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Created July 1, 2019 22:00
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writing Arbitrary instances for monadic DSLs which generate references
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances, GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving, LambdaCase #-}
module ShrinkingScopedPrograms where
import Test.DocTest
import Control.Monad.State
import Data.Map (Map)
import Test.QuickCheck
import qualified Data.Map as Map
-- $setup
-- >>> import Data.Maybe
-- The challenge is to write an Arbitrary instance for a monadic DSL in which
-- some actions can only reference things which have already been generated.
-- First, let's create such a monadic DSL.
newtype Counter = UnsafeCounter
{ unCounter :: Int }
newtype CounterGenerator a = UnsafeCounterGenerator
{ unCounterGenerator :: StateT (Map Int Int) Maybe a }
deriving (Functor, Applicative, Monad)
-- |
-- >>> :{
-- runCounterGenerator $ do
-- counter1 <- newCounter
-- counter2 <- newCounter
-- (,,,) <$> bumpCounter counter1
-- <*> bumpCounter counter2
-- <*> bumpCounter counter2
-- <*> bumpCounter counter1
-- :}
-- Just (0,0,1,1)
runCounterGenerator :: CounterGenerator a -> Maybe a
runCounterGenerator = flip evalStateT Map.empty . unCounterGenerator
newCounter :: CounterGenerator Counter
newCounter = UnsafeCounterGenerator $ do
n <- Map.size <$> get
modify $ Map.insert n 0
pure (UnsafeCounter n)
-- Must be called on a 'Counter' generated by a previous call to 'newCounter' in
-- this 'CounterGenerator' computation. This restriction makes it difficult to
-- write an 'Arbitrary' instance: the set of valid 'Counter' values varies over
-- time, so we cannot simply call 'arbitrary' to pick a random one.
bumpCounter :: Counter -> CounterGenerator Int
bumpCounter (UnsafeCounter i) = UnsafeCounterGenerator $ do
s <- get
let s' = Map.adjust (+1) i s
put s'
-- an intentional defect which we'll find using 'quickCheck'
when ( 0 `Map.member` s'
&& 1 `Map.member` s'
&& 2 `Map.member` s'
&& s' Map.! 0 < s' Map.! 1
&& s' Map.! 1 < s' Map.! 2
) $ do
pure (s Map.! i)
-- The trick is: don't write the 'arbitrary' method for 'CounterGenerator' in
-- terms of recursive calls to 'arbitrary', use a dedicated function which takes
-- the Counters which are in scope as an argument.
arbitraryCounterGenerator :: Int
-> Int
-> CounterGenerator [Counter]
-> Gen (CounterGenerator ())
arbitraryCounterGenerator remainingSteps numberOfCounters generateCounters =
if remainingSteps == 0
then terminate
else oneof [addAnotherCounter, bumpArbitraryCounter]
terminate :: Gen (CounterGenerator ())
terminate = pure $ do
_ <- generateCounters
pure ()
bumpArbitraryCounter :: Gen (CounterGenerator ())
bumpArbitraryCounter = do
i <- choose (0, numberOfCounters - 1)
arbitraryCounterGenerator (remainingSteps - 1) numberOfCounters $ do
counters <- generateCounters
_ <- bumpCounter (counters !! i)
pure counters
addAnotherCounter :: Gen (CounterGenerator ())
addAnotherCounter = do
arbitraryCounterGenerator (remainingSteps - 1) (numberOfCounters + 1) $ do
counters <- generateCounters
counter <- newCounter
pure (counters ++ [counter])
instance Arbitrary (CounterGenerator ()) where
arbitrary = sized $ \n -> do
k <- choose (0, n)
arbitraryCounterGenerator k 1 $ do
counter <- newCounter
pure [counter]
-- |
-- If we try enough programs, sooner or later we'll trigger the bug:
-- >>> :{
-- forever $ do
-- counterGenerator <- generate arbitrary :: IO (CounterGenerator ())
-- guard $ isJust $ runCounterGenerator counterGenerator
-- :}
-- *** Exception: user error (mzero)
-- ...
-- Unfortunately, that bug is going to be pretty hard to fix, because we cannot
-- examine nor shrink the program which triggers it. Using a Free Monad encoding
-- would help us to examine the program, but because that encoding contains
-- functions, it would be difficult to implement a shrink method.
-- Instead, let's split 'arbitraryCounterGenerator' into two pieces: one which
-- generates a value of a type we can easily examine and shrink, and one which
-- interprets that value into a 'CounterGenerator'.
data CounterAction
= NewCounter Int
| BumpCounter Int
deriving (Eq, Show)
-- There is an implicit @NewCounter 0@ in front of the list.
-- The first 'NewCounter' must use 1, the second 2, etc.
-- If there are @n@ NewCounters to the left of a 'BumpCounter', that
-- 'BumpCounter' must be an element of @[0..n]@.
newtype CounterActions = CounterActions
{ unCounterActions :: [CounterAction] }
deriving Show
-- precondition: @(actions ++ [BumpCounter (numberOfCounters-1)])@ must be a
-- valid 'CounterActions'
arbitraryCounterActions :: Int
-> Int
-> [CounterAction]
-> Gen CounterActions
arbitraryCounterActions remainingSteps numberOfCounters actions =
if remainingSteps == 0
then bumpFinalCounter
else oneof [addAnotherCounter, bumpArbitraryCounter]
bumpArbitraryCounter :: Gen CounterActions
bumpArbitraryCounter = do
i <- choose (0, numberOfCounters - 1)
let action = BumpCounter i
arbitraryCounterActions (remainingSteps - 1)
(actions ++ [action])
bumpFinalCounter :: Gen CounterActions
bumpFinalCounter = do
i <- choose (0, numberOfCounters - 1)
let action = BumpCounter i
pure $ CounterActions (actions ++ [action])
addAnotherCounter :: Gen CounterActions
addAnotherCounter = do
let action = NewCounter numberOfCounters
arbitraryCounterActions (remainingSteps - 1)
(numberOfCounters + 1)
(actions ++ [action])
instance Arbitrary CounterActions where
arbitrary = sized $ \n -> do
k <- choose (0, n)
arbitraryCounterActions k 1 []
shrink actions0 = fmap CounterActions . go . unCounterActions $ actions0
go :: [CounterAction] -> [[CounterAction]]
go [] = []
go (BumpCounter i : actions) = dropAction
: shrinkAction
++ shrinkActions
dropAction :: [CounterAction]
dropAction = actions
shrinkAction :: [[CounterAction]]
shrinkAction = do
i' <- shrink i
pure (BumpCounter i' : actions)
shrinkActions :: [[CounterAction]]
shrinkActions = do
actions' <- go actions
pure (BumpCounter i : actions')
go (NewCounter i : actions) = dropAction
: shrinkActions
dropAction :: [CounterAction]
dropAction = map (\case
NewCounter j | j > i -> NewCounter (j - 1)
BumpCounter j | j > i -> BumpCounter (j - 1)
action -> action)
. filter (/= BumpCounter i)
$ actions
shrinkActions :: [[CounterAction]]
shrinkActions = do
actions' <- go actions
pure (NewCounter i : actions')
interpretCounterActions :: CounterActions -> CounterGenerator ()
interpretCounterActions counterActions = do
counter <- newCounter
go [counter] (unCounterActions counterActions)
go :: [Counter] -> [CounterAction] -> CounterGenerator ()
go _ [] = pure ()
go counters (BumpCounter i : actions) = do
_ <- bumpCounter (counters !! i)
go counters actions
go counters (NewCounter _ : actions) = do
counter <- newCounter
go (counters ++ [counter]) actions
-- We can now trigger the bug, shrink the 'CounterActions' which caused it, and
-- examine the problematic program:
-- >>> quickCheck (isJust . runCounterGenerator . interpretCounterActions)
-- *** Failed! Falsifiable (after ... tests and ... shrinks):
-- CounterActions {unCounterActions = [NewCounter 1,NewCounter 2,BumpCounter 2,BumpCounter 2,BumpCounter 1]}
-- | which corresponds to
-- >>> :{
-- runCounterGenerator $ do
-- counter0 <- newCounter -- implicit @NewCounter 0@
-- counter1 <- newCounter -- @NewCounter 1@
-- counter2 <- newCounter -- @NewCounter 2@
-- bumpCounter counter2 -- @BumpCounter 2@
-- bumpCounter counter2 -- @BumpCounter 2@
-- bumpCounter counter1 -- @BumpCounter 1@
-- :}
-- Nothing
main :: IO ()
main = doctest ["ShrinkingScopedPrograms.hs"]
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