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Created August 3, 2016 04:12
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A matrix indexed by its diagonal
module Main
import Data.Vect
namespace row
-- (VectD n a i x) is like (xs : Vect n a),
-- with an extra (x = index' m (toList xs)) index
data VectD : Nat -> (a : Type) -> Nat -> Maybe a -> Type where
Nil : VectD Z a i Nothing
(::) : (x : a)
-> VectD n a (pred i) x'
-> VectD (S n) a i (if isZero i then Just x else x')
example1 : VectD 3 Nat 0 (Just 4)
example1 = [4, 5, 6]
example2 : VectD 3 Nat 1 (Just 5)
example2 = [4, 5, 6]
example3 : VectD 3 Nat 2 (Just 6)
example3 = [4, 5, 6]
example4 : VectD 3 Nat 3 Nothing
example4 = [4, 5, 6]
namespace diagonal
maybeCons : Maybe a -> List a -> List a
maybeCons Nothing xs = xs
maybeCons (Just x) xs = x :: xs
-- a diagonal which starts at an horizontal offset
diagonalAt : Nat -> List (List a) -> List a
diagonalAt i Nil = Nil
diagonalAt i (xs :: xss) = maybeCons (index' i xs) (diagonalAt (S i) xss)
example1 : diagonalAt 0 [[1, 2, 3]
,[4, 5, 6]
= the (List Nat) [1, 5]
example1 = Refl
example2 : diagonalAt 1 [[1, 2, 3]
,[4, 5, 6]
= the (List Nat) [2, 6]
example2 = Refl
example3 : diagonalAt 2 [[1, 2, 3]
,[4, 5, 6]
= the (List Nat) [3]
example3 = Refl
example4 : diagonalAt 3 [[1, 2, 3]
,[4, 5, 6]
= the (List Nat) []
example4 = Refl
namespace matrix
-- (MatrixD m n a i xs) is like (xss : Vect m (Vect n a)),
-- with an extra (xs = diagonalAt i (toList (map toList xss))) index
data MatrixD : Nat -> Nat -> (a : Type) -> Nat -> List a -> Type where
Nil : MatrixD Z m a i Nil
(::) : VectD n a i x
-> MatrixD m n a (S i) xs
-> MatrixD (S m) n a i (maybeCons x xs)
example1 : MatrixD 2 2 Nat 0 [1, 4]
example1 = [[1, 2]
,[3, 4]
example2 : MatrixD 2 3 Nat 0 [1, 5]
example2 = [[1, 2, 3]
,[4, 5, 6]
example3 : MatrixD 2 3 Nat 1 [2, 6]
example3 = [[1, 2, 3]
,[4, 5, 6]
example4 : MatrixD 2 3 Nat 2 [3]
example4 = [[1, 2, 3]
,[4, 5, 6]
example5 : MatrixD 3 2 Nat 0 [1, 4]
example5 = [[1, 2]
,[3, 4]
,[5, 6]
main : IO ()
main = do
putStrLn "typechecks."
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