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Last active January 10, 2020 21:13
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GVMR: Not completed (As of yet)
* "It's a new day. A new beginning."
* "I am capable of change. I change everyday."
* "I also have my struggles. But, I choose to invest in my well-being."
* "In order to be able to perform my duties, as a parent, to my beloved in the future. To be able to contribute positively,
to my community. Here, I must continue to invest in myself. This is what I have been doing for many years. I have new breakthroughs
each month. There has been progress and yet, a lot of work remains to be done"
"When I am kind to myself, the music is vibrant, as if, it has life. And the flowers look more beautiful."
* "I am glorious."
* "I am magnificent."
* "I am human."
* "I wonder how many advanced civilizations must be our there in the wider universe. And what contact would look like with our
sky brothers and sisters."
* "I am rich."
* "I am wealthy."
* "I am fortunate."
* "I have a healthy body."
* "I am grateful."
* "The well-being of those close to me, matters to me. A lot."
* "Sometimes I have negative thoughts. I acknowledge them. And then I talk to someone who is trained to help me."
* "If someone has a habit that I do not want to rub off on me. Then I stay away from them and make sure the distance remains"
* 13:39 Time to eat the frog.
** 14:27 Continue :
** 14:58 Session II:
** Win: Applied Accessibility course has been completed!
* FCC: 'Intro to Responsive Web Design Principles' (up next):
** 15:12 Begin.
** Win: 16:00 Responsive Web Design Principles : Complete!
Quotes of the day (unrelated):
* "Fear is the main source of superstition and one of the main sources of cruelty.
To conquer fear is the beginning of wisdom." - Bertrand Russell
* "You know what that feeling made me do. That's what it can do to you." - Timbaland (via MasterClass)
* "I am under no obligation to be the person that I was 5 minutes ago" - Alan Watts.
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