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Last active January 9, 2020 20:43
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Time: 12:21
* "I am honest."
* "I am self-reflective."
* "Continually setting high standards is important to me."
* "I must be mindful that children may or may not listen to what we say. But they observe everything that we do."
* Let's begin by re-evaluating evening routine and figure out why I wasted 2 hours last night. Performing an activity that,
perhaps fills the emptiness in the void. The void that we all (or most/some/I don't know) of us may experience. But,
nonetheless, it is time that I cannot afford to waste.
** So what happened after, 17:13 is that I ended up coding for about 2 hours without a break. Then, I spent more time online,
on the forums. After I wrapped up, I decided to have a meal. Then I had icecream. There was an old man who was homeless
and he didn't have a leg. So I gave him $7, all the cash that was in my wallet. After I got back to shelter, I opened up
the laptop again. I did see an interesting video about the simultion hypothesis. But, then I ended up wasting at least 2 hours
after that. This messed up my routine and I didn't wake up at 4:30 AM. I woke up at 8 AM instead. Electronics should be shut-down
at night and kept at bay.
* Today, I read about 60% of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms. Because it was displayed at the library. The section
about race, nation, or ethnical origin should be updated and sexuality should be added on there. As well, I wonder how laws
are architected or manipulated keeping the charter into consideration. The wider adoption of public blockchains should
enable more transparency in the environment. The question, again, is how we, as a society value privacy. And how things
could/should change.
* GMVR completed
** During GMVR I realized that I am not attacking the core areas that I need to attack.
* Short picnic at the park. Tea and vegetables.
* 12:29 Eat the frog. (Being mindful of the realization via GMVR)
** Continue where I left off:
* I made this for someone. To bring some cheer to their day. Code here: (Mostly borrowed via FreeCodeCamp)
* Break at 13:30
* Break concludes at 13:38
* 13:54 Distracted by Bezier curve(s) and thinking how this applies to waves and blackholes.
* 14:21 haha. Making some art, using code from FCC.
* Back to the choppa
* 14:23 Win: 'Applied Visual Thinking' course via FCC has been completed. Woohoo!
* 'Applied Accessibility' is up next:
** What is web accessibility in 60 seconds :
*** Was curious 'How a blind person uses a computer'. Found this video : From 2013 or 2014.
*** Testing the accessibility utility on computer. Cumbersome to use.
** 14:54 Back to the Applied Accessibility course.
*** Accessibility Resource highlighted via FCC(FreeCodeCamp): (I haven't read the guidelines as of yet)
** 15:08 Actually starting.
*** Difference between <div> <article> and <section>
** 15:43 Break time. Continue at:
* To watch later tonight: Kate Compton: Creating generative art with Javascript | JSConf Iceland 2018
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