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Created March 12, 2019 15:51
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using indexed Monads to make illegal DAGs underrepresentable
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances, GADTs, MultiParamTypeClasses, RebindableSyntax #-}
import Data.Maybe
import Prelude (IO, putStrLn, ($), id, (.), fst, snd)
data Void
data Dag where
Dag :: Dag' a -> Dag
data Dag' a where
Nil :: Dag' Void
Cons :: [a] -> Dag' a -> Dag' (Maybe a)
class IxMonad m where
return :: a -> m i i a
(>>=) :: m i j a -> (a -> m j k b) -> m i k b
newtype StateIx i j a = StateIx
{ runStateIx :: i -> (j, a) }
instance IxMonad StateIx where
return a = StateIx $ \i -> (i, a)
sija >>= cc = StateIx $ \i
-> let (j, a) = runStateIx sija i
in runStateIx (cc a) j
execStateIx :: StateIx i j a -> i -> j
execStateIx sija = fst . runStateIx sija
class Weaken i j where
weaken :: i -> j
instance {-# OVERLAPPING #-} Weaken (Maybe i) (Maybe i) where
weaken = id
instance Weaken i j => Weaken i (Maybe j) where
weaken = Just . weaken
edgeTo :: Weaken i j => i -> j
edgeTo = weaken
vertex :: [i] -> StateIx (Dag' i)
(Dag' (Maybe i))
(Maybe i)
vertex edges = StateIx $ \dag'
-> (Cons edges dag', Nothing)
dag :: StateIx (Dag' Void)
(Dag' j)
-> Dag
dag body = Dag (execStateIx body Nil)
infixr 0 `Cons`
example :: Dag
example = dag $ do
e <- vertex []
d <- vertex [edgeTo e]
x <- vertex [edgeTo d]
b <- vertex [edgeTo d]
a <- vertex [edgeTo b, edgeTo x]
return ()
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adithyaov commented Mar 30, 2019

@gelisam, Could I please have your thoughts on the following code.
Do you think it solves the same purpose, but in a simpler manner?
Of course, the representation of the DAG is unsafe but one needn't export its constructors.
Vertices here are encoded by natural numbers.

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