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Created September 28, 2022 04:30
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same as LensList.hs, but for an arbitrary Traversable
-- in response to
-- The challenge is to implement a partial function of type
-- list :: Traversable f
-- => f (Lens s t a b)
-- -> Lens (f s) (f t) (f a) (f b)
-- using the existential representation of lenses.
-- This solution is based on my solution [1] for the previous challenge [2].
-- [1]
-- [2]
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor, DeriveFoldable, DeriveTraversable, GADTs #-}
import Control.Monad.Trans.State (evalState, get, put)
import Data.Foldable (Foldable(toList))
import Data.Traversable (for)
-- Recall the solution from the previous challenge:
data Lens s t a b where
:: (s -> (u, a))
-> ((u, b) -> t)
-> Lens s t a b
:: [Lens s t a b]
-> Lens [s] [t] [a] [b]
listL = foldr cons nil
:: Lens [s] [t] [a] [b]
= Lens
(\[] -> ((), []))
(\((),[]) -> [])
:: Lens s t a b
-> Lens [s] [t] [a] [b]
-> Lens [s] [t] [a] [b]
cons (Lens split1 join1)
(Lens splitN joinN)
= Lens
( \(s:ss)
-> let (u,a) = split1 s
in let (us,as) = splitN ss
in ((u,us), a:as)
( \((u,us), b:bs)
-> let t = join1 (u,b)
in let ts = joinN (us,bs)
in t:ts
-- One key assumption in this challenge is that all the containers have the
-- same number of elements. This is a very useful assumption, because if we
-- have two containers with the same number of elements and one of the two
-- containers is 'Traversable', we can transfer the elements from one container
-- to the other:
:: Traversable f
=> f a -> [b] -> f b
replaceElements fa bs0
= flip evalState bs0 $ do
for fa $ \_ -> do
bbs <- get
case bbs of
b:bs -> do
put bs
pure b
[] -> do
error "replaceElements: not enough elements given"
-- We can now solve the challenge by delegating to the 'listL' solution from
-- the previous challenge, using 'replaceElements' to convert between lists and
-- 'f'.
:: Traversable f
=> f (Lens s t a b)
-> Lens (f s) (f t) (f a) (f b)
listF fl
= case listL (toList fl) of
Lens splitL joinL
-> Lens
( \fs
-> let (u,as) = splitL (toList fs)
in (u, replaceElements fs as)
( \(u,fb)
-> let ts = joinL (u, toList fb)
in replaceElements fb ts
-- We're done with the challenge, but in order to demonstrate that the
-- implementation works as intended, let's define a 'Traversable', some lenses,
-- and some lens operations:
_1 :: Lens (a,u) (b,u) a b
_1 = Lens
(\(a,u) -> (u,a))
(\(u,b) -> (b,u))
_2 :: Lens (u,a) (u,b) a b
_2 = Lens
(\(u,a) -> (u,a))
(\(u,b) -> (u,b))
data Triple a = Triple a a a
deriving (Show, Functor, Foldable, Traversable)
reverseTriple :: Triple a -> Triple a
reverseTriple (Triple x y z) = Triple z y x
:: Lens s t a b
-> (s -> a)
view (Lens split _)
= snd . split
:: Lens s t a b
-> (a -> b)
-> (s -> t)
over (Lens split join) f
= join
. (\(u, a) -> (u, f a))
. split
-- We are now ready to demonstrate that @listF@ behaves as intended:
main :: IO ()
main = do
let ss = Triple ("A","a")
let ll = Triple _1 _2 _1
-- Triple "A" "b" "C"
print $ view (listF ll) ss
-- Triple ("C","a") ("B","b") ("A","c")
print $ over (listF ll) reverseTriple ss
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