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Created March 3, 2014 13:58
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ExistentialQuantification example
-- in reply to
{-# LANGUAGE ExistentialQuantification #-}
import Text.Printf
type Key = String
data Widget s = Widget
{ handleKey :: Key -> s -> s
, draw :: Int -> Int -> s -> IO () -- s was missing
, getFocus :: s -> s
, loseFocus :: s -> s
-- more methods may be added in the future
data AnyWidget = forall s. AnyWidget
{ methods :: Widget s
, currentState :: s
handleKey' :: Key -> AnyWidget -> AnyWidget
handleKey' k (AnyWidget m s) = AnyWidget m (handleKey m k s)
draw' :: Int -> Int -> AnyWidget -> IO ()
draw' x y (AnyWidget m s) = draw m x y s
getFocus' :: AnyWidget -> AnyWidget
getFocus' (AnyWidget m s) = AnyWidget m (getFocus m s)
loseFocus' :: AnyWidget -> AnyWidget
loseFocus' (AnyWidget m s) = AnyWidget m (loseFocus m s)
type Radius = Int
circle :: Widget Radius
circle = Widget
{ handleKey = \_ -> (+1)
, draw = printf "circle (%d, %d) %d\n"
, getFocus = (*2)
, loseFocus = (`div` 2)
type Size = (Int, Int)
rect :: Widget Size
rect = Widget
{ handleKey = \_ (w, h) -> (w+1, h)
, draw = \x y (w, h) -> printf "rect (%d, %d) (%d, %d)\n" x y w h
, getFocus = \(w, h) -> (w, h*2)
, loseFocus = \(w, h) -> (w, h `div` 2)
widgets :: [AnyWidget]
widgets = [AnyWidget circle 10, AnyWidget rect (15, 5)]
main = do
printf "initial state:\n"
let ws0 = widgets
mapM_ (draw' 0 0) ws0
printf "\npressing <up arrow>:\n"
let ws1 = map (handleKey' "up") ws0
mapM_ (draw' 0 0) ws1
printf "\nfocus on first widget:\n"
let [c,r] = ws1
let c' = getFocus' c
let r' = r
mapM_ (draw' 0 0) [c',r']
printf "\nfocus on second widget:\n"
let c'' = loseFocus' c'
let r'' = getFocus' r'
mapM_ (draw' 0 0) [c'',r'']
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