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Last active August 29, 2015 14:19
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CardForge custom user decks

CardForge constructed user decks

This repository contains some of the decks I have constructed and/or played in either paper form or digitally for Magic: the Gathering.


  • decks named arti-* are based on the deck named arti, which is an artifact-only deck.
    • arti, is at the moment not Modern legal, due to the use of Sol Ring
    • arti-mox is not even vintage or legacy legal as Mox usage is not following restricted rules
  • strength is a deck used to fulfill an achievement in forge at mythic level. it is based around Primordial Hydra, which could also be replaced with Heroe's Bane. But with bane you need to pay for the doubling of +1/+1 counters.
  • 'March of Empires' is a token-heavy deck based on 'March of the Multitudes' Modern Event deck. In this deck it is mostly about soldiers.



"Gerard Braad"
4 Adaptive Automaton|M12
1 AEther Vial|MMA
4 Arcbound Crusher|HOP
2 Arcbound Hybrid|DST
2 Arcbound Overseer|DST
4 Arcbound Reclaimer|DST
2 Arcbound Slith|HOP
2 Arcbound Stinger|MMA
1 Energy Chamber|DDF
4 Haven of the Spirit Dragon|DTK
4 Inkmoth Nexus|MBS
4 Mutavault|M14
4 Myr Propagator|SOM
2 Ornithopter|M11
1 Quicksilver Amulet|M12
1 Quietus Spike|PC2
2 Sol Ring|COM
2 Sword of Body and Mind|SOM
2 Ugin, the Spirit Dragon|FRF
4 Urza's Mine|9ED
4 Urza's Power Plant|9ED
4 Urza's Tower|9ED
4 Blinkmoth Nexus|MMA
2 Darksteel Forge|M14
4 Karn Liberated|NPH
1 Quicksilver Amulet|M12
1 Quietus Spike|PC2
2 Ugin, the Spirit Dragon|FRF
4 Adaptive Automaton|M12
1 Batterskull|NPH
1 Crown of Empires|M12
1 Darksteel Colossus|M10
1 Helm of Kaldra|5DN
2 Hero's Blade|FRF
2 Howling Mine|COM
2 Karn Liberated|NPH
2 Mox Emerald|2ED
2 Mox Jet|2ED
2 Mox Pearl|2ED
2 Mox Ruby|2ED
2 Mox Sapphire|2ED
4 Myr Enforcer|MMA
2 Myr Propagator|SOM
2 Ornithopter|M11
2 Quicksilver Amulet|M12
1 Quietus Spike|PC2
1 Scepter of Empires|M12
1 Shield of Kaldra|DST
4 Sol Ring|COM
1 Staff of Domination|5DN
2 Sundering Titan|FVR
2 Sword of Body and Mind|SOM
1 Sword of Kaldra|MRD
1 Throne of Empires|M12
4 Urza's Mine|9ED
4 Urza's Power Plant|9ED
4 Urza's Tower|9ED
1 AEther Vial|MMA
2 Darksteel Forge|M14
4 Haven of the Spirit Dragon|DTK
2 Karn Liberated|NPH
2 Sundering Titan|FVR
4 Ugin, the Spirit Dragon|FRF
4 Adaptive Automaton|M12
1 AEther Vial|MMA
1 Batterskull|NPH
4 Blinkmoth Nexus|MMA
1 Crown of Empires|M12
1 Darksteel Colossus|M10
2 Darksteel Forge|M14
1 Helm of Kaldra|5DN
2 Hero's Blade|FRF
4 Inkmoth Nexus|MBS
2 Karn Liberated|NPH
1 Mindslaver|SOM
4 Mutavault|M14
2 Myr Propagator|SOM
4 Ornithopter|M11
2 Quicksilver Amulet|M12
1 Quietus Spike|PC2
1 Scepter of Empires|M12
1 Shield of Kaldra|DST
2 Sol Ring|COM
1 Staff of Domination|5DN
2 Sundering Titan|FVR
2 Sword of Body and Mind|SOM
1 Sword of Kaldra|MRD
1 Throne of Empires|M12
4 Urza's Mine|9ED
4 Urza's Power Plant|9ED
4 Urza's Tower|9ED
1 AEther Vial|MMA
2 Darksteel Forge|M14
4 Haven of the Spirit Dragon|DTK
2 Karn Liberated|NPH
2 Sundering Titan|FVR
4 Ugin, the Spirit Dragon|FRF
4 Adaptive Automaton|M12
1 AEther Vial|MMA
1 Batterskull|NPH
2 Black Lotus|2ED
1 Crown of Empires|M12
1 Darksteel Colossus|M10
2 Darksteel Forge|M14
1 Helm of Kaldra|5DN
2 Hero's Blade|FRF
2 Karn Liberated|NPH
1 Mindslaver|SOM
4 Mox Emerald|2ED
4 Mox Jet|2ED
2 Mox Opal|SOM
4 Mox Pearl|2ED
4 Mox Ruby|2ED
4 Mox Sapphire|2ED
2 Myr Propagator|SOM
4 Ornithopter|M11
2 Quicksilver Amulet|M12
1 Quietus Spike|PC2
1 Scepter of Empires|M12
1 Shield of Kaldra|DST
2 Sol Ring|COM
1 Staff of Domination|5DN
2 Sundering Titan|FVR
2 Sword of Body and Mind|SOM
1 Sword of Kaldra|MRD
1 Throne of Empires|M12
1 AEther Vial|MMA
2 Darksteel Forge|M14
4 Haven of the Spirit Dragon|DTK
2 Karn Liberated|NPH
2 Sundering Titan|FVR
4 Ugin, the Spirit Dragon|FRF
4 Adaptive Automaton|M12
1 Batterskull|NPH
4 Blinkmoth Nexus|MMA
1 Crown of Empires|M12
1 Darksteel Colossus|M10
1 Darksteel Forge|M14
4 Expedition Map|ZEN
1 Helm of Kaldra|5DN
4 Inkmoth Nexus|MBS
2 Karn Liberated|NPH
4 Mutavault|M14
2 Myr Propagator|SOM
4 Ornithopter|M11
2 Quicksilver Amulet|M12
1 Quietus Spike|PC2
1 Scepter of Empires|M12
1 Shield of Kaldra|DST
1 Staff of Domination|5DN
2 Sundering Titan|FVR
2 Sword of Body and Mind|SOM
1 Sword of Kaldra|MRD
3 Thespian's Stage|GTC
1 Throne of Empires|M12
4 Urza's Mine|9ED
4 Urza's Power Plant|9ED
4 Urza's Tower|9ED
1 Darksteel Forge|M14
4 Haven of the Spirit Dragon|DTK
2 Karn Liberated|NPH
2 Sundering Titan|FVR
2 Thespian's Stage|GTC
4 Ugin, the Spirit Dragon|FRF
Name=Eldrazi Awakens [G]
2 All Is Dust|ROE
2 Artisan of Kozilek|ROE
2 Awakening Zone|PC2
2 Broodwarden|ROE
2 Eldrazi Conscription|ROE
4 Eldrazi Temple|ROE
1 Emrakul, the Aeons Torn|ROE
2 Expedition Map|ZEN
2 Explore|WWK
2 Eye of Ugin|WWK
3 Forest|ZEN|1
3 Forest|ZEN|2
3 Forest|ZEN|3
1 Forest|ZEN|4
2 Ghostfire|FUT
2 Growth Spasm|ROE
2 Hand of Emrakul|ROE
2 It That Betrays|ROE
1 Kozilek, Butcher of Truth|ROE
2 Not of This World|ROE
1 Pathrazer of Ulamog|ROE
4 Shimmering Grotto|M14
2 Skittering Invasion|ROE
2 Spawnsire of Ulamog|ROE
2 Sylvan Caryatid|THS
4 Thespian's Stage|GTC
2 Ugin, the Spirit Dragon|FRF
1 Ulamog, the Infinite Gyre|ROE
2 Broodwarden|ROE
4 Cavern of Souls|AVR
2 Explore|WWK
4 Mutavault|M14
2 Sylvan Caryatid|THS
1 Ugin, the Spirit Dragon|FRF
Name=Eldrazi Awakens [X]
2 All Is Dust|ROE
2 Artisan of Kozilek|COM
2 Eldrazi Conscription|ROE
1 Eldrazi Monument|ZEN
4 Eldrazi Temple|ROE
1 Emrakul, the Aeons Torn|ROE
3 Expedition Map|ZEN
2 Eye of Ugin|WWK
3 Ghostfire|DDG
2 Hand of Emrakul|ROE
2 It That Betrays|ROE
1 Kozilek, Butcher of Truth|ROE
2 Not of This World|ROE
1 Pathrazer of Ulamog|ROE
2 Quicksilver Amulet|M12
4 Shimmering Grotto|M14
2 Skittering Invasion|ROE
2 Spawnsire of Ulamog|ROE
4 Thespian's Stage|GTC
3 Ugin, the Spirit Dragon|FRF
1 Ulamog, the Infinite Gyre|FVL
4 Urza's Mine|9ED
4 Urza's Power Plant|9ED
4 Urza's Tower|9ED
2 Vesuva|V12
4 Alloy Myr|NPH
4 Cavern of Souls|AVR
1 Ghostfire|DDG
4 Mutavault|M14
2 Quicksilver Amulet|M12

Eldrazi Awakens

Main deck (60)

Sideboard (15)

Maybeboard (6)





"Gerard Braad"
Name=March of Empires
3 Crown of Empires|M12
2 Forbidding Watchtower|10E
2 Gideon Jura|M12
4 Gideon's Avenger|M12
4 Gideon's Lawkeeper|M12
2 Gideon, Champion of Justice|GTC
4 Honor of the Pure|M12
3 Intangible Virtue|ISD
4 Obelisk of Urd|M15
14 Plains|THS|1
4 Raise the Alarm|DDF
3 Scepter of Empires|M12
3 Throne of Empires|M12
4 Triplicate Spirits|M15
4 Windbrisk Heights|V12
1 Elspeth Tirel|SOM
1 Elspeth, Knight-Errant|MMA
1 Elspeth, Sun's Champion|THS
2 Forbidding Watchtower|10E
2 Launch the Fleet|JOU
4 Swords to Plowshares|V13
1 The Chain Veil|M15
2 Timely Reinforcements|M12
2 Veteran's Armaments|MOR
2 War Falcon|M13

March of Empires

March of Empires is a token-heavy deck based on 'March of the Multitudes' Modern Event deck. In this deck it is mostly about soldiers.

I mostly play it in Forge. For this reason it contains two different version of each Planeswalker, Gideon and Elspeth, to unlock achievements.

Main deck (60)

Sideboard (15)

Maybeboard (6)


The deck is not Extended legal due to the use of 'Windbrisks Heights' and 'Forbidding Watchtower'. They can be replaced by normal 'Plains' if needed.



"March of Empires" "March of Empires" "March of Empires" "March of Empires" "March of Empires" "March of Empires" "March of Empires" "March of Empires"

"March of Empires"


"Gerard Braad"
Name=March of Stoneblade Soldiers
4 Armament Master|ZEN
2 Honor of the Pure|M12
2 Kitesail|M13
4 Kitesail Apprentice|WWK
4 Kor Duelist|ZEN
3 Kor Outfitter|ZEN
3 Nahiri, the Lithomancer|C14
2 Nomads' Assembly|ROE
2 Path to Exile|MMA
20 Plains|ZEN|3
3 Stoneforge Mystic|WWK
4 Stonehewer Giant|MMA
1 Sword of Body and Mind|SOM
1 Sword of Feast and Famine|MBS
1 Sword of Fire and Ice|MMA
1 Sword of Light and Shadow|MMA
1 Sword of War and Peace|NPH
2 Veteran's Armaments|MOR
2 Forbidding Watchtower|10E
2 Honor of the Pure|M12
1 Nahiri, the Lithomancer|C14
1 Obelisk of Urd|M15
1 Stoneforge Mystic|WWK
4 Swords to Plowshares|V13
1 The Chain Veil|M15
3 Kor Firewalker|WWK
2 Alloy Myr|NPH
2 Copper Myr|SOM
2 Darksteel Myr|SOM
2 Gold Myr|SOM
2 Hovermyr|NPH
2 Iron Myr|SOM
2 Leaden Myr|SOM
4 Mox Emerald|2ED
4 Mox Jet|2ED
4 Mox Pearl|2ED
4 Mox Ruby|2ED
4 Mox Sapphire|2ED
2 Myr Adapter|MRD
2 Myr Propagator|SOM
2 Myr Reservoir|SOM
2 Myr Retriever|MMA
2 Myr Superion|NPH
2 Omega Myr|MRD
2 Palladium Myr|SOM
2 Plague Myr|MBS
4 Shimmer Myr|MBS
2 Silver Myr|SOM
4 Sol Ring|COM
Name=Ryan Grodzinski - Mono-Red Aggro
4 Firedrinker Satyr|THS
4 Foundry Street Denizen|GTC
2 Goblin Heelcutter|FRF
2 Goblin Rabblemaster|M15
4 Hordeling Outburst|KTK
4 Lightning Strike|THS
3 Mardu Scout|FRF
4 Monastery Swiftspear|KTK
21 Mountain|THS|1
4 Searing Blood|BNG
4 Stoke the Flames|M15
4 Wild Slash|FRF
3 Arc Lightning|HOP
3 Collateral Damage|FRF
3 Eidolon of the Great Revel|JOU
2 Harness by Force|JOU
3 Peak Eruption|THS
1 Purphoros, God of the Forge|THS
2 Batterskull|NPH
13 Bayou|3ED
4 Bonehoard|MBS
2 Boneyard Wurm|DDJ
4 Elvish Mystic|M14
1 Garruk Relentless|ISD
1 Garruk Wildspeaker|COM
4 Garruk's Companion|M12
1 Garruk, Apex Predator|M15
1 Garruk, Caller of Beasts|M14
1 Garruk, Primal Hunter|M13
2 Howling Mine|COM
4 Llanowar Elves|M12
4 Mox Emerald|2ED
4 Mox Jet|2ED
4 Primordial Hydra|M13
2 Scavenging Ooze|M14
2 Sol Ring|COM
4 Sword of Body and Mind|SOM
Name=Oops, All Spells
1 Angel of Glory's Rise|AVR
1 Azami, Lady of Scrolls|CHK
4 Balustrade Spy|GTC
4 Cabal Ritual|TOR
3 Cabal Therapy|PD3
4 Chancellor of the Annex|NPH
4 Chrome Mox|MRD
4 Dark Ritual|V13
1 Dread Return|PD3
4 Elvish Spirit Guide|ALL
1 Laboratory Maniac|ISD
4 Lotus Petal|FVE
4 Manamorphose|MMA
4 Narcomoeba|MMA
4 Pact of Negation|MMA
4 Simian Spirit Guide|PLC
4 Summoner's Pact|MMA
4 Undercity Informer|GTC
1 Wild Cantor|GPT
4 Crimson Kobolds|LEG
4 Crookshank Kobolds|LEG
4 Dryad Arbor|V12
4 Kobolds of Kher Keep|LEG
4 Memnite|SOM
4 Ornithopter|M11
4 Phyrexian Walker|VIS
4 Shield Sphere|ALL
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