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Created January 30, 2020 14:39
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A Haskell reimplementation of Scala's "direct pattern-matching on strings"
-- in response to
-- The goal is to mimic this Scala code, but in Haskell:
-- > "spotify:user:123:playlist:456" match {
-- > case s"spotify:user:$userId:playlist:$playlistId"
-- > => ($userId, $playlistId) // ("123", "456")
-- > }
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor, LambdaCase, PatternSynonyms, QuasiQuotes, RankNTypes, TemplateHaskell, TypeOperators, ViewPatterns #-}
{-# OPTIONS -Wno-name-shadowing #-}
import Test.DocTest
import Control.Category ((>>>))
import Control.Lens hiding ((:<), (:>))
import Control.Monad (guard)
import Data.Char (isDigit, isLetter)
import Language.Haskell.TH
import Language.Haskell.TH.Quote
-- $setup
-- >>> :set -XQuasiQuotes
-- >>> :set -XViewPatterns
-- The other replies mentioned pattern synonyms and quasi-quotes. Both work, but
-- in very different ways.
-- First, let's implement some helper functions which we'll be using in both
-- approaches.
-- |
-- A generalization of 'break' which looks at the entire remainder of the
-- string, not just the next character.
-- >>> splitWhen ((== 2) . length) "foobar"
-- Just ("foob","ar")
-- >>> splitWhen (\xs -> xs == reverse xs) "yolo"
-- Just ("y","olo")
splitWhen :: (String -> Bool)
-> String -> Maybe (String, String)
splitWhen p xs | p xs
= Just ("", xs)
splitWhen _ []
= Nothing
splitWhen p (x:xs)
= splitWhen p xs
& _Just . _1 %~ (x:)
-- |
-- >>> splitOn "baz" "foobarbazquux"
-- Just ("foobar","quux")
splitOn :: String -> String -> Maybe (String, String)
splitOn delim
= splitWhen beginsWithDelim
>>> _Just . _2 %~ stripDelim
n = length delim
beginsWithDelim s = take n s == delim
stripDelim = drop n
-- All right, let's begin with the pattern-synonym approach, since it's the
-- simplest.
-- The input string and the pattern happen to both use colons as delimiters. We
-- can thus use an infix pattern synonym which looks like a colon, and then like
-- in the Scala code, our pattern will look a lot like the string we want to
-- match.
-- Ideally, I'd like to use the name @(:)@, so I can write this:
-- > case "spotify:user:123:playlist:456" of
-- > "spotify":"user":userId:"playlist":playlistId
-- > -> Just (userId, playlistId)
-- > _ -> Nothing
-- @"spotify":"user":userId:"playlist":playlistId@ has a few more double-quotes
-- than @s"spotify:user:$userId:playlist:$playlistId"@, but it's pretty close.
-- Unfortunately, while infix pattern synonyms coincidentally _must_ begin with
-- a colon, we cannot use @(:)@ because it's builtin syntax. And so is @(::)@.
-- So I guess we have to use @(:::)@.
-- |
-- >>> :{
-- case "spotify:user:123:playlist:456" of
-- "spotify":::"user":::userId:::"playlist":::playlistId
-- -> Just (userId, playlistId)
-- _ -> Nothing
-- :}
-- Just ("123","456")
pattern (:::) :: String -> String -> String
pattern (:::) x y <- (splitOn ":" -> Just (x, y))
infixr 0 :::
-- |
-- Now, while this trick allowed us to pattern-match on this particular input
-- string, the original tweet said that "Scala supports direct pattern matching
-- on strings", and what we've implemented is not at all the same feature. Most
-- obviously, the colons and the variables being bound are outside of the
-- string, and also there are several strings; but that's just syntax. More
-- importantly, there are limitations:
-- 1. If we wanted to use a different separator, we'd need to implement another
-- pattern synonym, whereas in Scala, we'd simply write a different separator
-- inside the string.
-- 2. Doesn't work if the left-hand side is a nested @(:::)@ pattern (hence the
-- infixr declaration), or a string containing a colon, or a pattern variable
-- which is expected to match a part of the string which contains a colon.
-- This last limitation seems benign since we're using colons to delimit the
-- entries and thus are unlikely to want a variable to be bound to a string
-- which contains a colon. However, consider the following example:
-- > "<p>I'm feeling <b>bold</b> today!</p>" match {
-- > case s"<p>$x</p>" => $x // "I'm feeling <b>bold</b> today!"
-- > }
-- While we can easily implement pattern synonyms for '<' and '>' which behave
-- the same way as the one for ':', this time it's clear that we do want the
-- variable to be bound to a string which contains some of those special
-- characters, as long as it does not include "</p>". I could not find an online
-- Scala evaluator which supported these @s""@ patterns, so I don't know whether
-- Scala's implementation works in the above case, but ours definitely doesn't:
-- >>> :{
-- case "<p>simple case works</p>" of
-- "":<"p":>x:<"/p":>""
-- -> Just x
-- _ -> Nothing
-- :}
-- Just "simple case works"
-- >>> :{
-- case "<p>complex case does <i>not</i>!</p>" of
-- "":<"p":>x:<"/p":>""
-- -> Just x
-- _ -> Nothing
-- :}
-- Nothing
pattern (:<) :: String -> String -> String
pattern (:<) x y <- (splitOn "<" -> Just (x, y))
infixr 0 :<
pattern (:>) :: String -> String -> String
pattern (:>) x y <- (splitOn ">" -> Just (x, y))
infixr 0 :>
-- Let's go back to limitation 1, the fact that we just had to define two more
-- pattern synonyms which are exactly the same as the first, except with a
-- different string. Can't we parameterize our pattern synonym implementation,
-- by adding an extra String argument, like this?
-- > pattern (:?) :: String -> String -> String -> String
-- > pattern (:?) delim x y <- (splitOn delim -> Just (x, y))
-- > infixr 0 :?
-- No, we can't, because those Strings aren't values we can pattern-match on
-- inside the definition of @(:?)@, they're pattern variables which we must bind
-- on the right-hand side of the @<-@. Alas, pattern synonyms are not first
-- class in Hakell, we cannot write a function which accepts or returns a
-- pattern synonym.
-- |
-- ...but we do have the next best thing, (affine) Folds! They're first class,
-- they represent a way to check whether a sub-thing is inside a bigger thing,
-- they're basically first-class patterns.
-- >>> :{
-- case "spotify:user:123:playlist:456" of
-- (preview (splittedOn ":") -> Just ("spotify",
-- preview (splittedOn ":") -> Just ("user",
-- preview (splittedOn ":") -> Just (userId,
-- preview (splittedOn ":") -> Just ("playlist", playlistId)))))
-- -> Just (userId, playlistId)
-- _ -> Nothing
-- :}
-- Just ("123","456")
splittedOn :: String -> Fold String (String, String)
splittedOn delim = to (splitOn delim) . _Just
-- |
-- That worked, but the syntax is horribly verbose. In fact, since we had to use
-- ViewPatterns in order to convince ghc to let use use our first-class patterns
-- inside an actual pattern, we might as well have used 'splitOn' directly:
-- >>> :{
-- case "spotify:user:123:playlist:456" of
-- (splitOn ":" -> Just ("spotify",
-- splitOn ":" -> Just ("user",
-- splitOn ":" -> Just (userId,
-- splitOn ":" -> Just ("playlist", playlistId)))))
-- -> Just (userId, playlistId)
-- _ -> Nothing
-- :}
-- Just ("123","456")
-- If we want a nice syntax, we're going to have to use the quasi-quote
-- approach.
-- The input of the quasi-quote is a string like "foo:$x:bar:$y:baz" containing
-- both string literals and variable names. So let's begin by parsing that
-- string into those pieces.
-- |
-- Haskell98 says "An identifier consists of a letter followed by zero or more
-- letters, digits, underscores, and single quotes."
-- >>> span isIdentifierChar "foo:bar"
-- ("foo",":bar")
isIdentifierChar :: Char -> Bool
isIdentifierChar c
= isLetter c
|| isDigit c
|| (c == '_')
|| (c == '\'')
data Piece a = Lit String | Var a
deriving (Functor, Show)
makePrisms ''Piece
-- |
-- >>> splitIntoPieces "foo:$x:bar:$y:baz:$z"
-- [Lit "foo:",Var "x",Lit ":bar:",Var "y",Lit ":baz:",Var "z"]
splitIntoPieces :: String -> [Piece String]
splitIntoPieces ""
= []
splitIntoPieces ('$':xs)
= Var var : splitIntoPieces xs'
(var, xs') = span isIdentifierChar xs
splitIntoPieces (x:xs)
= case splitIntoPieces xs of
Lit s : pieces
-> Lit (x:s) : pieces
-> Lit [x] : pieces
-- Next, let's figure out what we want to output. When the user defines
-- > example1 :: String -> String
-- > example1 [s|foo:$x:bar:$y:baz:$z|]
-- > = x ++ ":" ++ y ++ ":" ++ z
-- > example1 _
-- > = "no match"
-- we want to generate the following code.
-- |
-- >>> example1 "foo:my-foo:bar:my-bar:baz:my-baz"
-- "my-foo:my-bar:my-baz"
example1 :: String -> String
( (\s -> do
("", s) <- splitOn "foo:" s
(x, s) <- splitOn ":bar:" s
(y, s) <- splitOn ":baz:" s
let z = s
pure (x, y, z))
-> Just (x, y, z))
= x ++ ":" ++ y ++ ":" ++ z
example1 _
= "no match"
-- We had to do something special both at the beginning and at the end. That's
-- because our pattern string began with a literal and ended with a variable.
-- Here's what an input string which does the opposite would look like.
-- > example2 :: String -> String
-- > example2 [s|$x:foo:$y:bar:$z:baz|]
-- > = x ++ ":" ++ y ++ ":" ++ z
-- > example2 _
-- > = "no match"
-- |
-- >>> example2 "my-foo:foo:my-bar:bar:my-baz:baz"
-- "my-foo:my-bar:my-baz"
example2 :: String -> String
( (\s -> do
(x, s) <- splitOn ":foo:" s
(y, s) <- splitOn ":bar:" s
(z, s) <- splitOn ":baz" s
guard (s == "")
pure (x, y, z))
-> Just (x, y, z))
= x ++ ":" ++ y ++ ":" ++ z
example2 _
= "no match"
-- And now we just have to write the TemplateHaskell code which will generate
-- the above. There really isn't much to say about the implementation, I am
-- simply pattern-matching on the pieces and generating code according to the
-- above two examples.
s :: QuasiQuoter
s = QuasiQuoter
{ quoteExp = notAllowed
, quotePat = generatePat
, quoteType = notAllowed
, quoteDec = notAllowed
notAllowed :: String -> Q a
notAllowed _ = do
error "this quasi-quoter is only allowed in patterns"
generatePat :: String -> Q Pat
generatePat s = viewPat
pieces :: [Piece Name]
pieces = splitIntoPieces s
& each . _Var %~ mkName
varNames :: [Name]
varNames = pieces ^.. each . _Var
-- (x, y, z)
varsE :: Q Exp
varsE = tupE (map varE varNames)
-- (x, y, z)
varsP :: Q Pat
varsP = tupP (map varP varNames)
-- ((\s -> ...) -> Just (x, y, z))
viewPat :: Q Pat
viewPat = [p|($(fun) -> Just $(varsP))|]
-- \s -> ...
fun :: Q Exp
fun = do
s <- newName "s"
[|\ $(varP s) -> $(body s pieces)|]
body :: Name -> [Piece Name] -> Q Exp
body s = \case
[] -> do
-- guard (s == "")
-- pure (x, y, z)
[|do guard ($(varE s) == "")
pure $(varsE)|]
Lit lit : [] -> do
-- guard (s == lit)
-- pure (x, y, z)
[|do guard ($(varE s) == $(litE (stringL lit)))
pure $(varsE)|]
Lit lit : ps -> do
-- ("", s) <- splitOn lit s
[|splitOn $(litE (stringL lit))
$(varE s)
>>= \("", $(varP s)) -> $(body s ps)|]
Var var : [] -> do
-- let var = s
-- pure (x, y, z)
[|do let $(varP var) = $(varE s)
pure $(varsE)|]
Var var : Lit lit : ps -> do
-- (var, s) <- splitOn lit s
[|splitOn $(litE (stringL lit))
$(varE s)
>>= \($(varP var), $(varP s)) -> $(body s ps)|]
Var var1 : Var var2 : ps -> do
-- let var2 = ""
[|let $(varP var2) = ""
in $(body s (Var var1 : ps))|]
-- |
-- Finally, let's check that our implementation works with all of our examples
-- so far:
-- >>> :{
-- case "spotify:user:123:playlist:456" of
-- [s|spotify:user:$user:playlist:$playlist|]
-- -> Just (user, playlist)
-- _ -> Nothing
-- :}
-- Just ("123","456")
-- >>> :{
-- case "<p>I'm feeling <b>bold</b> today!</p>" of
-- [s|<p>$x</p>|]
-- -> Just x
-- _ -> Nothing
-- :}
-- Just "I'm feeling <b>bold</b> today!"
-- >>> :{
-- case "foo:my-foo:bar:my-bar:baz:my-baz" of
-- [s|foo:$x:bar:$y:baz:$z|]
-- -> x ++ ":" ++ y ++ ":" ++ z
-- _ -> "no match"
-- :}
-- "my-foo:my-bar:my-baz"
-- >>> :{
-- case "my-foo:foo:my-bar:bar:my-baz:baz" of
-- [s|$x:foo:$y:bar:$z:baz|]
-- -> x ++ ":" ++ y ++ ":" ++ z
-- _ -> "no match"
-- :}
-- "my-foo:my-bar:my-baz"
-- And that it does something sensible in corner cases:
-- case "spotify:user:123:playlist:456" of
-- [s|spotify:user:$user$x:playlist:$playlist$y$z|]
-- -> Just (user, x, playlist, y)
-- _ -> Nothing
-- :}
-- Just ("123","","456","","")
-- >>> :{
-- case "singleString" of
-- [s|singleString|]
-- -> Just ()
-- _ -> Nothing
-- :}
-- Just ()
-- >>> :{
-- case "my-var" of
-- [s|$singleVar|]
-- -> Just singleVar
-- _ -> Nothing
-- :}
-- Just "my-var"
-- Oh, one last thing!
-- Notice that this is a gist (only one file), and yet I'm using TemplateHaskell
-- and QuasiQuotes! Usually, GHC's stage restriction would require us to write
-- this in two files: one which defines the quasi-quote, and one which uses it.
-- I can get around this limitation by using doctest: the doctests are comments
-- and so I'm not really using the quasi-quotes at all in this file. But you can
-- still run them to validate that the output I wrote is the real output.
main :: IO ()
main = doctest ["StringPattern.hs"]
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