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A version of ConduitT with N input streams instead of 1
-- Follow up to [1], praising @viercc's better solution [2].
-- [1]
-- [2]
-- The challenge is still to implement a function which takes in three
-- Conduits, and uses the values from the first Conduit in order to decide
-- which of the other two Conduits to sample from next. Something like this:
-- example bools ints strings = do
-- maybeBool <- awaitMaybe bools
-- case maybeBool of
-- Nothing -> do
-- liftIO $ putStrLn "it's over"
-- Just True -> do
-- int <- await ints
-- yield (int + 4)
-- example
-- Just False -> do
-- str <- await strings
-- liftIO $ putStrLn str
-- yield $ length str
-- example
-- And I still want a solution which works for n Conduits, not just three. But
-- this time, instead of switching to the notoriously-complex "machines"
-- package, I'll stick to conduit, thanks to @viercc's great tip of using
-- Conduit _transformers_.
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase, RankNTypes, ScopedTypeVariables #-}
module Main where
import Test.DocTest
import Control.Monad.IO.Class (MonadIO(liftIO))
import Control.Monad.Trans.Class (lift)
import Data.Conduit hiding (Source)
import Data.Functor.Identity (Identity(runIdentity))
import Data.Void (absurd)
-- $setup
-- >>> import qualified Data.Conduit.Combinators as Conduit
-- >>> import qualified Data.Conduit.List as Conduit
-- >>> :{
-- let testConduit
-- :: Show o
-- => ConduitT () o IO ()
-- -> IO ()
-- testConduit source = do
-- os <- connect source Conduit.consume
-- print os
-- :}
-- In the previous post, I used a type-level list to keep track of the
-- multiple inputs. This time, we'll represent a conduit with n inputs as a
-- stack of n 'ConduitT' transformers.
type Source m o = ConduitT () o m ()
type Process m a o = ConduitT a o m ()
type Tee m a b o = ConduitT a o
(ConduitT b Void m) ()
type Tee3 m a b c o = ConduitT a o
(ConduitT b Void
(ConduitT c Void m)) ()
-- Each 'ConduitT' layer has two type arguments; one for the elements you
-- await from the single input you get when you use conduits the normal way,
-- and one for the elements you send downstream. With n layers, we can thus
-- specify n inputs, which is what we want, but we must also specify n
-- outputs, which is n-1 too many. Using 'Void' for all but one of the outputs
-- clarifies that only one of them is actually used.
-- Now that we have unexpectedly managed to represent conduits which take more
-- than one input, how can we attach those inputs? In the previous post, I
-- defined a versatile 'polyCapL' function which could attach a 'Source' to a
-- number of different machines:
-- -- polyCapL :: Source m a -> Process m a o -> Source m o
-- -- polyCapL :: Source m a -> Tee m a b o -> Process m b o
-- -- polyCapL :: Source m a -> Tee3 m a b c o -> Tee m b c o
-- polyCapL
-- :: Source m a1
-- -> PolyTee m (a1 ': as) o
-- -> PolyTee m as o
-- I would like to construct a similar function here. As before, I want to
-- attach a single source as the first input 'a1', while leaving the remaining
-- inputs 'as' untouched. In this conduit stack representation, the first
-- input is the input of the outermost 'ConduitT' layer, while the remaining
-- inputs are specified by the rest of the layers, 'mm':
-- myPolyCapL
-- :: Source m a1 ()
-- -> ConduitT a1 o mm r
-- -> mm r
-- In order for this type to specialize to these,
-- myPolyCapL :: Source m a -> Process m a o -> Source m o
-- myPolyCapL :: Source m a -> Tee m a b o -> Process m b o
-- myPolyCapL :: Source m a -> Tee3 m a b c o -> Tee m b c o
-- I need to somehow specify that the monad at the base of the 'mm' stack must
-- be 'm'. When 'm' is IO, this is represented using a 'MonadIO' constraint:
-- liftIO :: forall x. IO x -> mm x
-- There exists a @MonadBase m@ constraint which generalizes 'MonadIO':
-- liftBase :: forall x. m x -> mm x
-- But instead of adding an orphan @MonadBase m (ConduitT i o mm)@ instance,
-- I'll just ask for an extra @forall x. m x -> mm x@ parameter:
-- myPolyCapL
-- :: (forall x. m x -> mm x)
-- => Source m a1 ()
-- -> ConduitT a1 o mm r
-- -> mm r
-- Another way in which the type above isn't quite right is that the output
-- type 'o' disappears. The fix is quite simple: instead of only concretizing
-- the very outermost ConduitT layer and leaving the rest abstract, I
-- concretize the _two_ outermost ConduitT layers:
:: forall a b o m mm r. (Monad m, Monad mm)
=> (forall x. m x -> mm x)
-> ConduitT () a m ()
-> ConduitT a o (ConduitT b Void mm) r
-> ConduitT b o mm r
myPolyCapL liftM src doubleConduit
= connect src' doubleConduit''
-- The implementation looks very different from polyCapL's, but it's the
-- same idea. It just so happens that the conduit API is expressive enough
-- that we can achieve our goal via several small transformations, without
-- having to unravel the conduits into sequences of instructions.
src' :: ConduitT () a (ConduitT b o mm) ()
= transPipe (lift . liftM) src
doubleConduit' :: ConduitT a o (ConduitT b o mm) r
= transPipe (mapOutput absurd) doubleConduit
-- The 'doubleConduit' transformations swap the 'Void' and 'o' output
-- types.
-- At this point one might wonder why I chose the convention of
-- using 'Void' for all but the _outermost_ layer. If I had chosen the
-- innermost layer instead, the 'o' would already be in the right
-- position, and I wouldn't need to perform any transformations on
-- 'doubleConduit'!
-- The reason is simply to provide a more ergonomic experience to the
-- user: by choosing the outermost layer, the user can emit by writing
-- emit o
-- Whereas if I had chosen the innermost layer, the user would have to
-- write this instead.
-- lift $ lift $ emit o
doubleConduit'' :: ConduitT a Void (ConduitT b o mm) r
= fuseUpstream doubleConduit' outputToInner
outputToInner :: ConduitT o Void (ConduitT b o mm) ()
outputToInner = do
await >>= \case
Just o -> do
lift $ yield o
Nothing -> do
pure ()
-- The types line up, but how does this work? We're compiling down to a single layer, so how did we persuade conduit to magically create a ConduitT with more than one input?
-- The secret is, we didn't! Conduits are combined in the same way machines are: by lining up and then eliminating matching `yield` and `await` instructions. Thus, after we have attached an input and eliminated a ConduitT layer, all the `await` calls which were reading from that input have been replaced by a fragment of the code from that input, namely the code between two consecutive `yield`s. That's the magic of representing computations as a sequence of instructions, we can splice and rearrange those instructions!
-- In fact, machines are represented in pretty much the same way as conduits, as a sequence of instructions, they aren't stored as a tree or a graph of instructions as one might expect. Pretty much the only difference is that a machine's `awaits` instruction takes an extra argument specifying which inputs it is awaiting from.
-- Anyway, since I suspect that most conduit stacks will either have IO or Identity as
-- a base monad, here are two specializations which fill-in the 'liftM'
-- parameter.
-- polyCapIO :: Source IO a -> Process IO a o -> Source IO o
-- polyCapIO :: Source IO a -> Tee IO a b o -> Process IO b o
-- polyCapIO :: Source IO a -> Tee3 IO a b c o -> Tee IO b c o
:: forall a b o mm r. MonadIO mm
=> Source IO a
-> ConduitT a o (ConduitT b Void mm) r
-> ConduitT b o mm r
= myPolyCapL liftIO
:: forall a b o mm r. Monad mm
=> ConduitT () a Identity ()
-> ConduitT a o (ConduitT b Void mm) r
-> ConduitT b o mm r
= myPolyCapL (pure . runIdentity)
-- In the previous post, I also implemented a 'polyCapR' function for
-- converting a fully-saturated 'PolyTee' into a 'Source', so it can be used
-- with existing machine combinators.
-- polyCapR
-- :: PolyTee m '[] b
-- -> Source m b
-- With the conduit layers representation, such a function is not needed.
-- After attaching all but one of the inputs, the result is a single ConduitT
-- layer, that is, a normal conduit which can already be used with existing
-- conduit combinators. In particular, 'fuse' can be used to attach the last
-- input, thus converting the conduit to a source.
-- We can finally implement the challenge; twice, in order to exercise both
-- the IO and Identity specializations.
-- |
-- >>> :{
-- testConduit
-- $ fuse (Conduit.yieldMany ["foo", "bar", "quux"])
-- $ polyCapIO (Conduit.yieldMany [1..])
-- $ polyCapIO (Conduit.yieldMany [True, False, False, True, False])
-- $ exampleIO
-- :}
-- foo
-- bar
-- quux
-- it's over
-- [5,3,3,6,4]
:: ConduitT Bool Int
(ConduitT Int Void
(ConduitT String Void IO))
exampleIO = do
maybeBool <- await
case maybeBool of
Nothing -> do
liftIO $ putStrLn "it's over"
Just True -> do
Just int <- lift await
yield (int + 4)
Just False -> do
Just str <- lift $ lift await
liftIO $ putStrLn str
yield $ length str
-- |
-- >>> :{
-- testConduit
-- $ fuse (Conduit.yieldMany ["foo", "bar", "quux"])
-- $ polyCap (Conduit.yieldMany [1..])
-- $ polyCap (Conduit.yieldMany [True, False, False, True, False])
-- $ example
-- :}
-- [5,3,3,6,4]
:: forall m. MonadFail m
=> ConduitT Bool Int
(ConduitT Int Void
(ConduitT String Void m))
example = do
maybeBool <- await
case maybeBool of
Nothing -> do
pure ()
Just True -> do
Just int <- lift await
yield (int + 4)
Just False -> do
Just str <- lift $ lift await
yield $ length str
main :: IO ()
main = do
putStrLn "typechecks."
test :: IO ()
test = do
doctest ["src/Main.hs"]
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