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Created April 5, 2021 13:51
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Automatically generating proofs which only involve associativity of composition and adding/removing identity morphisms.
-- Yet another technique for generating proofs in Agda (in addition to the ones
-- I've described in
-- transform the proposition into a simpler one which can be proved using refl.
-- This is the approach I use in my
-- package, which can prove equations universally-quantified over finite types,
-- e.g. proving the commutativity of the boolean function '∧'. I simplify the
-- proposition to a long enumeration of all the concrete cases, each of which
-- can be proved using refl:
-- false ∧ false ≡ false ∧ false
-- × false ∧ true ≡ true ∧ false
-- × true ∧ false ≡ false ∧ true
-- × true ∧ true ≡ true ∧ true
-- This is also the approach used by Tactic.MonoidSolver in the standard library
-- (,
-- which can prove monoid expresions equivalent if they only differ by the
-- placement of the parentheses and the presence of identity elements, e.g.
-- (0 + x) + (y + 0) ≡ x + 0 + y
-- It simplifies both sides to their normal form, resulting in a simple
-- proposition which can be proved using refl:
-- x + (y + 0) ≡ x + (y + 0)
-- In this file, I reimplement the Tactic.MonoidSolver idea, but instead of
-- using a monoid with an associative operation and an identity element, I use
-- a category, where morphism composition is associative and every object has
-- an identity element. That is, I'll be proving
-- (id >>> f) >>> (g >>> id) ≡ f >>> id >>> g
-- by rewriting both sides to their normal form:
-- f >>> (g >>> id) ≡ f >>> (g >>> id)
-- and then asking the user to provide the easy refl proof of that simplified
-- equation. In order to convert this proof into a proof of the original
-- equation, we'll need to generate a proof that each side is equal to its
-- simplified form.
module CategorySolver where
open import Data.Fin using (Fin; zero; suc)
open import Data.Nat using (ℕ; zero; suc; _+_)
open import Data.Vec using (Vec; []; _∷_)
open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality
import Data.Fin as Fin
import Data.Vec as Vec
open ≡-Reasoning
-- The algorithm is parameterized over an arbitrary category, so we ask the
-- user to specify objects, morphisms, identity morphisms, and morphism
-- composition. We also ask the user to prove that the identity morphism is an
-- identity for morphism composition, and that morphism composition is
-- associative.
module _
(Object : Set)
(Morphism : Object → Object → Set)
(id : ∀ {a}
→ Morphism a a)
(_>>>_ : ∀ {a b c}
→ Morphism a b
→ Morphism b c
→ Morphism a c)
(let infixr 5 _>>>_; _>>>_ = _>>>_)
(id->>> : ∀ {a b}
→ {f : Morphism a b}
→ id >>> f ≡ f)
(>>>-id : ∀ {a b}
→ {f : Morphism a b}
→ f >>> id ≡ f)
(>>>->>> : ∀ {a b c d}
→ {f : Morphism a b}
{g : Morphism b c}
{h : Morphism c d}
→ (f >>> g) >>> h
≡ f >>> (g >>> h))
-- In Agda, the syntax for applying a proof (x≡y : x ≡ y) to prove that
-- (x + z) ≡ (y + z) looks like this:
-- begin
-- x + z
-- ≡⟨ cong (λ – → – + z) x≡y ⟩
-- y + z
-- ∎
-- cong asks for a function specifying where we want to apply our proof. I
-- find its API a bit too verbose; I would prefer to put the proof x≡y where
-- the – is. So I define wrappers for all my binary operators, this way I can
-- write this instead:
-- begin
-- x + z
-- ≡⟨ ⟨ x≡y +⟩ ⟩
-- y + z
-- ∎
⟨>>>_⟩ : ∀ {a b c}
→ {f : Morphism a b} {g h : Morphism b c}
→ g ≡ h
→ f >>> g
≡ f >>> h
⟨>>>_⟩ {f = f} = cong (λ − → f >>> −)
⟨_>>>⟩ : ∀ {a b c}
→ {f g : Morphism a b} {h : Morphism b c}
→ f ≡ g
→ f >>> h
≡ g >>> h
⟨_>>>⟩ {h = h} = cong (λ − → − >>> h)
-- We'll need to be able to pattern-match on the canonical representation
-- (f >>> g >>> id). We can't do that if we represent it using a value of
-- type Morphism, because the user might have instantiated Morphism to an
-- opaque type such as _→_. So we instead represent it as (f ∷ g ∷ []), a
-- list-like value which enforces that consecutive morphisms have compatible
-- types...
data Canon : Object → Object → Set where
[] : ∀ {a}
→ Canon a a
_∷_ : ∀ {a b c}
→ Morphism a b
→ Canon b c
→ Canon a c
-- ...and which can easily be converted to (f >>> (g >>> id)) when needed.
runCanon : ∀ {a b}
→ Canon a b
→ Morphism a b
runCanon [] = id
runCanon (f ∷ fs) = f >>> runCanon fs
-- One big advantage of this representation is that it is composable.
-- With Morphism, even though (f >>> (g >>> id)) and (h >>> id) are both in
-- canonical form, their composition (f >>> (g >>> id)) >>> (h >>> id) is
-- not. With the Canon representations (f ∷ g ∷ []) and (h ∷ []), we can
-- easily obtain the composition (f ∷ g ∷ h ∷ []) using list-concatenation.
-- Which we can now easily implement using pattern-matching.
_++_ : ∀ {a b c}
→ Canon a b
→ Canon b c
→ Canon a c
[] ++ gs = gs
(f ∷ fs) ++ gs = f ∷ (fs ++ gs)
-- Note that while (f >>> (g >>> id)) >>> (h >>> id) is not canonical, the
-- associativity and identity laws we have assumed for _>>>_ allow us to
-- conclude that (f >>> (g >>> id)) >>> (h >>> id) is equal to the canonical
-- representation (f >>> (g >>> (h >>> id))), a.k.a. runCanon [f ∷ g ∷ h ∷ id].
-- This will be very helpful in a moment when we prove that each side is
-- equal to its canonical form.
runCanon-++ : ∀ {a b c}
→ (fs : Canon a b)
→ (gs : Canon b c)
→ runCanon (fs ++ gs) ≡ runCanon fs >>> runCanon gs
runCanon-++ [] gs =
runCanon ([] ++ gs)
runCanon gs
≡⟨ sym id->>> ⟩
id >>> runCanon gs
runCanon [] >>> runCanon gs
runCanon-++ (f ∷ fs) gs =
runCanon ((f ∷ fs) ++ gs)
runCanon (f ∷ (fs ++ gs))
f >>> runCanon (fs ++ gs)
≡⟨ ⟨>>> runCanon-++ fs gs ⟩ ⟩
f >>> (runCanon fs >>> runCanon gs)
≡⟨ sym >>>->>> ⟩
(f >>> runCanon fs) >>> runCanon gs
runCanon (f ∷ fs) >>> runCanon gs
-- We once again have to define a data type so we can pattern-match on it.
-- This time, it's so we can match on the two sides of the potential equality
-- we want to prove:
-- (id >>> f) >>> (g >>> id) ≡ f >>> id >>> g
-- will be represented as
-- ([id] [>>>] [ f ]) [>>>] ([ g ] [>>>] [id])
-- and
-- [ f ] [>>>] [id] [>>>] [ g ]
data Expr : Object → Object → Set where
[_] : ∀ {a b}
→ Morphism a b
→ Expr a b
[id] : ∀ {a}
→ Expr a a
_[>>>]_ : ∀ {a b c}
→ Expr a b
→ Expr b c
→ Expr a c
infixr 5 _[>>>]_
-- Of course, we can easily convert
-- ([id] [>>>] [ f ]) [>>>] ([ g ] [>>>] [id])
-- to
-- (id >>> f) >>> (g >>> id)
-- when needed.
runExpr : ∀ {a b}
→ Expr a b
→ Morphism a b
runExpr [ f ] = f
runExpr [id] = id
runExpr (e₁ [>>>] e₂) = runExpr e₁ >>> runExpr e₂
-- We are finally ready to simplify each side to its canonical form:
-- [ f ] [>>>] [id] [>>>] [ g ]
-- becomes
-- f ∷ g ∷ []
canon : ∀ {a b} → Expr a b → Canon a b
canon [ f ] = f ∷ []
canon [id] = []
canon (e₁ [>>>] e₂) = canon e₁ ++ canon e₂
-- That is, (f >>> id >>> g) becomes (f >>> (g >>> id)). We are now ready to
-- show that those that those two expressions are equivalent; that is, that
-- each side is equal to its canonical form.
runExpr≡runCanon : ∀ {a b}
→ (e : Expr a b)
→ runExpr e ≡ runCanon (canon e)
runExpr≡runCanon [ f ] =
runExpr [ f ]
≡⟨ sym >>>-id ⟩
f >>> id
runCanon (f ∷ [])
runCanon (canon [ f ])
runExpr≡runCanon [id] =
runExpr [id]
runCanon []
runCanon (canon [id])
runExpr≡runCanon (e₁ [>>>] e₂) =
runExpr (e₁ [>>>] e₂)
runExpr e₁ >>> runExpr e₂
≡⟨ ⟨ runExpr≡runCanon e₁ >>>⟩ ⟩
runCanon (canon e₁) >>> runExpr e₂
≡⟨ ⟨>>> runExpr≡runCanon e₂ ⟩ ⟩
runCanon (canon e₁) >>> runCanon (canon e₂)
≡⟨ sym (runCanon-++ (canon e₁) (canon e₂)) ⟩
runCanon (canon e₁ ++ canon e₂)
runCanon (canon (e₁ [>>>] e₂))
-- Now that all the pieces are in place, we provide the user with a magic
-- function which automatically proves two Morphism expressions equal, for
-- the low-low cost of repeating the expressions in Expr form, and providing
-- the easy refl proof that the canonical representations are equal.
prove : ∀ {a b}
→ (e₁ e₂ : Expr a b)
→ canon e₁ ≡ canon e₂
→ runExpr e₁ ≡ runExpr e₂
prove e₁ e₂ canon₁≡canon₂ =
runExpr e₁
≡⟨ runExpr≡runCanon e₁ ⟩
runCanon (canon e₁)
≡⟨ cong runCanon canon₁≡canon₂ ⟩
runCanon (canon e₂)
≡⟨ sym (runExpr≡runCanon e₂) ⟩
runExpr e₂
-- For comparison, here's a proof written by hand:
long-example : ∀ {a b c}
→ (f : Morphism a b) (g : Morphism b c)
→ (id >>> f) >>> (g >>> id)
≡ f >>> id >>> g
long-example f g =
(id >>> f) >>> (g >>> id)
≡⟨ ⟨ id->>> >>>⟩ ⟩
f >>> (g >>> id)
≡⟨ ⟨>>> >>>-id ⟩ ⟩
f >>> g
≡⟨ ⟨>>> sym id->>> ⟩ ⟩
f >>> (id >>> g)
-- Here's the corresponding proof using our solver:
short-example : ∀ {a b c}
→ (f : Morphism a b) (g : Morphism b c)
→ (id >>> f) >>> (g >>> id)
≡ f >>> id >>> g
short-example f g = prove (([id] [>>>] [ f ]) [>>>] ([ g ] [>>>] [id]))
([ f ] [>>>] [id] [>>>] [ g ])
-- And of course, using the "type-aware macro" technique I described in
--, we can
-- easily generate the Expr (and the refl) arguments from the equation we
-- want to prove, this way we don't have to write it twice:
-- shortest-example : ∀ {a b c}
-- → (f : Morphism a b) (g : Morphism b c)
-- → (id >>> f) >>> (g >>> id)
-- ≡ f >>> id >>> g
-- shortest-example f g = proveAuto
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