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Created December 2, 2021 23:02
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using Comonads to solve Advent of Code 2021 day 1
-- in response to
-- Can we solve using the NonEmpty Comonad?
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase, ScopedTypeVariables #-}
import Prelude hiding (sum)
import Control.Category ((>>>))
import Control.Comonad (Comonad(extract, extend))
import Control.Monad (guard)
import Data.Either (rights)
import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty((:|)))
import Data.Maybe (mapMaybe)
import qualified Data.List.NonEmpty as NonEmpty
-- There are a bunch of generic functions like 'mapM' and 'whileM' which work
-- with any Monad. Correspondingly, there should be generic functions which
-- work with any Comonad. I couldn't find them on hackage though, so let's
-- define our own.
-- I often want to propagate data from one part of the data structure to the
-- other; in this case from the tail of the list to the head. We can do that
-- using a function which gathers the data from its immediate neighbours, by
-- repeatedly calling 'extend' until the data has jumped from neighbour to
-- neighbour to our desired destination. In this implementation, the desired
-- destination is the focus.
:: forall w a r. Comonad w
=> (w (Either a r) -> Maybe r)
-> w a -> r
propagate weither2maybe
-- w a
= fmap Left
-- w (Either a r)
>>> iterate (extend weither2either)
-- [w (Either a r)]
>>> fmap extract
-- [Either a r]
>>> rights
-- [r]
>>> head -- the list cannot be empty, but it can be _|_ if the data never
-- reaches the focus
:: w (Either a r) -> Either a r
weither2either weither
= case weither2maybe weither of
Just r
-> Right r
-> extract weither
-- For example, we can sum all the values in the NonEmpty by propagating the
-- sum so far from the tail to the head. Note that pattern-matching failures
-- cause the Maybe computation to fail with 'Nothing', thus indicating that the
-- data has not yet reached the current cell.
:: NonEmpty Int -> Int
sum = propagate $ \case
current :| [] -> do
Left x <- pure current
pure x
current :| neighbour : _ -> do
Left x <- pure current
Right sumSoFar <- pure neighbour
pure (sumSoFar + x)
-- The two exercise in Day 1 use 'sum' in a very specific way: to count the
-- number of places in which a particular pattern occurs. So let's create
-- another generic function for that use case. 'sum' only works with NonEmpty,
-- but we can make 'count' work with any Comonad for which we know how to sum
-- its contents.
:: Comonad w
=> (w Int -> Int)
-> (w a -> Maybe ())
-> w a -> Int
count wsum detect
= wsum . fmap maybe2int . extend detect
:: Maybe () -> Int
maybe2int (Just ())
= 1
maybe2int Nothing
= 0
-- We can now solve the first part of the Day 1 exercise, counting the number
-- of times the depth increases, by having each cell check whether they are a
-- location where the depth increases (one time) or not (zero times), and then
-- taking the sum.
:: NonEmpty Int -> Int
day1a = count sum detect
:: NonEmpty Int -> Maybe ()
detect nonEmpty = do
x :| y : _ <- pure nonEmpty
guard (x < y)
-- The second part is very similar, except that we're using a sliding window.
-- There are two cells at the end which don't have enough data to begin a
-- sliding window of length 3, so we need to use a 'Maybe'.
day1b :: NonEmpty Int -> Int
-- NonEmpty Int
= extend slidingWindow
-- NonEmpty (Maybe Int)
>>> count sum detect
-- Int
:: NonEmpty Int -> Maybe Int
slidingWindow nonEmpty = do
x1 :| x2 : x3 : _ <- pure nonEmpty
pure (x1 + x2 + x3)
:: NonEmpty (Maybe Int) -> Maybe ()
detect nonEmpty = do
Just x :| Just y : _ <- pure nonEmpty
guard (x < y)
-- Compare the above Comonad-based solution to the one I originally wrote for
-- Advent of Code:
-- > day1a :: [Int] -> Int
-- > day1a xs
-- > = length
-- > $ filter id
-- > $ zipWith (>) (drop 1 xs) xs
-- >
-- > day1b :: [Int] -> Int
-- > = day1a
-- > . fmap sum
-- > . mapMaybe take3
-- > . tails
-- > where
-- > take3 :: [a] -> Maybe [a]
-- > take3 xs = do
-- > x1 : x2 : x3 : _ <- pure xs
-- > pure [x1, x2, x3]
-- One thing I notice is that my original solution reuses 'day1a' in 'day1b',
-- while my Comonad-based solution doesn't. That's because Comonad operations
-- cannot change the overall shape of a structure, they can only change the
-- value of each cell. Thus, when the sliding window forces us to ignore the
-- last two cells, this has a cascading impact on the rest of the computation,
-- which now needs to be adapted to handle 'Maybe's.
-- Of course, that's only a problem if we restrict ourselves to Comonad
-- operations. I chose to do that as part of Bartosz's challenge, but under
-- normal circumstances, it makes more sense to mix and match Comonad and
-- non-Comonad operations as needed, like this:
day1b' :: NonEmpty Int -> Int
-- NonEmpty Int
= extend slidingWindow
-- NonEmpty (Maybe Int)
>>> NonEmpty.toList
-- [Maybe Int]
>>> mapMaybe id
-- [Int]
>>> NonEmpty.fromList -- _|_ if the original list has less than 3 entries
-- NonEmpty Int
>>> day1a
-- Int
:: NonEmpty Int -> Maybe Int
slidingWindow nonEmpty = do
x1 :| x2 : x3 : _ <- pure nonEmpty
pure (x1 + x2 + x3)
main :: IO ()
main = do
input <- readFile "example"
-- input <- readFile "input"
print $ day1a $ NonEmpty.fromList $ fmap read $ lines $ input
print $ day1b $ NonEmpty.fromList $ fmap read $ lines $ input
print $ day1b' $ NonEmpty.fromList $ fmap read $ lines $ input
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