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Last active December 22, 2015 10:29
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The ~/.hawk/prelude.hs you would need in order to run the tree command in the Hawk README.
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances, OverloadedStrings #-}
import Prelude
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as B
import qualified Data.List as L
import Data.Monoid
import Data.Tree hiding (Forest)
import System.Console.Hawk.Representable
newtype Forest a = Forest {unForest :: [Tree a]}
deriving Show
instance Functor Forest where
fmap f = Forest . (fmap.fmap) f . unForest
instance Row a => Rows (Tree a) where
repr d = display ""
display indent (Node x ts) = line:lines
line = indent <> repr' d x
lines = concatMap (display indent') ts
indent' = " " <> indent
instance Row a => Rows (Forest a) where
repr d (Forest ts) = concatMap (repr d) ts
tree :: Ord p => (a -> p) -> (a -> p) -> [a] -> Forest a
tree pid ppid xs = Forest $ unfoldForest node roots
roots = filter_ppid (`notElem` map pid xs) xs
node x = (x, children x)
children x = filter_ppid (== pid x) xs
filter_ppid p = filter (p . ppid)
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gelisam commented Sep 6, 2013

You can use the tree command as follows.

> ps -eo 'pid,ppid,comm' | hawk -a 'fmap (drop 2) . tree (!! 0) (!! 1) . tail'

This asks ps to output three columns: the process id, the parent process id, and the command. Then, hawk runs the output through three more steps. First, the headers row is stripped off by tail. Next, the remaining rows are arranged as a tree, using the first two columns as keys and parent keys. Finally, drop 2 removes those two columns from the output, resulting in a tree of commands.

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