$ heroku help apps:create
= usage: heroku apps:create [NAME]
= description: create a new app
= options:
--addons ADDONS
a comma-delimited list of addons to install
-b, --buildpack BUILDPACK
a buildpack url to use for this app
-r, --remote REMOTE
the git remote to create, default "heroku"
-s, --stack STACK
the stack on which to create the app
$ heroku apps
+ Apps List:
= owned by me:
- blazing-sunset-5285
- showoff-heroku
- showoff-community
- showoff-fukuoka
- testable
= shared with me:
- api-docs
- devcenter
- dx-helper
- dx-dashboard
- falling-winter-1457
$ heroku apps:info -adevcenter
+ devcenter Info:
= addons:
- Airbrake Plus
- Campfire Hook
- Heroku Postgres Ika
- IndexTank Search Starter
- Memcache 100MBs
- New Relic Professional
- Papertrail Test
- PG Backups Auto - One Month Retention
- Searchify IndexTank Starter
- Shared Database 20GB
- SSL Endpoint
= collaborators:
- adam@heroku.com
- chris@heroku.com
- csquared@heroku.com
- dane@heroku.com
- david@heroku.com
- glenn@heroku.com
- jon@heroku.com
- matthew@heroku.com
- rd@heroku.com
- ricardo@heroku.com
- wesley@heroku.com
= domain name: devcenter.heroku.com
= git url: git@heroku.com:devcenter.git
= owner: raul@heroku.com
= repo size: 58M
= slug size: 25M
= stack: cedar
= web url: http://devcenter.herokuapp.com/