invisible, would you sneak a peak in the other locker room?"},{"id":21,"question":"If so, who would you be hoping to see?"},{"id":22,"question":"Who's the hottest teacher at our school?"},{"id":23,"question":"What's the worst class to have first period?"},{"id":24,"question":"If you had to take a person from another grade to prom, who would that be?"},{"id":25,"question":"If you had to delete one app from your phone, what would it be?"},{"id":26,"question":"What is your greatest fear in a relationship?"},{"id":27,"question":"Go around the room and say one positive and one negative thing about each person."},{"id":28,"question":"What is one disturbing fact I should know about you?"},{"id":29,"question":"Have you ever smoked?"},{"id":30,"question":"Have you ever tried drugs?"},{"id":31,"question":"What about alcohol?"},{"id":32,"question":"What's the craziest thing you've done while under the influence?"},{"id":33,"question":"If you were trapped for three days on an island, who are three people in this room you would bring with you and why?"},{"id":34,"question":"Would you go to a nude beach?"},{"id":35,"question":"Who's the most annoying person in this room?"},{"id":36,"question":"Are you still a virgin?"},{"id":37,"question":"If you had to marry someone in this room, who would it be?"},{"id":38,"question":"Do you have hidden piercings or tattoos?"},{"id":39,"question":"How long was your longest relationship?"},{"id":40,"question":"If you could have one celebrity follow you on Instagram, who would that be?"},{"id":41,"question":"You have to delete 5 people on Instagram. Name them."},{"id":42,"question":"Do you want to get married one day?"},{"id":43,"question":"Do you want to have kids? How many?"},{"id":44,"question":"Would you ever get into a long distance relationship?"},{"id":45,"question":"Describe the person of your dreams."},{"id":46,"question":"What would you do if you found out you flunked school?"},{"id":47,"question":"If you're girlfriend or boyfriend broke up with you at school, what would you do?"},{"id":48,"question":"If you had the power to fire one teacher, who would it be?"},{"id":49,"question":"Basketball, baseball, or football?"},{"id":50,"question":"What was your first job?"},{"id":51,"question":"If you don't have one yet, where would you want to work?"},{"id":52,"question":"How many hours would you spend online if you didn't have school or homework?"},{"id":53,"question":"How tall do you want to be?"},{"id":54,"question":"What's your biggest fear about college?"},{"id":55,"question":"What are you most excited about?"},{"id":56,"question":"Would you want your best friend to go to the same college as you?"},{"id":57,"question":"Would you want your current boyfriend or girlfriend to go to the same college as you?"},{"id":58,"question":"Who do you think is the hottest celebrity?"},{"id":59,"question":"What's you dream job?"},{"id":60,"question":"Do you currently have a crush on anyone?"},{"id":61,"question":"Describe what your crush looks like."},{"id":62,"question":"What is your crush's personality like?"},{"id":63,"question":"Is there anything about your life you would change?"},{"id":64,"question":"Who do you hate and why?"},{"id":65,"question":"What's your biggest pet peeve?"},{"id":66,"question":"How many people have you kissed?"},{"id":67,"question":"What's your biggest turn-on?"},{"id":68,"question":"If you could date anyone in the world, who would you date?"},{"id":69,"question":"Would you rather be skinny and hairy or fat and smooth?"},{"id":70,"question":"Who would you ask to prom if you could choose anyone?"},{"id":71,"question":"Describe your perfect date."},{"id":72,"question":"Would you ever date two people at once if you could get away with it?"},{"id":73,"question":"You have to delete every app on your except for five. Name the five you would keep."},{"id":74,"question":"Have you ever sent out a nude snapchat?"},{"id":75,"question":"Have you ever received a nude selfie? Who was it from?"},{"id":76,"question":"What was your reaction? Like or dislike?"},{"id":77,"question":"Have you ever gotten mad at a friend for posting an unflattering picture of you?"},{"id":78,"question":"Have you ever had a crush on a teacher?"},{"id":79,"question":"Who do you think would make the best kisser? (List a few people for them to choose.)"},{"id":80,"question":"Have you ever sent someone the wrong text?"},{"id":81,"question":"Have you ever cursed at your parents? Why?"},{"id":82,"question":"Who do you think is the cutest person in our class?"},{"id":83,"question":"What is the most attractive feature on a person?"},{"id":84,"question":"What the biggest deal breaker for you?"},{"id":85,"question":"How far would you go on a first date?"},{"id":86,"question":"Have you ever regretted something you did to get a crush's attention?"},{"id":87,"question":"Would you ever be mean to someone if it meant you could save your close friend from embarrassment?"},{"id":88,"question":"Of the people at our school, who do you think would make the best president?"},{"id":89,"question":"If we didn't have a dress code, what would you wear to school that you can't wear now?"},{"id":90,"question":"Describe what makes someone husband or wife material."},{"id":91,"question":"If you could make $1 million, would you drop out of school?"},{"id":92,"question":"What is your worst habit?"},{"id":93,"question":"What's one thing you do that you don't want anyone to know about?"},{"id":94,"question":"Do you frequently stalk anyone on social media? Who?"},{"id":95,"question":"If your crush told you he liked your best friend, what would you do?"},{"id":96,"question":"What if you best friend told you that she liked your crush?"},{"id":97,"question":"If you knew your friend's boyfriend was cheating on her, what would you do?"},{"id":98,"question":"Have you ever told a lie about your best friend to make yourself look better?"},{"id":99,"question":"What was your first impression of [fill in the name of a person in the room]?"},{"id":100,"question":"If you had to date someone else's boyfriend, who would it be?"},{"id":101,"question":"Who's hotter? You or your friend?"},{"id":102,"question":"Have you ever shared your friend's secret with someone else?"},{"id":103,"question":"Rate everyone in the room from 1 to 10, with 10 being the hottest."},{"id":104,"question":"Would you share a toothbrush with you best friend?"},{"id":105,"question":"Rate everyone in the room from 1 to 10, with 10 being the best personality."},{"id":106,"question":"Have you ever ignored a friend's text. Why did you do it?"},{"id":107,"question":"Have you ever lied to your best friend?"},{"id":108,"question":"Would you let a friend cheat on a test?"},{"id":109,"question":"If your friend asked you to lie for her and you knew you would get in trouble, would you do it?"},{"id":110,"question":"If one of your friends was cheating with your other friend's boyfriend, what would you do?"},{"id":111,"question":"Would you ditch your friends if you could become the most popular girl in school?"},{"id":112,"question":"If you had to choose, who would you stop being friends with?"},{"id":113,"question":"Name one thing you would change about each person in this room."},{"id":114,"question":"If you had to trade your friend in for the celebrity crush of your dreams, which friend would you choose."},{"id":115,"question":"What was your first impression of your best friend's boyfriend?"},{"id":116,"question":"What do you think about him now?"},{"id":117,"question":"Have you ever thought about ditching your friend for a boy?"},{"id":118,"question":"If someone asked you what your best friend is like, how would you describe her?"},{"id":119,"question":"You win a trip and are allowed to bring two people. Who do you pick?"},{"id":120,"question":"On an overnight trip, would you rather share a bed with your best friend or her boyfriend?"},{"id":121,"question":"If you could swap one physical feature with your best friend, what would that be?"},{"id":122,"question":"Have you ever told a secret you were told to keep?"},{"id":123,"question":"If your best friend had B.O., would you tell her?"},{"id":124,"question":"What is the most annoying thing about your best friend?"},{"id":125,"question":"Who do you think you friend should date instead of her current boyfriend?"},{"id":126,"question":"If she doesn't have a boyfriend, who do you think she should date?"},{"id":127,"question":"Do you think your friend's boyfriend is hot?"},{"id":128,"question":"Would you hook up with him if you knew she would never find out?"},{"id":129,"question":"Have you ever ditched your friend for a boy?"},{"id":130,"question":"If your friend and your boyfriend were both dying in front of you, who would try to save first?"},{"id":131,"question":"What was the last thing you searched for on your phone?"},{"id":132,"question":"If you had to choose between going naked or having your thoughts appear in thought bubbles above your head for everyone to read, which would you choose?"},{"id":133,"question":"Have you ever walked in on your parents doing it?"},{"id":134,"question":"After you've dropped a piece of food, what's the longest time you've left it on the ground and then ate it?"},{"id":135,"question":"Have you ever tasted a booger?"},{"id":136,"question":"Have you ever played Cards Against Humanity with your parents?"},{"id":137,"question":"What's the first thing you would do if you woke up one day as the opposite sex?"},{"id":138,"question":"Have you ever peed in the pool?"},{"id":139,"question":"Who do you think is the worst dressed person in this room?"},{"id":140,"question":"Have you ever farted in an elevator?"},{"id":141,"question":"True or false? You have a crush on [fill in the blank]."},{"id":142,"question":"Of the people in this room, who do you want to trade lives with?"},{"id":143,"question":"What are some things you think about when sitting on the toilet?\n\n"},{"id":144,"question":"Did you have an imaginary friend growing up?\n\n"},{"id":145,"question":"Do you cover your eyes during a scary part in a movie?\n\n"},{"id":146,"question":"Have you ever practiced kissing in a mirror?\n\n"},{"id":147,"question":"Did your parents ever give you the “birds and the bees” talk?\n\n"},{"id":148,"question":"What is your guilty pleasure?\n\n"},{"id":149,"question":"What is your worst habit?\n\n"},{"id":150,"question":"Has anyone ever walked in on you when going #2 in the bathroom?\n\n"},{"id":151,"question":"Have you ever had a wardrobe malfunction?\n\n"},{"id":152,"question":"Have you ever walked into a wall?\n\n"},{"id":153,"question":"Do you pick your nose?\n\n"},{"id":154,"question":"Do you sing in the shower?\n\n"},{"id":155,"question":"Have you ever peed yourself?\n\n"},{"id":156,"question":"What was your most embarrassing moment in public?\n\n"},{"id":157,"question":"Have you ever farted loudly in class?\n\n"},{"id":158,"question":"Do you ever talk to yourself in the mirror?\n\n"},{"id":159,"question":"You’re in a public restroom and just went #2, then you realized your stall has no toilet paper. What do you do?"},{"id":160,"question":"What would be in your web history that you’d be embarrassed if someone saw?"},{"id":161,"question":"Have you ever tried to take a sexy picture of yourself?"},{"id":162,"question":"Do you sleep with a stuffed animal?"},{"id":163,"question":"Do you drool in your sleep?"},{"id":164,"question":"Do you talk in your sleep?"},{"id":165,"question":"Who is your secret crush?"},{"id":166,"question":"Do you think [fill in the name] is cute?"},{"id":167,"question":"Who do you like the least in this room and why?"},{"id":168,"question":"What does your dream boy or girl look like?"},{"id":169,"question":"What is your go-to song for the shower?"},{"id":170,"question":"Who is the sexiest person in this room?"},{"id":171,"question":"How would you rate your looks on a scale of 1 to 10?"},{"id":172,"question":"Would you rather have sex with [insert name] in secret or not have sex with that person but everyone thinks you did?"},{"id":173,"question":"What don't you like about me?"},{"id":174,"question":"What color underwear are you wearing right now?"},{"id":175,"question":"What was the last thing you texted?"},{"id":176,"question":"If you were rescuing people from a burning building and you had to leave one person behind from this room, who would it be?"},{"id":177,"question":"Do you think you'll marry your current girlfriend/boyfriend?"},{"id":178,"question":"How often do you wash your undergarments?"},{"id":179,"question":"Have you ever tasted ear wax?"},{"id":180,"question":"Have you ever farted and then blamed someone else?"},{"id":181,"question":"Have you ever tasted your sweat?"},{"id":182,"question":"What is the most illegal thing you have ever done?"},{"id":183,"question":"Who is your favorite? Mom or Dad?"},{"id":184,"question":"Would you trade your sibling in for a million dollars?"},{"id":185,"question":"Would you trade in your dog for a million dollars?"},{"id":186,"question":"What is your biggest pet peeve?"},{"id":187,"question":"If you were allowed to marry more than one person, would you? Who would you choose to marry?"},{"id":188,"question":"Would you rather lose your sex organs forever or gain 200 pounds?"},{"id":189,"question":"Would you choose to save 100 people without anyone knowing about it or not save them but have everyone praise you for it?"},{"id":190,"question":"If you could only hear one song for the rest of your life, what would it be?"},{"id":191,"question":"If you lost one day of your life every time you said a swear word, would you try not to do it?"},{"id":192,"question":"Who in this room would be the worst person to date? Why?"},{"id":193,"question":"Would you rather live with no internet or no A/C or heating?"},{"id":194,"question":"If someone offered you $1 million dollars to break up with your girlfriend/boyfriend, would you do it?"},{"id":195,"question":"If you were reborn, what decade would you want to be born in?"},{"id":196,"question":"If you could go back in time in erase one thing you said or did, what would it be?"},{"id":197,"question":"Has your boyfriend or girlfriend ever embarrassed you?"},{"id":198,"question":"Have you ever thought about cheating on your partner?"},{"id":199,"question":"If you could suddenly become invisible, what would you do?"},{"id":200,"question":"Have you ever been caught checking someone out?"},{"id":201,"question":"Have you ever waved at someone thinking they saw you when really they didn't? What did you do when you realized it?"},{"id":202,"question":"What's the longest time you've stayed in the bathroom, and why did you stay for that long?"},{"id":203,"question":"What's the most unflattering school picture of you?"},{"id":204,"question":"Have you ever cried because you missed your parents so much?"},{"id":205,"question":"Would you rather be caught picking your nose or picking a wedgie?"},{"id":206,"question":"Describe the strangest dream you've ever had. Did you like it?"},{"id":207,"question":"Have you ever posted something on social media that you regret?"},{"id":208,"question":"What is your biggest fear?"},{"id":209,"question":"Do you pee in the shower?"},{"id":210,"question":"Have you ever ding dong ditched someone?"},{"id":211,"question":"The world ends next week and you can do anything you want (even if it's illegal). What would you do?"},{"id":212,"question":"Would you wear your shirt inside out for a whole day if someone paid you $100?"},{"id":213,"question":"What is the most childish thing that you still do?"},{"id":214,"question":"How far would you go to land the guy or girl of your dreams?"},{"id":215,"question":"Tell us about a time you embarrassed yourself in front of a crush."},{"id":216,"question":"Have you ever kept a library book?"},{"id":217,"question":"Who is one person you pretend to like, but actually don’t?"},{"id":218,"question":"What children’s movie could you watch over and over again?"},{"id":219,"question":"Do you have bad foot odor?"},{"id":220,"question":"Do you have any silly nicknames?"},{"id":221,"question":"When was the last time you wet the bed?"},{"id":222,"question":"How many pancakes have you eaten in a single sitting?"},{"id":223,"question":"Have you ever accidentally hit something with your car?"},{"id":224,"question":"If you had to make out with any Disney character, who would it be?"},{"id":225,"question":"Have you ever watched a movie you knew you shouldn’t?"},{"id":226,"question":"Have you ever wanted to try LARP (Live Action Role-Play)?"},{"id":227,"question":"What app on your phone do you waste the most time on?"},{"id":228,"question":"Have you ever pretended to be sick to get out of something? If so, what was it?"},{"id":229,"question":"What is the most food you’ve eaten in a single sitting?"},{"id":230,"question":"Do you dance when you’re by yourself?"},{"id":231,"question":"Would you have voted for or against Trump?"},{"id":232,"question":"What song on the radio do you sing with every time it comes on?"},{"id":233,"question":"Do you sleep with a stuffed animal?"},{"id":234,"question":"Do you own a pair of footie pajamas?"},{"id":235,"question":"Are you scared of the dark?"},{"id":236,"question":"What ‘As seen on TV’ product do you secretly want to buy?"},{"id":237,"question":"Do you still take bubble baths?"},{"id":238,"question":"If you were home by yourself all day, what would you do?"},{"id":239,"question":"How many selfies do you take a day?"},{"id":240,"question":"What is something you’ve done to try to be ‘cooler’?"},{"id":241,"question":"When was the last time you brushed your teeth?"},{"id":242,"question":"Have you ever used self tanner?"},{"id":243,"question":"What do your favorite pajamas look like?"},{"id":244,"question":"Do you have a security blanket?"},{"id":245,"question":"Have you ever eaten something off the floor?"},{"id":246,"question":"Have you ever butt-dialed someone?"},{"id":247,"question":"Do you like hanging out with your parents?"},{"id":248,"question":"Have you ever got caught doing something you shouldn’t?"},{"id":249,"question":"What part of your body do you love and which part do you hate?"},{"id":250,"question":"Have you ever had lice?"},{"id":251,"question":"Have you ever pooped your pants?"},{"id":252,"question":"What was the last rate-R movie you watched?"},{"id":253,"question":"Do you lick your plate?"},{"id":254,"question":"What is something that no one else knows about you?"},{"id":255,"question":"Do you write in a diary?"},{"id":256,"question":"Who would you hate to see naked?"},{"id":257,"question":"How long have you gone without a shower?"},{"id":258,"question":"If you could only text one person for the rest of your life, but you could never talk to that person face to face, who would that be?"},{"id":259,"question":"How long have you gone without brushing your teeth?"},{"id":260,"question":"What's one thing you would never eat on a first date?"},{"id":261,"question":"What have you seen that you wish you could unsee?"},{"id":262,"question":"If you could be reincarnated into anyone's body, who would you want to become?"},{"id":263,"question":"If you switched genders for the day, what would you do?"},{"id":264,"question":"What's one food that you will never order at a restaurant?"},{"id":265,"question":"What's the worst weather to be stuck outside in if all you could wear was a bathing suit?"},{"id":266,"question":"If your car broke down in the middle of the road, who in this room would be the last person you would call? Why?"},{"id":267,"question":"What's the most useless piece of knowledge you know?"},{"id":268,"question":"What did you learn in school that you wish you could forget?"},{"id":269,"question":"Is it better to use shampoo as soap or soap as shampoo?"},{"id":270,"question":"If you ran out of toilet paper, would you consider wiping with the empty roll?"},{"id":271,"question":"What would be the worst part about getting pantsed in front of your crush?"},{"id":272,"question":"If you could only use one swear word for the rest of your life, which one would you choose?"},{"id":273,"question":"What's the best thing to say to your friend that would be the worst thing to say to your crush?"},{"id":274,"question":"Who do you think is the Beyonce of the group?"},{"id":275,"question":"Would you rather eat dog food or cat food?"},{"id":276,"question":"If you had nine lives, what would you do that you wouldn't do now?"},{"id":277,"question":"If you could play a prank on anyone without getting caught, who would you play it on?"},{"id":278,"question":"What would the prank be?"},{"id":279,"question":"Have you ever pretended to like a gift? How did you pretend?"},{"id":280,"question":"Would you rather not shower for a month, or eat the same meal everyday for a month?"},{"id":281,"question":"What animal most closely resembles your eating style?"},{"id":282,"question":"If you could choose to never sweat for the rest of your life or never have to use the bathroom, which would you choose?"},{"id":283,"question":"If you could spend every waking moment with your gf or bf, would you?"}]
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