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Created September 5, 2016 02:33
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reddit image search results
var results = {"kind": "Listing", "data": {"facets": {}, "modhash": "", "children": [{"kind": "t3", "data": {"domain": "self.IAmA", "banned_by": null, "media_embed": {}, "subreddit": "IAmA", "selftext_html": "<!-- SC_OFF --><div class=\"md\"><p>Hi reddit. A little bit about each of us:</p>\n\n<ul>\n<li><p>Matthew: I'm the creator of The Oatmeal. </p></li>\n<li><p>Elan: I am Elan Lee, as of 30 days ago I make card games for a living.</p></li>\n<li><p>Shane: I was denied from being an 'In living color' Fly dancer because they said, and I quote, 'I Could pop but not lock'</p></li>\n</ul>\n\n<p>And we're the creators of "Exploding Kittens," the card game for people who are into kittens and explosions and laser beams and sometimes goats.</p>\n\n<p>There\u2019s about an hour left to get it here:<a href=\"\"></a></p>\n\n<p>Go ahead and AUA!</p>\n\n<p><a href=\"\"></a></p>\n\n<p>And the final seconds of our campaign have ticked away, so we're all going to go take a nap. Thank you amazing people!</p>\n</div><!-- SC_ON -->", "selftext": "Hi reddit. A little bit about each of us:\n\n* Matthew: I'm the creator of The Oatmeal. \n\n* Elan: I am Elan Lee, as of 30 days ago I make card games for a living.\n\n* Shane: I was denied from being an 'In living color' Fly dancer because they said, and I quote, 'I Could pop but not lock'\n\nAnd we're the creators of \"Exploding Kittens,\" the card game for people who are into kittens and explosions and laser beams and sometimes goats.\n\nThere\u2019s about an hour left to get it here:\n\nGo ahead and AUA!\n\n\n\nAnd the final seconds of our campaign have ticked away, so we're all going to go take a nap. Thank you amazing people!", "likes": null, "suggested_sort": null, "user_reports": [], "secure_media": null, "link_flair_text": "Gaming", "id": "2whrau", "from_kind": null, "gilded": 0, "archived": true, "clicked": false, "report_reasons": null, "author": "elanlee", "media": null, "score": 2807, "approved_by": null, "over_18": false, "hidden": false, "num_comments": 1405, "thumbnail": "self", "subreddit_id": "t5_2qzb6", "hide_score": false, "edited": 1424398706.0, "link_flair_css_class": "gaming", "author_flair_css_class": "mozilla", "downs": 0, "secure_media_embed": {}, "saved": false, "removal_reason": null, "stickied": false, "from": null, "is_self": true, "from_id": null, "permalink": "/r/IAmA/comments/2whrau/we_are_matthew_inman_elan_lee_and_shane_small/?ref=search_posts", "locked": false, "name": "t3_2whrau", "created": 1424420943.0, "url": "", "author_flair_text": "Elan Lee", "quarantine": false, "title": "We are Matthew Inman, Elan Lee, and Shane Small, creators of the card game \"Exploding Kittens.\" Ask us anything.", "created_utc": 1424392143.0, "distinguished": null, "mod_reports": [], "visited": false, "num_reports": null, "ups": 2807}}, {"kind": "t3", "data": {"domain": "self.tifu", "banned_by": null, "media_embed": {}, "subreddit": "tifu", "selftext_html": "<!-- SC_OFF --><div class=\"md\"><p>A few weeks ago, my cousin was driving behind a Ford Galaxy on a rural road. As the cars went over a bump, something fell from the wheel well of the car in front of her. She slammed on her brakes and got out of the car to see it was a tiny orange kitten! (She never could find the owners, and we assume he was a feral cat)</p>\n\n<p>Because I just had to put down my 17 year old orange cat, she decided to let me have the kitten, which we appropriately named 'Galaxy', due to his origin story. </p>\n\n<p>Fast forward a couple of weeks. I just bought a Samsung Note 4. Ever since I got the phone, it has been doing weird things. Namely, the voice recognizer will randomly turn on and search for things while I am casually browsing reddit. I couldn't figure out why, and the staff at the store was of no help.</p>\n\n<p>A few minutes ago, my kitten jumped on my lap while I was browsing twitter. So I said "oh hi, Galaxy, silly kitty!" Then my phone started a Google search for "silly kitty". ("Hi, Galaxy" is the phrase to start voice searches on samsung phones)</p>\n\n<p>This is going to get very old, very quickly.</p>\n\n<p>EDIT: as requested, <a href=\"\"></a></p>\n</div><!-- SC_ON -->", "selftext": "A few weeks ago, my cousin was driving behind a Ford Galaxy on a rural road. As the cars went over a bump, something fell from the wheel well of the car in front of her. She slammed on her brakes and got out of the car to see it was a tiny orange kitten! (She never could find the owners, and we assume he was a feral cat)\n\nBecause I just had to put down my 17 year old orange cat, she decided to let me have the kitten, which we appropriately named 'Galaxy', due to his origin story. \n\nFast forward a couple of weeks. I just bought a Samsung Note 4. Ever since I got the phone, it has been doing weird things. Namely, the voice recognizer will randomly turn on and search for things while I am casually browsing reddit. I couldn't figure out why, and the staff at the store was of no help.\n\nA few minutes ago, my kitten jumped on my lap while I was browsing twitter. So I said \"oh hi, Galaxy, silly kitty!\" Then my phone started a Google search for \"silly kitty\". (\"Hi, Galaxy\" is the phrase to start voice searches on samsung phones)\n\nThis is going to get very old, very quickly.\n\nEDIT: as requested,", "likes": null, "suggested_sort": null, "user_reports": [], "secure_media": null, "link_flair_text": "S", "id": "3k07p4", "from_kind": null, "gilded": 0, "archived": true, "clicked": false, "report_reasons": null, "author": "Oxy_Mandias", "media": null, "score": 4250, "approved_by": null, "over_18": false, "hidden": false, "num_comments": 711, "thumbnail": "", "subreddit_id": "t5_2to41", "hide_score": false, "edited": 1441667824.0, "link_flair_css_class": "S", "author_flair_css_class": null, "downs": 0, "secure_media_embed": {}, "saved": false, "removal_reason": null, "stickied": false, "from": null, "is_self": true, "from_id": null, "permalink": "/r/tifu/comments/3k07p4/tifu_by_not_realizing_the_consequences_of_a/?ref=search_posts", "locked": false, "name": "t3_3k07p4", "created": 1441682506.0, "url": "", "author_flair_text": null, "quarantine": false, "title": "TIFU by not realizing the consequences of a kitten's name", "created_utc": 1441653706.0, "distinguished": null, "mod_reports": [], "visited": false, "num_reports": null, "ups": 4250}}, {"kind": "t3", "data": {"domain": "self.tifu", "banned_by": null, "media_embed": {}, "subreddit": "tifu", "selftext_html": "<!-- SC_OFF --><div class=\"md\"><p>Recently my wife and I got two kittens, Harvi and Moxxie. They have been rambunctious little twerps, and they love to run around climbing on things. Their new favorite thing is climbing up our pant legs and fighting on our laps.</p>\n\n<p>Tonight was the breaking point. I couldn't take the kittens constantly clawing their way up and down while I was at the computer, so I finally declared "That's it! You can't climb up my pant leg if I'm not wearing pants!" With a flourish, I whipped off my pants and sat back down.</p>\n\n<p>It was a glorious five minutes before Moxxie leapt into the air, sunk her sharp, little kitty claws into my skin, and then stopped to contemplate climbing up the rest of the way.</p>\n\n<p>Distracted by the devil attached to my leg, I failed to notice Harvi running toward me in an attempt to get to Moxxie. As the poorer climber, Harvi has always gone for the easiest route. She went for the only cloth she saw... and promptly sunk her claws through my boxer briefs and into my scrotum.</p>\n\n<p>My wife claims to be in as much pain as I am, due to laughing so hard.</p>\n\n<p><a href=\"\">Here are the perps.</a></p>\n\n<p>TL;DR - My kitten's claws have touched my balls more recently than my wife.</p>\n\n<p>EDIT: Apparently the picture is titled "As a lonely college student living alone, I decided to adopt some roommates". It appears that someone has taken my image and published it as their own roughly 30 minutes before this edit. <a href=\"\">Here is the thief.</a></p>\n\n<p>EDIT 2.0: I have added new pictures of the kittens, one including my wife. You may now rescind your claims of "bullshit" if you would like.</p>\n</div><!-- SC_ON -->", "selftext": "Recently my wife and I got two kittens, Harvi and Moxxie. They have been rambunctious little twerps, and they love to run around climbing on things. Their new favorite thing is climbing up our pant legs and fighting on our laps.\n\nTonight was the breaking point. I couldn't take the kittens constantly clawing their way up and down while I was at the computer, so I finally declared \"That's it! You can't climb up my pant leg if I'm not wearing pants!\" With a flourish, I whipped off my pants and sat back down.\n\nIt was a glorious five minutes before Moxxie leapt into the air, sunk her sharp, little kitty claws into my skin, and then stopped to contemplate climbing up the rest of the way.\n\nDistracted by the devil attached to my leg, I failed to notice Harvi running toward me in an attempt to get to Moxxie. As the poorer climber, Harvi has always gone for the easiest route. She went for the only cloth she saw... and promptly sunk her claws through my boxer briefs and into my scrotum.\n\nMy wife claims to be in as much pain as I am, due to laughing so hard.\n\n[Here are the perps.](\n\nTL;DR - My kitten's claws have touched my balls more recently than my wife.\n\n\n\nEDIT: Apparently the picture is titled \"As a lonely college student living alone, I decided to adopt some roommates\". It appears that someone has taken my image and published it as their own roughly 30 minutes before this edit. [Here is the thief.](\n\nEDIT 2.0: I have added new pictures of the kittens, one including my wife. You may now rescind your claims of \"bullshit\" if you would like.", "likes": null, "suggested_sort": null, "user_reports": [], "secure_media": null, "link_flair_text": null, "id": "2ympsq", "from_kind": null, "gilded": 0, "archived": true, "clicked": false, "report_reasons": null, "author": "InfiniteSquareWhale", "media": null, "score": 3538, "approved_by": null, "over_18": false, "hidden": false, "num_comments": 505, "thumbnail": "", "subreddit_id": "t5_2to41", "hide_score": false, "edited": 1426087944.0, "link_flair_css_class": null, "author_flair_css_class": null, "downs": 0, "secure_media_embed": {}, "saved": false, "removal_reason": null, "stickied": false, "from": null, "is_self": true, "from_id": null, "permalink": "/r/tifu/comments/2ympsq/tifu_by_out_thinking_my_kittens/?ref=search_posts", "locked": false, "name": "t3_2ympsq", "created": 1426067047.0, "url": "", "author_flair_text": null, "quarantine": false, "title": "TIFU by \"out thinking\" my kittens.", "created_utc": 1426038247.0, "distinguished": null, "mod_reports": [], "visited": false, "num_reports": null, "ups": 3538}}, {"kind": "t3", "data": {"domain": "self.tifu", "banned_by": null, "media_embed": {}, "subreddit": "tifu", "selftext_html": "<!-- SC_OFF --><div class=\"md\"><p>My five month old kitten was napping beside me while I was laying on my side reading a book.</p>\n\n<p>Felt a bit of a squeaker building up, and thought it would be funny to startle kitty with it. </p>\n\n<p>Spread my cheeks, and lined up my puckered brown eye to the back of kitty's head. I felt like Lee Harvey Oswald.</p>\n\n<p>Let my little squeaker go.</p>\n\n<p>It sounded like a Wookie coughing.</p>\n\n<p>Poor cat shot about three feet high and six feet forward off the bed.</p>\n\n<p>This was about three hours ago, and he still won't come out for his food and bolts as soon as I try to touch him.</p>\n\n<p>EDIT - Thanks for the gold!</p>\n\n<p>As requested, here's a pic of my victim. Looks as though he's still struggling to come to terms with it. </p>\n\n<p><a href=\"\"></a></p>\n</div><!-- SC_ON -->", "selftext": "My five month old kitten was napping beside me while I was laying on my side reading a book.\n\nFelt a bit of a squeaker building up, and thought it would be funny to startle kitty with it. \n\nSpread my cheeks, and lined up my puckered brown eye to the back of kitty's head. I felt like Lee Harvey Oswald.\n\nLet my little squeaker go.\n\nIt sounded like a Wookie coughing.\n\nPoor cat shot about three feet high and six feet forward off the bed.\n\nThis was about three hours ago, and he still won't come out for his food and bolts as soon as I try to touch him.\n\nEDIT - Thanks for the gold!\n\nAs requested, here's a pic of my victim. Looks as though he's still struggling to come to terms with it. \n\n", "likes": null, "suggested_sort": null, "user_reports": [], "secure_media": null, "link_flair_text": null, "id": "2ur3fw", "from_kind": null, "gilded": 2, "archived": true, "clicked": false, "report_reasons": null, "author": "LoadSock", "media": null, "score": 3679, "approved_by": null, "over_18": false, "hidden": false, "num_comments": 458, "thumbnail": "", "subreddit_id": "t5_2to41", "hide_score": false, "edited": 1423121952.0, "link_flair_css_class": null, "author_flair_css_class": null, "downs": 0, "secure_media_embed": {}, "saved": false, "removal_reason": null, "stickied": false, "from": null, "is_self": true, "from_id": null, "permalink": "/r/tifu/comments/2ur3fw/tifu_by_fart_blasting_my_kitten_off_the_bed/?ref=search_posts", "locked": false, "name": "t3_2ur3fw", "created": 1423085739.0, "url": "", "author_flair_text": null, "quarantine": false, "title": "TIFU by fart blasting my kitten off the bed.", "created_utc": 1423056939.0, "distinguished": null, "mod_reports": [], "visited": false, "num_reports": null, "ups": 3679}}, {"kind": "t3", "data": {"domain": "", "banned_by": null, "media_embed": {"content": "<iframe width=\"600\" height=\"338\" src=\"\" frameborder=\"0\" allowfullscreen></iframe>", "width": 600, "scrolling": false, "height": 338}, "subreddit": "videos", "selftext_html": null, "selftext": "", "likes": null, "suggested_sort": null, "user_reports": [], "secure_media": null, "link_flair_text": null, "id": "vr7ou", "from_kind": null, "gilded": 0, "archived": true, "clicked": false, "report_reasons": null, "author": "Doctor_Kitten", "media": {"type": "", "oembed": {"provider_url": "", "description": "Anakin our two legged kitten playing with his ball & feather. This little guy loves his toys!! Meet Anakin! Ani is a two legged cat, born without a pelvis or back legs but that doesn't stop him. He is full of love & life! My family and I rescued Anakin and I am caring for him.", "title": "Anakin our two legged kitten playing with his ball & feather", "url": "", "author_name": "Tigerpixie", "height": 338, "width": 600, "html": "<iframe width=\"600\" height=\"338\" src=\"\" frameborder=\"0\" allowfullscreen></iframe>", "thumbnail_width": 480, "version": "1.0", "provider_name": "YouTube", "thumbnail_url": "", "type": "video", "thumbnail_height": 360, "author_url": ""}}, "score": 1361, "approved_by": null, "over_18": false, "hidden": false, "num_comments": 240, "thumbnail": "", "subreddit_id": "t5_2qh1e", "hide_score": false, "edited": false, "link_flair_css_class": null, "author_flair_css_class": null, "downs": 0, "secure_media_embed": {}, "saved": false, "removal_reason": null, "stickied": false, "from": null, "is_self": false, "from_id": null, "permalink": "/r/videos/comments/vr7ou/this_is_anakin_hes_a_kitten_born_without_hind/?ref=search_posts", "locked": false, "name": "t3_vr7ou", "created": 1340939884.0, "url": "", "author_flair_text": null, "quarantine": false, "title": "This is Anakin. He's a kitten born without hind legs. Look at him go!", "created_utc": 1340911084.0, "distinguished": null, "mod_reports": [], "visited": false, "num_reports": null, "ups": 1361}}, {"kind": "t3", "data": {"domain": "self.AskReddit", "banned_by": null, "media_embed": {}, "subreddit": "AskReddit", "selftext_html": "<!-- SC_OFF --><div class=\"md\"><p>My friends an I debate this all the time... My answer is a kitten sized gorilla. </p>\n\n<p>EDIT: by popular demand I would like to add a pig sized elephant to the running.</p>\n</div><!-- SC_ON -->", "selftext": "My friends an I debate this all the time... My answer is a kitten sized gorilla. \n\nEDIT: by popular demand I would like to add a pig sized elephant to the running.", "likes": null, "suggested_sort": null, "user_reports": [], "secure_media": null, "link_flair_text": null, "id": "hpwnc", "from_kind": null, "gilded": 0, "archived": true, "clicked": false, "report_reasons": null, "author": "bmusolfmoose", "media": null, "score": 751, "approved_by": null, "over_18": false, "hidden": false, "num_comments": 956, "thumbnail": "", "subreddit_id": "t5_2qh1i", "hide_score": false, "edited": true, "link_flair_css_class": null, "author_flair_css_class": null, "downs": 0, "secure_media_embed": {}, "saved": false, "removal_reason": null, "stickied": false, "from": null, "is_self": true, "from_id": null, "permalink": "/r/AskReddit/comments/hpwnc/would_you_rather_have_2_goldfish_sized_dolphins/?ref=search_posts", "locked": false, "name": "t3_hpwnc", "created": 1307050808.0, "url": "", "author_flair_text": null, "quarantine": false, "title": "Would you rather have 2 goldfish sized dolphins or 1 kitten sized gorilla?", "created_utc": 1307022008.0, "distinguished": null, "mod_reports": [], "visited": false, "num_reports": null, "ups": 751}}, {"kind": "t3", "data": {"domain": "", "banned_by": null, "media_embed": {}, "subreddit": "", "selftext_html": "<!-- SC_OFF --><div class=\"md\"><p>While in college, I lived in a house that I rented (with a few other roommates). This house was next to a vacant lot. Well, the lot was vacant of a house, though it was home to a stray cat. </p>\n\n<p>I knew the (human) neighbor prior to moving in, and on Sundays we would grill out behind his house on his large stone/brick grill. One particular Sunday we were visited by a momma cat and a few feral kittens. These adorable baby animals were very shy, and would run if you stood up. But hunger quickly overcame shyness, and they would eat any scraps you threw to them.</p>\n\n<p>Over the next few Sundays a cautious trust was established between the cats and us. One little black kitten in particular was hardly shy at all. This one black kitten caught my eye, and I made up my mind to \u201crescue\u201d it.</p>\n\n<p>A week or two later, I have the day off work, and I\u2019m hanging out at my house in my pajama pants and a t-shirt. I had a busy day planned of playing video games and grilling meat. I step out on my front porch and fire up my grill. Before I\u2019m done cooking, my little visitors show up for a free meal. Only this time the mother is nowhere to be seen.</p>\n\n<p>Now is my chance.</p>\n\n<p>I place a \u201cbread crumb\u201d trail of cat treats from the stairs to up the porch to where I\u2019m standing. Leading the way is the little black kitten. Ninja fast I grab my new little kitten. </p>\n\n<p>And then it happens\u2026</p>\n\n<p>My last lucid thought was that my cat, Retzen, was about to have a new playmate. That thought quickly changed.</p>\n\n<p>The moment I touched this kitten (read: demon), it screams with a bloodlust howl never heard before by human ears. This howl empowers/buffs the kittens surrounding me and instantly they fluff up super saiyan style to twice their size. </p>\n\n<p>Then they attack.</p>\n\n<p>This is no kung-fu movie; they do not wait and attack me one at a time. They are as relentless as (fluffy) zombies, and never give me a moments rest. </p>\n\n<p>One minute I\u2019m grilling chicken. The next I have a severely lacerated forearm from a screaming kitten who has now morphed into a (still screaming) misengineered blender with the blades on the outside. Not only that\u2026 I\u2019m being climbed, cut, clawed, pounced, ripped, bitten, scraped, scratched, mangled and eviscerated by a half dozen of its siblings. </p>\n\n<p>Here I am, a full grown male in his 20\u2019s and I\u2019m being felled by mere claw and fur weighing half a pound each. So I go on the defensive. \nI tuck in the tiny, black, demon kitten with my right hand, so he can\u2019t get away. With my left hand free, I start swatting away the other kittens attacking/climbing/besieging my legs.</p>\n\n<p>Had I planned this ahead of time, I would have worn some sort of armor. Alas, this day my only armor is a thin pair of pajama pants and a t-shirt. Never in my wildest dreams did I think I would have this much trouble from a kitten. </p>\n\n<p>Struggling for freedom, my captured kitten lands his killing blow. Tucked like a football, and drenched in my own blood, he wiggles free enough to bite what would normally be a pair of jeans. Oddly enough, this was the kitten\u2019s lucky day. Rather than biting my leg, he grabs hold of my manhood through my pajama pants. </p>\n\n<p>I now know this cat is pure, unadulterated evil. </p>\n\n<p>It is now my turn to let out a howl of my own as I pull off the kitten still dangling by its teeth from my lower extremity. Once free of the circumcising beast, I chase the kittens off my porch, and run inside to tend my wounds. </p>\n\n<p>The kittens were never seen again\u2026</p>\n\n<p>(Side note: How fast can you google what to do on the off chance a feral kitten teeth-pierces your Glans while currently bleeding from both of your forearms and hands?)</p>\n\n<p>(tldr: I went to grab a kitten. It bit my dick.)</p>\n</div><!-- SC_ON -->", "selftext": "While in college, I lived in a house that I rented (with a few other roommates). This house was next to a vacant lot. Well, the lot was vacant of a house, though it was home to a stray cat. \n\nI knew the (human) neighbor prior to moving in, and on Sundays we would grill out behind his house on his large stone/brick grill. One particular Sunday we were visited by a momma cat and a few feral kittens. These adorable baby animals were very shy, and would run if you stood up. But hunger quickly overcame shyness, and they would eat any scraps you threw to them.\n\nOver the next few Sundays a cautious trust was established between the cats and us. One little black kitten in particular was hardly shy at all. This one black kitten caught my eye, and I made up my mind to \u201crescue\u201d it.\n\nA week or two later, I have the day off work, and I\u2019m hanging out at my house in my pajama pants and a t-shirt. I had a busy day planned of playing video games and grilling meat. I step out on my front porch and fire up my grill. Before I\u2019m done cooking, my little visitors show up for a free meal. Only this time the mother is nowhere to be seen.\n\nNow is my chance.\n\nI place a \u201cbread crumb\u201d trail of cat treats from the stairs to up the porch to where I\u2019m standing. Leading the way is the little black kitten. Ninja fast I grab my new little kitten. \n\nAnd then it happens\u2026\n\nMy last lucid thought was that my cat, Retzen, was about to have a new playmate. That thought quickly changed.\n\nThe moment I touched this kitten (read: demon), it screams with a bloodlust howl never heard before by human ears. This howl empowers/buffs the kittens surrounding me and instantly they fluff up super saiyan style to twice their size. \n\nThen they attack.\n\nThis is no kung-fu movie; they do not wait and attack me one at a time. They are as relentless as (fluffy) zombies, and never give me a moments rest. \n\nOne minute I\u2019m grilling chicken. The next I have a severely lacerated forearm from a screaming kitten who has now morphed into a (still screaming) misengineered blender with the blades on the outside. Not only that\u2026 I\u2019m being climbed, cut, clawed, pounced, ripped, bitten, scraped, scratched, mangled and eviscerated by a half dozen of its siblings. \n\nHere I am, a full grown male in his 20\u2019s and I\u2019m being felled by mere claw and fur weighing half a pound each. So I go on the defensive. \nI tuck in the tiny, black, demon kitten with my right hand, so he can\u2019t get away. With my left hand free, I start swatting away the other kittens attacking/climbing/besieging my legs.\n\nHad I planned this ahead of time, I would have worn some sort of armor. Alas, this day my only armor is a thin pair of pajama pants and a t-shirt. Never in my wildest dreams did I think I would have this much trouble from a kitten. \n\nStruggling for freedom, my captured kitten lands his killing blow. Tucked like a football, and drenched in my own blood, he wiggles free enough to bite what would normally be a pair of jeans. Oddly enough, this was the kitten\u2019s lucky day. Rather than biting my leg, he grabs hold of my manhood through my pajama pants. \n\nI now know this cat is pure, unadulterated evil. \n\nIt is now my turn to let out a howl of my own as I pull off the kitten still dangling by its teeth from my lower extremity. Once free of the circumcising beast, I chase the kittens off my porch, and run inside to tend my wounds. \n\nThe kittens were never seen again\u2026\n\n(Side note: How fast can you google what to do on the off chance a feral kitten teeth-pierces your Glans while currently bleeding from both of your forearms and hands?)\n\n(tldr: I went to grab a kitten. It bit my dick.)", "likes": null, "suggested_sort": null, "user_reports": [], "secure_media": null, "link_flair_text": null, "id": "9l439", "from_kind": null, "gilded": 0, "archived": true, "clicked": false, "report_reasons": null, "author": "feralkitten", "media": null, "score": 852, "approved_by": null, "over_18": false, "hidden": false, "num_comments": 510, "thumbnail": "", "subreddit_id": "t5_6", "hide_score": false, "edited": false, "link_flair_css_class": null, "author_flair_css_class": null, "downs": 0, "secure_media_embed": {}, "saved": false, "removal_reason": null, "stickied": false, "from": null, "is_self": true, "from_id": null, "permalink": "/r/", "locked": false, "name": "t3_9l439", "created": 1253132331.0, "url": "", "author_flair_text": null, "quarantine": false, "title": "I survived a kitten attack.", "created_utc": 1253103531.0, "distinguished": null, "mod_reports": [], "visited": false, "num_reports": null, "ups": 852}}, {"kind": "t3", "data": {"domain": "self.funny", "banned_by": null, "media_embed": {}, "subreddit": "funny", "selftext_html": "<!-- SC_OFF --><div class=\"md\"><p>A lot of people will probably be upset over this, but guys, I love kittens too and I swear it wasn't my fault.</p>\n\n<p>So last night me and my girlfriend were up late drinking a couple beers and watching tv. We were about to go to sleep so I got up to get my pre-sleep piss in. My girlfriend's bathroom is set up strangely and has two doors in it - one from her bedroom and one from the hallway. I walked through the bedroom door and forgot to close the other one. Lately my girlfriend's four month old kitten, Coco, has been really into sinks and toilets. I don't know why because she hates baths. Anyway, midstream Coco jumps up on the toilet bowl and before I can cut off the supply, she sticks her little head straight into my stream. This is how the rest went:</p>\n\n<p>ME: COCO NOOO!!!!</p>\n\n<p>GF: What? What happened?</p>\n\n<p>ME: I... can't... tell you.</p>\n\n<p>GF: Why not? What did you do?</p>\n\n<p>ME: I just can't.</p>\n\n<p>GF: DID YOU PEE ON MY CAT?</p>\n\n<p>ME: [fall to floor and laugh for two whole minutes]</p>\n\n<p>I then had to chase the kitten around the apartment for the next five minutes while laughing so I could clean her, but not before my girlfriend accidentally touched the cat's head covered in urine.</p>\n\n<p><a href=\"\">Here is a photo of the adorable little victim.</a></p>\n\n<p>I'm sorry Coco.</p>\n</div><!-- SC_ON -->", "selftext": "A lot of people will probably be upset over this, but guys, I love kittens too and I swear it wasn't my fault.\n\nSo last night me and my girlfriend were up late drinking a couple beers and watching tv. We were about to go to sleep so I got up to get my pre-sleep piss in. My girlfriend's bathroom is set up strangely and has two doors in it - one from her bedroom and one from the hallway. I walked through the bedroom door and forgot to close the other one. Lately my girlfriend's four month old kitten, Coco, has been really into sinks and toilets. I don't know why because she hates baths. Anyway, midstream Coco jumps up on the toilet bowl and before I can cut off the supply, she sticks her little head straight into my stream. This is how the rest went:\n\nME: COCO NOOO!!!!\n\nGF: What? What happened?\n\nME: I... can't... tell you.\n\nGF: Why not? What did you do?\n\nME: I just can't.\n\nGF: DID YOU PEE ON MY CAT?\n\nME: [fall to floor and laugh for two whole minutes]\n\nI then had to chase the kitten around the apartment for the next five minutes while laughing so I could clean her, but not before my girlfriend accidentally touched the cat's head covered in urine.\n\n[Here is a photo of the adorable little victim.](\n\nI'm sorry Coco.", "likes": null, "suggested_sort": null, "user_reports": [], "secure_media": null, "link_flair_text": null, "id": "134tyv", "from_kind": null, "gilded": 0, "archived": true, "clicked": false, "report_reasons": null, "author": "babiestgiraffe", "media": null, "score": 1684, "approved_by": null, "over_18": false, "hidden": false, "num_comments": 723, "thumbnail": "self", "subreddit_id": "t5_2qh33", "hide_score": false, "edited": 1352831732.0, "link_flair_css_class": null, "author_flair_css_class": null, "downs": 0, "secure_media_embed": {}, "saved": false, "removal_reason": null, "stickied": false, "from": null, "is_self": true, "from_id": null, "permalink": "/r/funny/comments/134tyv/reddit_last_night_i_peed_on_my_girlfriends_kitten/?ref=search_posts", "locked": false, "name": "t3_134tyv", "created": 1352860348.0, "url": "", "author_flair_text": null, "quarantine": false, "title": "Reddit, last night I peed on my girlfriend's kitten...", "created_utc": 1352831548.0, "distinguished": null, "mod_reports": [], "visited": false, "num_reports": null, "ups": 1684}}, {"kind": "t3", "data": {"domain": "self.YouShouldKnow", "banned_by": null, "media_embed": {}, "subreddit": "YouShouldKnow", "selftext_html": "<!-- SC_OFF --><div class=\"md\"><p>I learned the hard way. </p>\n\n<p>I adopted a wee stray from the shelter and simply, it died from FIP and not thriving according to the vet. </p>\n\n<p>I was also told that due to the stress caused by shelters, baby kittens don't have a strong enough immune system yet to make a healthy start. </p>\n\n<p>I know a litter in your yard can be frustrating, but if you just gave them some time, the several vets said that most strays make it because being outside at that age helps them thrive. </p>\n\n<p>My heart broke because I thought I was doing the right thing by picking the youngest (I know, I know), but I truly thought he'd pull through. </p>\n\n<p><strong>Edit: No I did not keep kittens, I adopted an infected one from someone who brought a litter in too young to thrive</strong></p>\n</div><!-- SC_ON -->", "selftext": "I learned the hard way. \n\nI adopted a wee stray from the shelter and simply, it died from FIP and not thriving according to the vet. \n\nI was also told that due to the stress caused by shelters, baby kittens don't have a strong enough immune system yet to make a healthy start. \n\nI know a litter in your yard can be frustrating, but if you just gave them some time, the several vets said that most strays make it because being outside at that age helps them thrive. \n\nMy heart broke because I thought I was doing the right thing by picking the youngest (I know, I know), but I truly thought he'd pull through. \n\n**Edit: No I did not keep kittens, I adopted an infected one from someone who brought a litter in too young to thrive**\n\n", "likes": null, "suggested_sort": null, "user_reports": [], "secure_media": null, "link_flair_text": "Animal & Pets", "id": "3hqez4", "from_kind": null, "gilded": 0, "archived": true, "clicked": false, "report_reasons": null, "author": "ProtonDeathRay", "media": null, "score": 2143, "approved_by": null, "over_18": false, "hidden": false, "num_comments": 138, "thumbnail": "", "subreddit_id": "t5_2r94o", "hide_score": false, "edited": 1440099503.0, "link_flair_css_class": "ani", "author_flair_css_class": null, "downs": 0, "secure_media_embed": {}, "saved": false, "removal_reason": null, "stickied": false, "from": null, "is_self": true, "from_id": null, "permalink": "/r/YouShouldKnow/comments/3hqez4/ysk_to_keep_stray_kittens_around_for_at_least_2/?ref=search_posts", "locked": false, "name": "t3_3hqez4", "created": 1440115649.0, "url": "", "author_flair_text": null, "quarantine": false, "title": "YSK to keep stray kittens around for at least 2 months before taking them to the shelter as it greatly improves their survival rate.", "created_utc": 1440086849.0, "distinguished": null, "mod_reports": [], "visited": false, "num_reports": null, "ups": 2143}}, {"kind": "t3", "data": {"domain": "self.TalesFromRetail", "banned_by": null, "media_embed": {}, "subreddit": "TalesFromRetail", "selftext_html": "<!-- SC_OFF --><div class=\"md\"><p>Hi TFR, so I am not good at telling stories, please bear with me here:</p>\n\n<p>I am a shift supervisor at a pharmacy, and yesterday was our truck day. We were short staffed due to numerous vacations, so the only ones working were myself, a cashier, and another SS (who is in here 80's so we keep her at the registers). Well I was putting stuff away towards the back of the store and noticed someone waiting up front. Now this infuriates me because we are not a big store and very rarely should a customer have to wait at my store, so I walk up to the front somewhat mad, and when I get there I notice both employees are behind the registers, but that the cashier is <strong>NOT RINGING ANYONE UP.</strong></p>\n\n<p>As I get closer I notice that she is holding a little black kitten about the size of my fist.</p>\n\n<blockquote>\n<p>Cashier (to me): Would you like a kitten?</p>\n\n<p>Me (in baby voice as a kitten is being handed: yessss</p>\n\n<p>guy with a backpack across the counter: Here I got another, you can both have one.</p>\n</blockquote>\n\n<p>*Guy then walks out of our store...</p>\n\n<p>This was about 4.5 hours from the end of shift, so we kept the kittens in a box in the break room with some food and water...</p>\n\n<p>I will edit in pictures of my new kitten shortly</p>\n\n<p>Edit: sorry for the horrible quality, but this was the best I could get of my new kitten <a href=\"\"></a></p>\n</div><!-- SC_ON -->", "selftext": "Hi TFR, so I am not good at telling stories, please bear with me here:\n\nI am a shift supervisor at a pharmacy, and yesterday was our truck day. We were short staffed due to numerous vacations, so the only ones working were myself, a cashier, and another SS (who is in here 80's so we keep her at the registers). Well I was putting stuff away towards the back of the store and noticed someone waiting up front. Now this infuriates me because we are not a big store and very rarely should a customer have to wait at my store, so I walk up to the front somewhat mad, and when I get there I notice both employees are behind the registers, but that the cashier is **NOT RINGING ANYONE UP.**\n\nAs I get closer I notice that she is holding a little black kitten about the size of my fist.\n\n> Cashier (to me): Would you like a kitten?\n\n> Me (in baby voice as a kitten is being handed: yessss\n\n> guy with a backpack across the counter: Here I got another, you can both have one.\n\n*Guy then walks out of our store...\n\nThis was about 4.5 hours from the end of shift, so we kept the kittens in a box in the break room with some food and water...\n\nI will edit in pictures of my new kitten shortly\n\n \nEdit: sorry for the horrible quality, but this was the best I could get of my new kitten", "likes": null, "suggested_sort": null, "user_reports": [], "secure_media": null, "link_flair_text": "Short", "id": "3ay8dj", "from_kind": null, "gilded": 0, "archived": true, "clicked": false, "report_reasons": null, "author": "flal4", "media": null, "score": 1078, "approved_by": null, "over_18": false, "hidden": false, "num_comments": 197, "thumbnail": "", "subreddit_id": "t5_2t2zt", "hide_score": false, "edited": 1435154550.0, "link_flair_css_class": "short", "author_flair_css_class": null, "downs": 0, "secure_media_embed": {}, "saved": false, "removal_reason": null, "stickied": false, "from": null, "is_self": true, "from_id": null, "permalink": "/r/TalesFromRetail/comments/3ay8dj/i_got_an_itty_bitty_kitten/?ref=search_posts", "locked": false, "name": "t3_3ay8dj", "created": 1435181884.0, "url": "", "author_flair_text": null, "quarantine": false, "title": "I got an itty bitty kitten!", "created_utc": 1435153084.0, "distinguished": null, "mod_reports": [], "visited": false, "num_reports": null, "ups": 1078}}, {"kind": "t3", "data": {"domain": "self.trees", "banned_by": null, "media_embed": {}, "subreddit": "trees", "selftext_html": "<!-- SC_OFF --><div class=\"md\"><p>I friend i know needs to get rid of her kittens ASAP, there are 4 little kittens and need a loving home!! please give this an upvote so people can see this!!!</p>\n\n<p>according to someone from the area lot of the shelters in the area are maxed out, i just want to find a good home for these kittens. i am sorry it is not related to trees but i thought it would still be okay to post here, due to the large size of this sub reddit, and the friendliness of the people, the last thing i want is the kittens to be put down!!</p>\n\n<p>ONE KITTEN LEFT!!!!</p>\n\n<p>im at work for 2 and a half more hours and its starting to get busy, ill be back around at eight and checking back periodically</p>\n\n<p>heres a pic. the black one has been claimed by someone!\n<a href=\"\"></a> </p>\n\n<p>EDIT: ive gotten 3 potential new kitty owners.. ill let you guys know how it goes! thankyou to everyone who upvoted this and saved these kittens!! and again i'd like to apologize to the people i pissed off for posting this here. much love R/Trees!! also if you are still interested please pm as something might fall through!</p>\n</div><!-- SC_ON -->", "selftext": "I friend i know needs to get rid of her kittens ASAP, there are 4 little kittens and need a loving home!! please give this an upvote so people can see this!!!\n\naccording to someone from the area lot of the shelters in the area are maxed out, i just want to find a good home for these kittens. i am sorry it is not related to trees but i thought it would still be okay to post here, due to the large size of this sub reddit, and the friendliness of the people, the last thing i want is the kittens to be put down!!\n\nONE KITTEN LEFT!!!!\n\nim at work for 2 and a half more hours and its starting to get busy, ill be back around at eight and checking back periodically\n\nheres a pic. the black one has been claimed by someone!\n \n\nEDIT: ive gotten 3 potential new kitty owners.. ill let you guys know how it goes! thankyou to everyone who upvoted this and saved these kittens!! and again i'd like to apologize to the people i pissed off for posting this here. much love R/Trees!! also if you are still interested please pm as something might fall through!", "likes": null, "suggested_sort": null, "user_reports": [], "secure_media": null, "link_flair_text": null, "id": "vfsrn", "from_kind": null, "gilded": 0, "archived": true, "clicked": false, "report_reasons": null, "author": "Mcarroll1173", "media": null, "score": 884, "approved_by": null, "over_18": false, "hidden": false, "num_comments": 132, "thumbnail": "self", "subreddit_id": "t5_2r9vp", "hide_score": false, "edited": 1340399958.0, "link_flair_css_class": null, "author_flair_css_class": "mflb", "downs": 0, "secure_media_embed": {}, "saved": false, "removal_reason": null, "stickied": false, "from": null, "is_self": true, "from_id": null, "permalink": "/r/trees/comments/vfsrn/urgent_4_kittens_needing_home_in_virginia/?ref=search_posts", "locked": false, "name": "t3_vfsrn", "created": 1340407416.0, "url": "", "author_flair_text": null, "quarantine": false, "title": "URGENT: 4 Kittens needing home in Virginia, Fredricksburg area. THEY ARE FREE. Please Upvote so people will see!!!!", "created_utc": 1340378616.0, "distinguished": null, "mod_reports": [], "visited": false, "num_reports": null, "ups": 884}}, {"kind": "t3", "data": {"domain": "self.tifu", "banned_by": null, "media_embed": {}, "subreddit": "tifu", "selftext_html": "<!-- SC_OFF --><div class=\"md\"><p>A week or so ago, for my birthday, the family got 2 sister kittens. Cute as a button, aspiring to be true karma-getting machines.</p>\n\n<p>This morning, one decided to hide under the couch. I decided to lift up the couch to check if she was there because I couldn't find her. She makes a sudden movement, startles me, and I lose my grip on the couch. </p>\n\n<p>She died instantly.</p>\n\n<p>EDIT: UPDATE: I have a new kitten whose name is Gadzooks. He and the other kitten get along quite alright. Thanks to all for the kind messages.</p>\n</div><!-- SC_ON -->", "selftext": "A week or so ago, for my birthday, the family got 2 sister kittens. Cute as a button, aspiring to be true karma-getting machines.\n\nThis morning, one decided to hide under the couch. I decided to lift up the couch to check if she was there because I couldn't find her. She makes a sudden movement, startles me, and I lose my grip on the couch. \n\nShe died instantly.\n\nEDIT: UPDATE: I have a new kitten whose name is Gadzooks. He and the other kitten get along quite alright. Thanks to all for the kind messages.", "likes": null, "suggested_sort": null, "user_reports": [], "secure_media": null, "link_flair_text": null, "id": "1bwhpi", "from_kind": null, "gilded": 0, "archived": true, "clicked": false, "report_reasons": null, "author": "darnoc9265", "media": null, "score": 715, "approved_by": null, "over_18": false, "hidden": false, "num_comments": 291, "thumbnail": "", "subreddit_id": "t5_2to41", "hide_score": false, "edited": 1365958810.0, "link_flair_css_class": null, "author_flair_css_class": null, "downs": 0, "secure_media_embed": {}, "saved": false, "removal_reason": null, "stickied": false, "from": null, "is_self": true, "from_id": null, "permalink": "/r/tifu/comments/1bwhpi/tifu_by_dropping_a_couch_on_my_kitten/?ref=search_posts", "locked": false, "name": "t3_1bwhpi", "created": 1365429144.0, "url": "", "author_flair_text": null, "quarantine": false, "title": "TIFU by dropping a couch on my kitten", "created_utc": 1365400344.0, "distinguished": null, "mod_reports": [], "visited": false, "num_reports": null, "ups": 715}}, {"kind": "t3", "data": {"domain": "self.TalesFromRetail", "banned_by": null, "media_embed": {}, "subreddit": "TalesFromRetail", "selftext_html": "<!-- SC_OFF --><div class=\"md\"><p>I was working a late shift, and it was rather quiet. I had only been working at the store for only 5 months or so. A man came through my line, and he was about 6 foot tall covered in Tattoos, and not the nicely made tattoos you see from a good tattoo shop I mean the kind that looks like he had them done in the cellar of a seedy biker bar type. He was heavy built, and wore a leather biker vest. He did not seem the type to feel guilty about shanking you on the street. \n He bought a few items, but had beer. I of course ID him, and he shows it to me, and I total everything. He pulls out a check book, and writes a check. The check had a basket of kittens on it, and this seemed like one of those facebook posts of bikers look mean, but have a heart of gold type things. Well I look at the check his name is nowhere on the check. It has a girls name on it, and I tell him that I could not accept it because it is not his check, and does not have his name. He claims the girl is with him, and he would go get her real quick. He leaves, and left the check on the counter. </p>\n\n<p>As soon as he is out of sight I call for a manager, and they take the check, and what I did not know was that about half an hour before an amber alert was released, and being the fact this was about 11 years ago very few people had SMS alerts for things like this, and only because our company is a certified safe place we receive faxes which had amber alerts, and such. The manager recognized the name, and contacted police. Minutes later we had a few cops show up, and they asked me what the guy looked like, and everything said. They even finger printed the stuff the guy was buying. Security gave them the footage of the guy, and were lucky to get the guys plate number. A few minutes later all the cops left, and I mean in a hurry. </p>\n\n<p>Apparently the guy was spotted, and pulled over they found the girl tied up in the back of the SUV he was driving, and luckily she was not hurt. She was kidnapped from where she worked after school, and her co-worker called the cops when he got back from his break to find the place a mess, and her missing. The whole thing occured within an hour, and half time. She was taken to a local hospital where she was kept just in case over night. The man was of course arrested.</p>\n</div><!-- SC_ON -->", "selftext": " I was working a late shift, and it was rather quiet. I had only been working at the store for only 5 months or so. A man came through my line, and he was about 6 foot tall covered in Tattoos, and not the nicely made tattoos you see from a good tattoo shop I mean the kind that looks like he had them done in the cellar of a seedy biker bar type. He was heavy built, and wore a leather biker vest. He did not seem the type to feel guilty about shanking you on the street. \n He bought a few items, but had beer. I of course ID him, and he shows it to me, and I total everything. He pulls out a check book, and writes a check. The check had a basket of kittens on it, and this seemed like one of those facebook posts of bikers look mean, but have a heart of gold type things. Well I look at the check his name is nowhere on the check. It has a girls name on it, and I tell him that I could not accept it because it is not his check, and does not have his name. He claims the girl is with him, and he would go get her real quick. He leaves, and left the check on the counter. \n \nAs soon as he is out of sight I call for a manager, and they take the check, and what I did not know was that about half an hour before an amber alert was released, and being the fact this was about 11 years ago very few people had SMS alerts for things like this, and only because our company is a certified safe place we receive faxes which had amber alerts, and such. The manager recognized the name, and contacted police. Minutes later we had a few cops show up, and they asked me what the guy looked like, and everything said. They even finger printed the stuff the guy was buying. Security gave them the footage of the guy, and were lucky to get the guys plate number. A few minutes later all the cops left, and I mean in a hurry. \n\n Apparently the guy was spotted, and pulled over they found the girl tied up in the back of the SUV he was driving, and luckily she was not hurt. She was kidnapped from where she worked after school, and her co-worker called the cops when he got back from his break to find the place a mess, and her missing. The whole thing occured within an hour, and half time. She was taken to a local hospital where she was kept just in case over night. The man was of course arrested.", "likes": null, "suggested_sort": null, "user_reports": [], "secure_media": null, "link_flair_text": "Medium r/ALL", "id": "3r853d", "from_kind": null, "gilded": 1, "archived": true, "clicked": false, "report_reasons": null, "author": "unaumbra", "media": null, "score": 5065, "approved_by": null, "over_18": false, "hidden": false, "num_comments": 256, "thumbnail": "", "subreddit_id": "t5_2t2zt", "hide_score": false, "edited": false, "link_flair_css_class": "all", "author_flair_css_class": "standard", "downs": 0, "secure_media_embed": {}, "saved": false, "removal_reason": null, "stickied": false, "from": null, "is_self": true, "from_id": null, "permalink": "/r/TalesFromRetail/comments/3r853d/how_refusing_a_check_with_kittens_saved_a_girls/?ref=search_posts", "locked": false, "name": "t3_3r853d", "created": 1446510263.0, "url": "", "author_flair_text": "Can I buy this if I have a felony?", "quarantine": false, "title": "How refusing a check with kittens saved a girls life.", "created_utc": 1446481463.0, "distinguished": null, "mod_reports": [], "visited": false, "num_reports": null, "ups": 5065}}, {"kind": "t3", "data": {"domain": "", "banned_by": null, "media_embed": {}, "subreddit": "cats", "selftext_html": null, "selftext": "", "likes": null, "suggested_sort": null, "user_reports": [], "secure_media": null, "link_flair_text": "Cat Picture", "id": "3cbb4b", "from_kind": null, "gilded": 0, "archived": true, "clicked": false, "report_reasons": null, "author": "__kitten", "media": null, "score": 814, "approved_by": null, "over_18": false, "hidden": false, "preview": {"images": [{"source": {"url": "", "width": 720, "height": 960}, "resolutions": [{"url": "", "width": 108, "height": 144}, {"url": "", "width": 216, "height": 288}, {"url": "", "width": 320, "height": 426}, {"url": "", "width": 640, "height": 853}], "variants": {}, "id": "pEOI3OoagAi973Q8ZYezKyKaxamrwZBYyPf4fijxSWg"}]}, "num_comments": 25, "thumbnail": "", "subreddit_id": "t5_2qhta", "hide_score": false, "edited": false, "link_flair_css_class": "default", "author_flair_css_class": null, "downs": 0, "secure_media_embed": {}, "saved": false, "removal_reason": null, "post_hint": "link", "stickied": false, "from": null, "is_self": false, "from_id": null, "permalink": "/r/cats/comments/3cbb4b/my_friends_new_kitten/?ref=search_posts", "locked": false, "name": "t3_3cbb4b", "created": 1436227190.0, "url": "", "author_flair_text": null, "quarantine": false, "title": "My friend's new kitten", "created_utc": 1436198390.0, "distinguished": null, "mod_reports": [], "visited": false, "num_reports": null, "ups": 814}}, {"kind": "t3", "data": {"domain": "self.nekoatsume", "banned_by": null, "media_embed": {}, "subreddit": "nekoatsume", "selftext_html": "<!-- SC_OFF --><div class=\"md\"><p>Seriously, why are there no kittens? Imagine a momma cat and her kittens visiting your yard. And there could be a cat tree item with holes that only the kittens are small enough to crawl through. Or just have two or three piled up in the basket. </p>\n</div><!-- SC_ON -->", "selftext": "Seriously, why are there no kittens? Imagine a momma cat and her kittens visiting your yard. And there could be a cat tree item with holes that only the kittens are small enough to crawl through. Or just have two or three piled up in the basket. ", "likes": null, "suggested_sort": null, "user_reports": [], "secure_media": null, "link_flair_text": null, "id": "4cvymk", "from_kind": null, "gilded": 0, "archived": false, "clicked": false, "report_reasons": null, "author": "CheeseforSheogorath", "media": null, "score": 599, "approved_by": null, "over_18": false, "hidden": false, "num_comments": 53, "thumbnail": "self", "subreddit_id": "t5_37ssh", "hide_score": false, "edited": false, "link_flair_css_class": null, "author_flair_css_class": "neko19", "downs": 0, "secure_media_embed": {}, "saved": false, "removal_reason": null, "stickied": false, "from": null, "is_self": true, "from_id": null, "permalink": "/r/nekoatsume/comments/4cvymk/the_next_update_should_have_kittens/?ref=search_posts", "locked": false, "name": "t3_4cvymk", "created": 1459550602.0, "url": "", "author_flair_text": "", "quarantine": false, "title": "The next update should have kittens.", "created_utc": 1459521802.0, "distinguished": null, "mod_reports": [], "visited": false, "num_reports": null, "ups": 599}}, {"kind": "t3", "data": {"domain": "self.AskReddit", "banned_by": null, "media_embed": {}, "subreddit": "AskReddit", "selftext_html": "<!-- SC_OFF --><div class=\"md\"><p>Question: Can Reddit help me find a home for my 2 kittens in the SF Area? </p>\n\n<p>Answer: <em>A resounding yes!</em> </p>\n\n<p>See now, THIS is why I love Reddit. Please give yourselves pats on the back for being awesome. </p>\n\n<p>I have genuine offers so I am deleting the plea for help so that I don't get any more. </p>\n\n<p>Thank you so much to everyone, I am in awe of the outpouring of concern, advice, humor, words of wisdom and help. </p>\n\n<p>P.S. I don't know if it's the big C or every disease, but I have pages of private PM's offering highly detailed, fervent advice on alternative treatments, diets, medical centers, miracle cures, alternative therapy cancer treatment books, advice that I should take this vitamin or that oil. Thank you for the very well-meaning information, but I'm a traditional medicine/ hard science kind of girl and I have a good team of doctors that I trust. </p>\n</div><!-- SC_ON -->", "selftext": "\nQuestion: Can Reddit help me find a home for my 2 kittens in the SF Area? \n\nAnswer: *A resounding yes!* \n\nSee now, THIS is why I love Reddit. Please give yourselves pats on the back for being awesome. \n\nI have genuine offers so I am deleting the plea for help so that I don't get any more. \n\nThank you so much to everyone, I am in awe of the outpouring of concern, advice, humor, words of wisdom and help. \n\nP.S. I don't know if it's the big C or every disease, but I have pages of private PM's offering highly detailed, fervent advice on alternative treatments, diets, medical centers, miracle cures, alternative therapy cancer treatment books, advice that I should take this vitamin or that oil. Thank you for the very well-meaning information, but I'm a traditional medicine/ hard science kind of girl and I have a good team of doctors that I trust. \n\n\n\n\n\n\n", "likes": null, "suggested_sort": null, "user_reports": [], "secure_media": null, "link_flair_text": null, "id": "96vte", "from_kind": null, "gilded": 0, "archived": true, "clicked": false, "report_reasons": null, "author": "trixare4kids", "media": null, "score": 1829, "approved_by": null, "over_18": false, "hidden": false, "num_comments": 445, "thumbnail": "", "subreddit_id": "t5_2qh1i", "hide_score": false, "edited": true, "link_flair_css_class": null, "author_flair_css_class": null, "downs": 0, "secure_media_embed": {}, "saved": false, "removal_reason": null, "stickied": false, "from": null, "is_self": true, "from_id": null, "permalink": "/r/AskReddit/comments/96vte/dear_askreddit_i_was_diagnosed_with_cancer_last/?ref=search_posts", "locked": false, "name": "t3_96vte", "created": 1249272360.0, "url": "", "author_flair_text": null, "quarantine": false, "title": "Dear AskReddit: I was diagnosed with cancer last week. Can Reddit help me find a home for my 2 kittens in the San Francisco Area? ", "created_utc": 1249243560.0, "distinguished": null, "mod_reports": [], "visited": false, "num_reports": null, "ups": 1829}}, {"kind": "t3", "data": {"domain": "self.asoiaf", "banned_by": null, "media_embed": {}, "subreddit": "asoiaf", "selftext_html": "<!-- SC_OFF --><div class=\"md\"><p>We know from A Game Of Thrones that there is an old black cat with a missing ear that roams the grounds of The Red Keep, thieving food from wherever it can, and that the cat is quite possibly Balerion, the black kitten that belonged to Rhaegar Targaryen\u2019s daughter Rhaenys and disappeared around the time of her death.</p>\n\n<p>Then in A Storm Of Swords we learn from Stannis of a past incident involving Joffrey </p>\n\n<blockquote>\n<p>"Joffrey \u2026 I remember once, this kitchen cat \u2026 the cooks were wont to feed her scraps and fish heads. One told the boy that she had kittens in her belly, thinking he might want one. Joffrey opened up the poor thing with a dagger to see if it were true. When he found the kittens, he brought them to show to his father. Robert hit the boy so hard I thought he\u2019d killed him." </p>\n</blockquote>\n\n<p>It just hit me recently that it is quite possible the kitchen cat was impregnated by old Balerion himself, in which case the incident with Joffrey is perhaps painfully symbolic of something else... After Gregor Clegane butchered the Targaryen children, Tywin lannister presented their bodies to Robert Baratheon for his approval or to get in his good graces if you will, if the kittens were indeed fathered by the Targaryen cat Joffrey presenting their bodies to Robert would make for a brutal comparison to the events some years earlier! Sorry if I\u2019ve ruined anyone\u2019s day with this</p>\n</div><!-- SC_ON -->", "selftext": "We know from A Game Of Thrones that there is an old black cat with a missing ear that roams the grounds of The Red Keep, thieving food from wherever it can, and that the cat is quite possibly Balerion, the black kitten that belonged to Rhaegar Targaryen\u2019s daughter Rhaenys and disappeared around the time of her death.\n\nThen in A Storm Of Swords we learn from Stannis of a past incident involving Joffrey \n>\"Joffrey \u2026 I remember once, this kitchen cat \u2026 the cooks were wont to feed her scraps and fish heads. One told the boy that she had kittens in her belly, thinking he might want one. Joffrey opened up the poor thing with a dagger to see if it were true. When he found the kittens, he brought them to show to his father. Robert hit the boy so hard I thought he\u2019d killed him.\" \n\nIt just hit me recently that it is quite possible the kitchen cat was impregnated by old Balerion himself, in which case the incident with Joffrey is perhaps painfully symbolic of something else... After Gregor Clegane butchered the Targaryen children, Tywin lannister presented their bodies to Robert Baratheon for his approval or to get in his good graces if you will, if the kittens were indeed fathered by the Targaryen cat Joffrey presenting their bodies to Robert would make for a brutal comparison to the events some years earlier! Sorry if I\u2019ve ruined anyone\u2019s day with this\n", "likes": null, "suggested_sort": null, "user_reports": [], "secure_media": null, "link_flair_text": "ALL", "id": "2lxn8q", "from_kind": null, "gilded": 0, "archived": true, "clicked": false, "report_reasons": null, "author": "calistaflockheart", "media": null, "score": 936, "approved_by": null, "over_18": false, "hidden": false, "num_comments": 189, "thumbnail": "self", "subreddit_id": "t5_2r2o9", "hide_score": false, "edited": false, "link_flair_css_class": "all", "author_flair_css_class": null, "downs": 0, "secure_media_embed": {}, "saved": false, "removal_reason": null, "stickied": false, "from": null, "is_self": true, "from_id": null, "permalink": "/r/asoiaf/comments/2lxn8q/spoilers_all_joffrey_and_the_kittens_a_painful/?ref=search_posts", "locked": false, "name": "t3_2lxn8q", "created": 1415708810.0, "url": "", "author_flair_text": null, "quarantine": false, "title": "(Spoilers All) Joffrey and the kittens, a painful metaphor perhaps?", "created_utc": 1415680010.0, "distinguished": null, "mod_reports": [], "visited": false, "num_reports": null, "ups": 936}}, {"kind": "t3", "data": {"domain": "", "banned_by": null, "media_embed": {}, "subreddit": "aww", "selftext_html": null, "selftext": "", "likes": null, "suggested_sort": null, "user_reports": [], "secure_media": null, "link_flair_text": null, "id": "1i9si4", "from_kind": null, "gilded": 0, "archived": true, "clicked": false, "report_reasons": null, "author": "kitten-little", "media": null, "score": 730, "approved_by": null, "over_18": false, "hidden": false, "num_comments": 16, "thumbnail": "", "subreddit_id": "t5_2qh1o", "hide_score": false, "edited": false, "link_flair_css_class": null, "author_flair_css_class": null, "downs": 0, "secure_media_embed": {}, "saved": false, "removal_reason": null, "stickied": false, "from": null, "is_self": false, "from_id": null, "permalink": "/r/aww/comments/1i9si4/the_saddest_kitten_in_the_world_she_sleeps_on_my/?ref=search_posts", "locked": false, "name": "t3_1i9si4", "created": 1373830081.0, "url": "", "author_flair_text": null, "quarantine": false, "title": "The saddest kitten in the world. She sleeps on my shoulder. (x-post r/cats)", "created_utc": 1373801281.0, "distinguished": null, "mod_reports": [], "visited": false, "num_reports": null, "ups": 730}}, {"kind": "t3", "data": {"domain": "self.aww", "banned_by": null, "media_embed": {}, "subreddit": "aww", "selftext_html": "<!-- SC_OFF --><div class=\"md\"><p>Friday night it was <20 degrees, and when I took the dog outside I heard crying. Found this tiny ball barely moving, laying on it's side slowly moving it's legs and it's mouth barely able to open...basically freezing to death. Another 10 minutes and the kitten probably would've been dead. </p>\n\n<p>Brought him inside and wrapped him in a towel/heating pad, fed him warm sugar water, and eventually when he would take it milk. His mouth was frozen solid, tongue frozen to the top of his mouth and his fur had frost in it. I was expecting him to die the whole night. Took about 4 hours of warming up for him to take some milk, when he was showing signs of life and falling asleep put him in a box with the heating pad and left him overnight. </p>\n\n<p>When morning came around he was acting just like a kitten, playful, happy, mewing, and eating. He's about 5 weeks old (checking teeth) and I knew a vet assistant that adopted him the next day (he needed 24 hour care, more than my wife and I can do right now). This happened Friday and so far he's alive and well, and eating more and more. I'm so happy. </p>\n\n<p><a href=\"\">Pictures</a></p>\n</div><!-- SC_ON -->", "selftext": "Friday night it was <20 degrees, and when I took the dog outside I heard crying. Found this tiny ball barely moving, laying on it's side slowly moving it's legs and it's mouth barely able to open...basically freezing to death. Another 10 minutes and the kitten probably would've been dead. \n\nBrought him inside and wrapped him in a towel/heating pad, fed him warm sugar water, and eventually when he would take it milk. His mouth was frozen solid, tongue frozen to the top of his mouth and his fur had frost in it. I was expecting him to die the whole night. Took about 4 hours of warming up for him to take some milk, when he was showing signs of life and falling asleep put him in a box with the heating pad and left him overnight. \n\nWhen morning came around he was acting just like a kitten, playful, happy, mewing, and eating. He's about 5 weeks old (checking teeth) and I knew a vet assistant that adopted him the next day (he needed 24 hour care, more than my wife and I can do right now). This happened Friday and so far he's alive and well, and eating more and more. I'm so happy. \n\n[Pictures](", "likes": null, "suggested_sort": null, "user_reports": [], "secure_media": null, "link_flair_text": null, "id": "e2xa6", "from_kind": null, "gilded": 0, "archived": true, "clicked": false, "report_reasons": null, "author": "Groots", "media": null, "score": 1137, "approved_by": null, "over_18": false, "hidden": false, "num_comments": 405, "thumbnail": "self", "subreddit_id": "t5_2qh1o", "hide_score": false, "edited": false, "link_flair_css_class": null, "author_flair_css_class": null, "downs": 0, "secure_media_embed": {}, "saved": false, "removal_reason": null, "stickied": false, "from": null, "is_self": true, "from_id": null, "permalink": "/r/aww/comments/e2xa6/saved_a_freezing_to_death_kitten/?ref=search_posts", "locked": false, "name": "t3_e2xa6", "created": 1289255684.0, "url": "", "author_flair_text": null, "quarantine": false, "title": "Saved a freezing to death kitten.", "created_utc": 1289226884.0, "distinguished": null, "mod_reports": [], "visited": false, "num_reports": null, "ups": 1137}}, {"kind": "t3", "data": {"domain": "self.tifu", "banned_by": null, "media_embed": {}, "subreddit": "tifu", "selftext_html": "<!-- SC_OFF --><div class=\"md\"><p>So this happened last week. We have two kittens Mycroft (male) and Dory (female) and we live in an apartment building. The kittens go crazy when the main door to the building opens. Mycroft loves to push boundaries, like jumping on the kitchen table when we are not around.</p>\n\n<p>Last week, I'm working from home and I hear the kittens trying to get our front door open. I chase them away and poke my head out to hear what's going on. There is a police officer down stairs informing one family the they got the restraining order and the daughters ex can longer stop by. </p>\n\n<p>I close the door and head back into the office to keep working, about 5 minutes later I walk out and see Mycroft on the kitchen table. I yell at him saying "Mike, I'm going to beat your little butt when I catch you." The next thing I hear is a knock at the door and the police officer wanting to know if everything is okay.</p>\n\n<p>Yup, I had to explain the Mike was short for Mycroft...</p>\n\n<p>TL;DR Told my kitten I was going to beat his butt when there was an officer downstairs dealing with a domestic violence issue.</p>\n\n<p>Edit: <a href=\"\">First two are Mycroft, the last one is Dory</a></p>\n</div><!-- SC_ON -->", "selftext": "So this happened last week. We have two kittens Mycroft (male) and Dory (female) and we live in an apartment building. The kittens go crazy when the main door to the building opens. Mycroft loves to push boundaries, like jumping on the kitchen table when we are not around.\n\nLast week, I'm working from home and I hear the kittens trying to get our front door open. I chase them away and poke my head out to hear what's going on. There is a police officer down stairs informing one family the they got the restraining order and the daughters ex can longer stop by. \n\nI close the door and head back into the office to keep working, about 5 minutes later I walk out and see Mycroft on the kitchen table. I yell at him saying \"Mike, I'm going to beat your little butt when I catch you.\" The next thing I hear is a knock at the door and the police officer wanting to know if everything is okay.\n\nYup, I had to explain the Mike was short for Mycroft...\n\nTL;DR Told my kitten I was going to beat his butt when there was an officer downstairs dealing with a domestic violence issue.\n\nEdit: [First two are Mycroft, the last one is Dory](", "likes": null, "suggested_sort": null, "user_reports": [], "secure_media": null, "link_flair_text": "S", "id": "4d1u0e", "from_kind": null, "gilded": 0, "archived": false, "clicked": false, "report_reasons": null, "author": "ardno", "media": null, "score": 699, "approved_by": null, "over_18": false, "hidden": false, "num_comments": 198, "thumbnail": "", "subreddit_id": "t5_2to41", "hide_score": false, "edited": 1459618045.0, "link_flair_css_class": "S", "author_flair_css_class": null, "downs": 0, "secure_media_embed": {}, "saved": false, "removal_reason": null, "stickied": false, "from": null, "is_self": true, "from_id": null, "permalink": "/r/tifu/comments/4d1u0e/tifu_by_telling_my_kitten_im_going_to_beat_him/?ref=search_posts", "locked": false, "name": "t3_4d1u0e", "created": 1459638448.0, "url": "", "author_flair_text": null, "quarantine": false, "title": "TIFU by telling my kitten I'm going to beat him", "created_utc": 1459609648.0, "distinguished": null, "mod_reports": [], "visited": false, "num_reports": null, "ups": 699}}, {"kind": "t3", "data": {"domain": "self.legaladvice", "banned_by": null, "media_embed": {}, "subreddit": "legaladvice", "selftext_html": "<!-- SC_OFF --><div class=\"md\"><p>So five years ago, my ex-gf said she was going to a music festival in another state for a week. She had just got a new kitten and asked me to watch her while she was gone. When I say this kitten was new, I mean VERY young. She was barely eating solid foods, said she had only had her about three days. Our relationship wasn't serious so I wasn't really privy to most things she did when we weren't together. </p>\n\n<p>When she dropped the kitten off, nothing was with her. No collar, food, bed, nothing. Well, a week later, I hear nothing from her. I tried calling about the kitten and after several weeks of trying to contact her, and the guy she went with, I realized I had been ghosted.</p>\n\n<p>So I kept the kitten. I got her to the vet to get her registered with the county, shots, spay, everything. Out of the fucking BLUE yesterday she emails me on my professional email, asking if I still had the cat because she would like her back. (along with a lengthy explanation as to why she disappeared but its not relevant). I didn't respond. My dad is lonely and he cares for her now and they are best friends, but the cat is now in my name. </p>\n\n<p>Does she have any claim to this? She is not a rare breed or anything, I assume she was just picked up from craigslist. </p>\n</div><!-- SC_ON -->", "selftext": "So five years ago, my ex-gf said she was going to a music festival in another state for a week. She had just got a new kitten and asked me to watch her while she was gone. When I say this kitten was new, I mean VERY young. She was barely eating solid foods, said she had only had her about three days. Our relationship wasn't serious so I wasn't really privy to most things she did when we weren't together. \n\nWhen she dropped the kitten off, nothing was with her. No collar, food, bed, nothing. Well, a week later, I hear nothing from her. I tried calling about the kitten and after several weeks of trying to contact her, and the guy she went with, I realized I had been ghosted.\n\nSo I kept the kitten. I got her to the vet to get her registered with the county, shots, spay, everything. Out of the fucking BLUE yesterday she emails me on my professional email, asking if I still had the cat because she would like her back. (along with a lengthy explanation as to why she disappeared but its not relevant). I didn't respond. My dad is lonely and he cares for her now and they are best friends, but the cat is now in my name. \n\n\nDoes she have any claim to this? She is not a rare breed or anything, I assume she was just picked up from craigslist. \n\n", "likes": null, "suggested_sort": "new", "user_reports": [], "secure_media": null, "link_flair_text": "Douche", "id": "3rf9r6", "from_kind": null, "gilded": 0, "archived": true, "clicked": false, "report_reasons": null, "author": "isthiscatmineornot", "media": null, "score": 654, "approved_by": null, "over_18": false, "hidden": false, "num_comments": 170, "thumbnail": "self", "subreddit_id": "t5_2rawz", "hide_score": false, "edited": false, "link_flair_css_class": "", "author_flair_css_class": null, "downs": 0, "secure_media_embed": {}, "saved": false, "removal_reason": null, "stickied": false, "from": null, "is_self": true, "from_id": null, "permalink": "/r/legaladvice/comments/3rf9r6/ohio_my_ex_left_a_very_small_kitten_at_my_house/?ref=search_posts", "locked": true, "name": "t3_3rf9r6", "created": 1446623985.0, "url": "", "author_flair_text": null, "quarantine": false, "title": "[OHIO] my ex left a very small kitten at my house to go a music festival 5 years ago, never came back, now wants the cat back?", "created_utc": 1446595185.0, "distinguished": null, "mod_reports": [], "visited": false, "num_reports": null, "ups": 654}}, {"kind": "t3", "data": {"domain": "self.tifu", "banned_by": null, "media_embed": {}, "subreddit": "tifu", "selftext_html": "<!-- SC_OFF --><div class=\"md\"><p>So I recently got a new kitten, she is absolutely adorable, fuzzy, cuddly, likes to lick my nose, she's a fantastic cat. I love her to death already.</p>\n\n<p>Well, our nightly ritual before going to sleep typically consists of her attacking my hand as I move it around under the covers. In the rare event her tiny claws penetrate the thick comforter it really doesn't hurt my hand. </p>\n\n<p>Last night happened to be a particularly warm night for the winter, so I only slept under a sheet as opposed to a comforter. Fast forward to this morning I'm awoken from my peaceful slumber to a sharp pain in my nether regions. I woke up to my kitten attacking my morning wood, and now have three small puncture wounds in my wing-wang. </p>\n\n<p>Edit: wordsmithing</p>\n\n<p>Edit 2: Here is the little shit. No regrets. <a href=\"\"></a></p>\n</div><!-- SC_ON -->", "selftext": "So I recently got a new kitten, she is absolutely adorable, fuzzy, cuddly, likes to lick my nose, she's a fantastic cat. I love her to death already.\n\nWell, our nightly ritual before going to sleep typically consists of her attacking my hand as I move it around under the covers. In the rare event her tiny claws penetrate the thick comforter it really doesn't hurt my hand. \n\nLast night happened to be a particularly warm night for the winter, so I only slept under a sheet as opposed to a comforter. Fast forward to this morning I'm awoken from my peaceful slumber to a sharp pain in my nether regions. I woke up to my kitten attacking my morning wood, and now have three small puncture wounds in my wing-wang. \n\nEdit: wordsmithing\n\nEdit 2: Here is the little shit. No regrets.", "likes": null, "suggested_sort": null, "user_reports": [], "secure_media": null, "link_flair_text": null, "id": "14lzej", "from_kind": null, "gilded": 0, "archived": true, "clicked": false, "report_reasons": null, "author": "Balmarog", "media": null, "score": 920, "approved_by": null, "over_18": false, "hidden": false, "num_comments": 105, "thumbnail": "", "subreddit_id": "t5_2to41", "hide_score": false, "edited": 1355171797.0, "link_flair_css_class": null, "author_flair_css_class": null, "downs": 0, "secure_media_embed": {}, "saved": false, "removal_reason": null, "stickied": false, "from": null, "is_self": true, "from_id": null, "permalink": "/r/tifu/comments/14lzej/tifu_by_teaching_my_kitten_to_attack_things_under/?ref=search_posts", "locked": false, "name": "t3_14lzej", "created": 1355186680.0, "url": "", "author_flair_text": null, "quarantine": false, "title": "TIFU by teaching my kitten to attack things under the covers", "created_utc": 1355157880.0, "distinguished": null, "mod_reports": [], "visited": false, "num_reports": null, "ups": 920}}, {"kind": "t3", "data": {"domain": "self.AskReddit", "banned_by": null, "media_embed": {}, "subreddit": "AskReddit", "selftext_html": "<!-- SC_OFF --><div class=\"md\"><p><strong>update 5</strong>\u2026</p>\n\n<p><a href=\"\">\u2026is over here</a>.</p>\n\n<p><strong>update 4</strong></p>\n\n<p>A little after 4 AM, and I am yet again\u2026 I don't even know what the word is. Speechless, surprised by the generosity of everyone! I'm taking down the paypal link as there's now more than enough ($931.04 total, and someone donated $100! Thank you all so much!) to cover Buster's operation, emergency care, vaccinations probably, and maybe even the latter-most for his sibling if we can catch him or her \u2014 we just spent a long time outside again looking for it, but sadly to no avail. The food I left out for it though was mostly gone, so at least something or someone got something to eat.</p>\n\n<p>There may be some leftovers in the Buster Fund, so now I'm asking you guys one last thing:</p>\n\n<p>What should be done with that? Obviously, I don't know how much will be left, but I'll keep everyone updated as he gets better, etc. Someone earlier mentioned potentially donating the money to the local shelters, but would some others prefer that some donations be refunded, or\u2026 I don't know what else. I'm just so relieved and thankful for the generosity of all you redditors, and the financial concerns really aren't concerns any longer. Thank you guys, so much.</p>\n\n<p>There are a shit-load of comments, and it's pretty late; I fully intend on reading what everyone has to say, as well as getting back to everyone, but I'm about to pass out, so I'll be back tomorrow [morning]. Thanks again!</p>\n\n<p><strong>update 3</strong></p>\n\n<p>Holy crap, guys, I never expected Buster to get this much exposure. Man\u2026 if he only knew how much attention he was getting, I'm pretty sure it would blow his little kitty brain. You guys have donated $363.07 already (as of (9:51 PM EST)! I'm trying to be careful to watch it \u2014 if it goes much higher, I'm taking down the link, as I would honestly feel absolutely awful if more was donated than the costs of fixing him up\u2026. I know there's more that goes into just initially fixing-him-up, like having him neutered, vaccinated, and whatever else. This is already more than enough to re-coup what my girlfriend and I spent last night at the vet and getting supplies for him \u2014 food, a litter box, etc. \u2014 as well as much of what I know is to come. Thank you guys so, so much; Redditors, you are beyond awesome!</p>\n\n<p>As of now, I'm just going through the posts, replying as I can. Obviously, there are a shit-load of comments, and I'm reading them all and commenting with all the effort and sincerity I usually apply, even when I don't have a couple hundred more to read and potentially reply to. Honestly, it's the very least I can do to give all of you who have given me your time, consideration, and thirty-nine (!) people who have also given some of their money. So, to everyone, including those who chipped in a couple bucks along with notes saying they wish they could do more, I greatly, greatly appreciate it, beyond what words I can muster\u2026 thank you.</p>\n\n<p>As for updates on Buster\u2026 well, <a href=\"\">he's asleep here on my lap</a>, purring up a bloody storm. He's learned very quickly what we intend him to use the litter box for, has been eating voraciously, and is really just as awesome of a kitten/cat as anyone could ever want. I've updated pictures in the album, so you can see for yourself. As you can probably very easily understand and believe, my girlfriend (and I admit, myself) are getting attached to him, as much as I tried not to. Truth is, I've always been a cat guy, as I had a cat (only pet I've ever had) growing up who died of lymphoma when I was 13, and I've really wanted a cat for at least the past 7 years. My girlfriend is in a semi-similar boat, except her parents have 3 old cats and her brother rescued two kittens (sisters) last year, so naturally, we're doing everything we can to find a place for Buster where we can still see him often. My roommate isn't yielding, and as it's her place and she is allergic, I'm not pressuring her and respecting her decision. My girlfriend however\u2026 she's pressuring her roommates, and they're actually growing more and more receptive of the idea of him staying there, but it's still seemingly a temporary provision. She is highly allergic to cats, too, so he probably wouldn't be allowed upstairs, but at least the three of us could stay together. I understand how this potentially changes circumstances, and as such I'd be more than willing to refund any donations given under the premise that I'd be helping this kitten out, then passing him on to another home.</p>\n\n<p>Needless to say, if anyone has any more questions or comments to leave, don't hesitate to do so*, but I need to play DD for a friend in about ten minutes, so I won't be around to continue commenting/replying for a little while. I will get to everyone though; I'm in disbelief of the generosity for the sake of this little kitten \u2014 $491.75 now at 10:43! Thank you all so much!</p>\n\n<p>* all three of my camera batteries are dead, so I'm going to recharge one before I leave. Til then, no more kitty pictures, but I have tons more I could upload to imgur. =)</p>\n\n<p><strong>update 2</strong></p>\n\n<p><a href=\"http://this_doesn'\">Paypal link taken down</a>; thanks to everyone in advance! Seriously, the generosity of this site never ceases to astound me!</p>\n\n<p><strong>update</strong></p>\n\n<p>I freakin' love you, redditors. A lot of people have offered to chip in for the surgery, so I called the veterinary clinic to see if I could set up an account for credit to pay for the surgery, but they're currently only open for emergency services, so I was told to call back on Monday when the staff who deal with billing are in. <a href=\"http://this_doesn'\">Until then, Paypal link taken down</a>. Thank you again to everybody! </p>\n\n<p>For those who are curious, here's the vet clinic I went to last night (and the service was great, despite the poor reviews):</p>\n\n<p><a href=\",+VA&cid=17086377072948266377\">Town & Country Veterinary Clinic<br/>\n1605 N Franklin St, Christiansburg, VA 24073-1401<br/>\n(540) 382-5042</a><br/>\n<a href=\"\"></a></p>\n\n<p><strong>original post</strong></p>\n\n<p><a href=\"\">Here are some images</a>, but I warn you, the last few images of his arm is gruesome.</p>\n\n<p>I say [almost-]3-pawed, as the kitten's front right arm is mangled beyond repair; the bones are shattered and visible in the open wound, which is obviously infected and oozing. In spite of this, he's been walking on it for at least a month and a half, so it's flattened, blackened, and just really, really bad.</p>\n\n<p>That's when I first saw this kitten what I assume is its sibling \u2014 around early august, and I've been putting food out for him for a couple weeks. My girlfriend, a friend of ours, and I saw this kitten yesterday evening sitting by a dumpster, looking pathetic. I parked my car and got some cat food and a paper plate out I had in my car, and put it out for him. He was obviously uncomfortable by my being there and wouldn't approach the food (near me, about 5 feet away from him), so I walked away\u2026 to the other side of the fence containing the dumpster area. I then saw this kitten inhaling the food, and the other one come out from under a bush on the other side of the fence.</p>\n\n<p>This was the first time I actually got to see the broken arm close enough to get a real feel for how bad it actually is\u2026 and I remembered <a href=\"\">kita's post about 3 months ago about Mailbox and his mangled/infected tail</a>, in particular this line:</p>\n\n<blockquote>\n<p>We took him in to the vet. They said we brought him just in time, his tail was badly infected and was getting maggots. The tail is being amputated as we speak.</p>\n</blockquote>\n\n<p>I decided that we had to help at least this kitten, but I'd try to keep the two of them together. So, the kitten with the broken arm was very easy to catch, not just because he's handicapped, but because he was just lying in a little hollow under a bush, and he didn't really mind getting caught. The other kitten ran away, and we weren't able to catch it.</p>\n\n<p>We took the kitten to an emergency veterinary clinic where they told us that the arm is broken in many places (he may have gotten it caught on something or hit by a car), and since it's already badly infected, operating on it is very unlikely to be successful. He's about 12 weeks old now, but is very skinny. Apparently if I hadn't been feeding him, he wouldn't have been able to survive. His arm isn't immediately life-threatening, so he's going back on Monday for the amputation during regular business hours.</p>\n\n<p>So, now this will leave me with a tripod kitten that has become very affectionate to people which I can't keep, as my roommate [whose parents own the place] is allergic to cats and prohibits them being in the apartment, along with a $150 bill I charged last night and a $400 - $600 bill on Monday which I really can't afford. I know I brought it upon myself, so I'm doing what I can to find a way to pay/see if other veterinary clinics can do the surgery for less, but what I'd really like to find is someone who can take him in. Again, keeping the two kittens together would be ideal.</p>\n\n<p><strong>So, is there anyone in or around Blacksburg, VA who would like to take in a tripod kitten and maybe its sibling?</strong></p>\n</div><!-- SC_ON -->", "selftext": "**update 5**\u2026\n\n[\u2026is over here](\n\n**update 4**\n\nA little after 4 AM, and I am yet again\u2026 I don't even know what the word is. Speechless, surprised by the generosity of everyone! I'm taking down the paypal link as there's now more than enough ($931.04 total, and someone donated $100! Thank you all so much!) to cover Buster's operation, emergency care, vaccinations probably, and maybe even the latter-most for his sibling if we can catch him or her \u2014 we just spent a long time outside again looking for it, but sadly to no avail. The food I left out for it though was mostly gone, so at least something or someone got something to eat.\n\nThere may be some leftovers in the Buster Fund, so now I'm asking you guys one last thing:\n\nWhat should be done with that? Obviously, I don't know how much will be left, but I'll keep everyone updated as he gets better, etc. Someone earlier mentioned potentially donating the money to the local shelters, but would some others prefer that some donations be refunded, or\u2026 I don't know what else. I'm just so relieved and thankful for the generosity of all you redditors, and the financial concerns really aren't concerns any longer. Thank you guys, so much.\n\nThere are a shit-load of comments, and it's pretty late; I fully intend on reading what everyone has to say, as well as getting back to everyone, but I'm about to pass out, so I'll be back tomorrow [morning]. Thanks again!\n\n**update 3**\n\nHoly crap, guys, I never expected Buster to get this much exposure. Man\u2026 if he only knew how much attention he was getting, I'm pretty sure it would blow his little kitty brain. You guys have donated $363.07 already (as of (9:51 PM EST)! I'm trying to be careful to watch it \u2014 if it goes much higher, I'm taking down the link, as I would honestly feel absolutely awful if more was donated than the costs of fixing him up\u2026. I know there's more that goes into just initially fixing-him-up, like having him neutered, vaccinated, and whatever else. This is already more than enough to re-coup what my girlfriend and I spent last night at the vet and getting supplies for him \u2014 food, a litter box, etc. \u2014 as well as much of what I know is to come. Thank you guys so, so much; Redditors, you are beyond awesome!\n\nAs of now, I'm just going through the posts, replying as I can. Obviously, there are a shit-load of comments, and I'm reading them all and commenting with all the effort and sincerity I usually apply, even when I don't have a couple hundred more to read and potentially reply to. Honestly, it's the very least I can do to give all of you who have given me your time, consideration, and thirty-nine (!) people who have also given some of their money. So, to everyone, including those who chipped in a couple bucks along with notes saying they wish they could do more, I greatly, greatly appreciate it, beyond what words I can muster\u2026 thank you.\n\nAs for updates on Buster\u2026 well, [he's asleep here on my lap](, purring up a bloody storm. He's learned very quickly what we intend him to use the litter box for, has been eating voraciously, and is really just as awesome of a kitten/cat as anyone could ever want. I've updated pictures in the album, so you can see for yourself. As you can probably very easily understand and believe, my girlfriend (and I admit, myself) are getting attached to him, as much as I tried not to. Truth is, I've always been a cat guy, as I had a cat (only pet I've ever had) growing up who died of lymphoma when I was 13, and I've really wanted a cat for at least the past 7 years. My girlfriend is in a semi-similar boat, except her parents have 3 old cats and her brother rescued two kittens (sisters) last year, so naturally, we're doing everything we can to find a place for Buster where we can still see him often. My roommate isn't yielding, and as it's her place and she is allergic, I'm not pressuring her and respecting her decision. My girlfriend however\u2026 she's pressuring her roommates, and they're actually growing more and more receptive of the idea of him staying there, but it's still seemingly a temporary provision. She is highly allergic to cats, too, so he probably wouldn't be allowed upstairs, but at least the three of us could stay together. I understand how this potentially changes circumstances, and as such I'd be more than willing to refund any donations given under the premise that I'd be helping this kitten out, then passing him on to another home.\n\nNeedless to say, if anyone has any more questions or comments to leave, don't hesitate to do so\\*, but I need to play DD for a friend in about ten minutes, so I won't be around to continue commenting/replying for a little while. I will get to everyone though; I'm in disbelief of the generosity for the sake of this little kitten \u2014 $491.75 now at 10:43! Thank you all so much!\n\n\\* all three of my camera batteries are dead, so I'm going to recharge one before I leave. Til then, no more kitty pictures, but I have tons more I could upload to imgur. =)\n\n**update 2**\n\n[Paypal link taken down](http://this_doesn'; thanks to everyone in advance! Seriously, the generosity of this site never ceases to astound me!\n\n**update**\n\nI freakin' love you, redditors. A lot of people have offered to chip in for the surgery, so I called the veterinary clinic to see if I could set up an account for credit to pay for the surgery, but they're currently only open for emergency services, so I was told to call back on Monday when the staff who deal with billing are in. [Until then, Paypal link taken down](http://this_doesn' Thank you again to everybody! \n\nFor those who are curious, here's the vet clinic I went to last night (and the service was great, despite the poor reviews):\n\n[Town & Country Veterinary Clinic \n1605 N Franklin St, Christiansburg, VA 24073-1401 \n(540) 382-5042](,+VA&cid=17086377072948266377) \n[](\n\n**original post**\n\n[Here are some images](, but I warn you, the last few images of his arm is gruesome.\n\nI say [almost-]3-pawed, as the kitten's front right arm is mangled beyond repair; the bones are shattered and visible in the open wound, which is obviously infected and oozing. In spite of this, he's been walking on it for at least a month and a half, so it's flattened, blackened, and just really, really bad.\n\nThat's when I first saw this kitten what I assume is its sibling \u2014 around early august, and I've been putting food out for him for a couple weeks. My girlfriend, a friend of ours, and I saw this kitten yesterday evening sitting by a dumpster, looking pathetic. I parked my car and got some cat food and a paper plate out I had in my car, and put it out for him. He was obviously uncomfortable by my being there and wouldn't approach the food (near me, about 5 feet away from him), so I walked away\u2026 to the other side of the fence containing the dumpster area. I then saw this kitten inhaling the food, and the other one come out from under a bush on the other side of the fence.\n\nThis was the first time I actually got to see the broken arm close enough to get a real feel for how bad it actually is\u2026 and I remembered [kita's post about 3 months ago about Mailbox and his mangled/infected tail](, in particular this line:\n\n>We took him in to the vet. They said we brought him just in time, his tail was badly infected and was getting maggots. The tail is being amputated as we speak.\n\nI decided that we had to help at least this kitten, but I'd try to keep the two of them together. So, the kitten with the broken arm was very easy to catch, not just because he's handicapped, but because he was just lying in a little hollow under a bush, and he didn't really mind getting caught. The other kitten ran away, and we weren't able to catch it.\n\nWe took the kitten to an emergency veterinary clinic where they told us that the arm is broken in many places (he may have gotten it caught on something or hit by a car), and since it's already badly infected, operating on it is very unlikely to be successful. He's about 12 weeks old now, but is very skinny. Apparently if I hadn't been feeding him, he wouldn't have been able to survive. His arm isn't immediately life-threatening, so he's going back on Monday for the amputation during regular business hours.\n\nSo, now this will leave me with a tripod kitten that has become very affectionate to people which I can't keep, as my roommate [whose parents own the place] is allergic to cats and prohibits them being in the apartment, along with a $150 bill I charged last night and a $400 - $600 bill on Monday which I really can't afford. I know I brought it upon myself, so I'm doing what I can to find a way to pay/see if other veterinary clinics can do the surgery for less, but what I'd really like to find is someone who can take him in. Again, keeping the two kittens together would be ideal.\n\n**So, is there anyone in or around Blacksburg, VA who would like to take in a tripod kitten and maybe its sibling?**", "likes": null, "suggested_sort": null, "user_reports": [], "secure_media": null, "link_flair_text": null, "id": "ditev", "from_kind": null, "gilded": 0, "archived": true, "clicked": false, "report_reasons": null, "author": "Zargathe", "media": null, "score": 848, "approved_by": null, "over_18": false, "hidden": false, "num_comments": 476, "thumbnail": "", "subreddit_id": "t5_2qh1i", "hide_score": false, "edited": true, "link_flair_css_class": null, "author_flair_css_class": null, "downs": 0, "secure_media_embed": {}, "saved": false, "removal_reason": null, "stickied": false, "from": null, "is_self": true, "from_id": null, "permalink": "/r/AskReddit/comments/ditev/for_the_past_month_and_a_half_ive_seen_this/?ref=search_posts", "locked": false, "name": "t3_ditev", "created": 1285468036.0, "url": "", "author_flair_text": null, "quarantine": false, "title": "For the past month and a half I've seen this [almost-]3-pawed kitten hobbling around my apartment parking lot. Last night I caught him and took him to a vet\u2026. He'll need to get his arm amputated. I can't keep him, though I'd love to. Can anyone in SW VA help?", "created_utc": 1285439236.0, "distinguished": null, "mod_reports": [], "visited": false, "num_reports": null, "ups": 848}}, {"kind": "t3", "data": {"domain": "self.confession", "banned_by": null, "media_embed": {}, "subreddit": "confession", "selftext_html": "<!-- SC_OFF --><div class=\"md\"><p>[Traditional]</p>\n\n<p>I wanted a new pet. I saw a kitten ad on craigslist, with all rescue kittens. I emailed to ask about the kittens to see if they were still available. All of them were, and the foster was running out of room.</p>\n\n<p>I live with my parents. They love animals and pets, but will only go for sob stories. So I picked up the kitten on my way home from work. I wrapped it in a towel. Then I burst into the house and I told them that I found the kitten on the side of the road and almost hit it with my car. They bought it. I immediately vetted the kitten and paid for food and litter. </p>\n\n<p>It's been a few weeks. Everybody loves the new pet and everything's great. I feel like a piece of shit though. </p>\n</div><!-- SC_ON -->", "selftext": "[Traditional]\n\nI wanted a new pet. I saw a kitten ad on craigslist, with all rescue kittens. I emailed to ask about the kittens to see if they were still available. All of them were, and the foster was running out of room.\n\nI live with my parents. They love animals and pets, but will only go for sob stories. So I picked up the kitten on my way home from work. I wrapped it in a towel. Then I burst into the house and I told them that I found the kitten on the side of the road and almost hit it with my car. They bought it. I immediately vetted the kitten and paid for food and litter. \n\nIt's been a few weeks. Everybody loves the new pet and everything's great. I feel like a piece of shit though. ", "likes": null, "suggested_sort": null, "user_reports": [], "secure_media": null, "link_flair_text": "Traditional", "id": "288hep", "from_kind": null, "gilded": 0, "archived": true, "clicked": false, "report_reasons": null, "author": "awfulkittenfiend", "media": null, "score": 377, "approved_by": null, "over_18": false, "hidden": false, "num_comments": 42, "thumbnail": "", "subreddit_id": "t5_2qo2a", "hide_score": false, "edited": false, "link_flair_css_class": "tl", "author_flair_css_class": null, "downs": 0, "secure_media_embed": {}, "saved": false, "removal_reason": null, "stickied": false, "from": null, "is_self": true, "from_id": null, "permalink": "/r/confession/comments/288hep/i_pretended_to_rescue_a_kitten/?ref=search_posts", "locked": false, "name": "t3_288hep", "created": 1402902256.0, "url": "", "author_flair_text": null, "quarantine": false, "title": "I pretended to rescue a kitten.", "created_utc": 1402873456.0, "distinguished": null, "mod_reports": [], "visited": false, "num_reports": null, "ups": 377}}, {"kind": "t3", "data": {"domain": "", "banned_by": null, "media_embed": {}, "subreddit": "TrollXChromosomes", "selftext_html": null, "selftext": "", "likes": null, "suggested_sort": null, "user_reports": [], "secure_media": null, "link_flair_text": null, "id": "2e4z3v", "from_kind": null, "gilded": 0, "archived": true, "clicked": false, "report_reasons": null, "author": "kiss_a_kitten", "media": null, "score": 588, "approved_by": null, "over_18": false, "hidden": false, "num_comments": 47, "thumbnail": "", "subreddit_id": "t5_2sekm", "hide_score": false, "edited": false, "link_flair_css_class": null, "author_flair_css_class": null, "downs": 0, "secure_media_embed": {}, "saved": false, "removal_reason": null, "stickied": false, "from": null, "is_self": false, "from_id": null, "permalink": "/r/TrollXChromosomes/comments/2e4z3v/mrw_my_new_kitten_wants_to_cuddle_and_comes_back/?ref=search_posts", "locked": false, "name": "t3_2e4z3v", "created": 1408612703.0, "url": "", "author_flair_text": null, "quarantine": false, "title": "MRW my new kitten wants to cuddle and comes back for more after I return from the bathroom. We're at 2.5 hours and counting....", "created_utc": 1408583903.0, "distinguished": null, "mod_reports": [], "visited": false, "num_reports": null, "ups": 588}}], "after": "t3_2e4z3v", "before": null}}
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