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Guru Devanla gdevanla

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gdevanla / pandas-0.13-bug.ipynb
Created October 9, 2015 04:58
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import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
class InsertContext():
def __init__(self, tf):
self._tf = tf
self.__write_mode_on = False
def __enter__(self):
// code generated from <org.scribe.extractors.TokenExtractorTest: void shouldExtractTokenFromOAuthStandardResponse()>
com.ser.assist.statecarver.xstreamcarver.StaticStateLoader.loadStaticState(760, "scribe-java_freqT")
def dbName_intg = "scribe-java_freqT_intg"
temp$0 = com.ser.assist.statecarver.xstreamcarver.XStreamStateCarver.loadState(760, 200, "scribe-java_freqT")
temp$0_clone = com.ser.assist.statecarver.xstreamcarver.XStreamStateCarver.loadState(760, 200, "scribe-java_freqT")
response = com.ser.assist.statecarver.xstreamcarver.XStreamStateCarver.loadState(760, 0, "scribe-java_freqT")
//Note that we are using a 'response' object which was tested as part of unit test elsewhere.
gdevanla / partition.groovy
Last active August 29, 2015 13:57
Clojure like partition-by function for groovy
//Accepts a closure that takes one argument. The closure should return true/false.
//The closure is the predicate which will be checked to create new partitions
def partition(coll, Closure cond) {
def x = coll.drop(1).inject([[coll[0]]]) { acc, it ->
if ( cond(it) ) {
acc << [it]
gdevanla / y-combinator-clojure.clj
Last active October 9, 2022 16:46
Y-Combinator in Clojure based on Jim Weirich's talk Y-NOT
;; This gist roughly transribes the demo
;; by Jim Weirich during his talk on Y-Combinator
;; called Y-Not.
;; Jim does a phenomenal job of explaining in the demo.
;; Therefore, this gist only attempts to provide
;; the code example from the poor quality video
;; The examples are simplified at some places
;; based on how I tried to understand it
//Cartesian product of input (for Integers)
//similar to itertools.product in Python
def l = [ [1,2] , [3,4] , [5, 6]]
def product(l){
def p = { l1, l2 ->
l1.inject([]) { acc, i ->
acc + l2.inject([]) { acc1, j ->
if ( i instanceof List) { acc1 << i + j}
// does a product on two lists
h = [ 1: "a", 2:"b", 3:"c"]
j = [ 1: ["x", "p"], 2: ["z"], 3:["y"]]
h.entrySet().inject([]) { acc, h1 ->
acc + j.get(h1.key).inject([]) { acc1, it-> acc1 << [h1.value, it]} }
;;visit all nodes using reduce
;;store nodes in visited order.
(defn visit [g]
(let [walk (fn walk [g seen n]
(reduce (fn [seen, m]
(seen m) seen
:else (walk g (conj seen m) m) )) seen (g n))
;;Computes all possible paths through a graph (DAG)
;;assumes the graph is a DAG
;; Clojure
(defn all-paths [g]
(let [walk (fn walk [g seen n]
(empty? (g n)) seen
:else (mapcat (fn [m]
(walk g (conj seen m) m)) (g n))))]
;; Counting Coins
;; problem from "Coding for Interviews" news letter.
;; notes: switching to vector from raw list gave a tremendous performance boost
;; uses memoize as variant of Y-combinator.
[coins (map read-string (clojure.string/split (read-line) #","))
amt (read-string (read-line))
change3 (fn [rec amt coins]