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arrayMatrix1 =
[1, 2, 3, 4],
[5, 6, 7, 8],
[9, 10, 11, 12],
[13, 14, 15, 16]
arrayMatrix2 =
...are messed up. "Privilege Blindness" can be pretty toxic. Often the person with the privilege, first, lacks the self awareness
that what they're saying is hurtful because they're accustomed to not having to take that into account. Second, in my experience
they often lack the empathy to understand, at a fundamental level why they should accept the discomfort of knowing that they're
maybe kind of ignorant, rather than the alternative of (often) angrily asserting that they have a right to say what they want.
There is also something to be said for recognizing the difference between a microaggression and offhanded ignorance. The former
is a kind of privilege-of-bullying while that latter is often a dumb assumption, like stereotyping. It's when you start defending
the stereotyping, and dismissing the idea that its harmful, that microagressions occur.
These concepts remind me of groupthink.
What's interesting is that individual biases add up to something more than the sum of it s parts. It makes sense that on large
scales individual biases can determine the shape of society. It also places the impetus on the individual to exert pressure for
positive change.
I've had a passion for challenging myself to learn in new situations.
I taught English in a Japanese university for three years, partly because I wanted to travel and test myself in new situations.
I began to crave more room for creativity and complexity. I got a taste for web-development through online courses, and I decided that it was time to make a change.
When I returned to the US, I decided to take a chance and attend a web development school.
I'm currently looking forward to tackling new challeneges as a software developer, especially developing leanguage learning apps.
1. Agile is more reactive to changes downstream, as the production is always being re-evaluated, from design, to implementation.
2. We used Waffle and Slack. We were aggressive about everyone staying on the same page-- it made debugging much quicker.
3. I made sure everybody was talking to one another, and that everyone's responsibilities were clear.
4. I plan to embrace the role of coordinator earlier in the process.
5. It's a chance to celebrate what you did right, and to make plans to improve what you did wrong.
6. We made sure to be actionable, specific and kind in our feeback.
7. I would describe my ability to give feedback as mixed. I excel at appreciation feedback. This experience has improved my willingness to show appreciation for my teammates.
The contact I will reach out to is a friend of a friend who has worked in the Tech industry for almost twenty years.
-Paul encouraged me when I was first deciding to enter the industry. I hope to update him on my progress.
-I have his email and his phone number. I plan to send a brief email to catch up, and ask if he would like to talk via phone for a more in depth conversation.
-After we talk, I plan to follow up on the advice he gave me for resources, project ideas, and general developer awareness.
I plan to attend a Meetup of Denver.rb.

#…this activity invites you to begin building an understanding of how learning about and developing your strengths applies to your success in your new career. Read through the following three articles and write a reflection using the questions listed below. After reading the three articles, answer the following questions in a reflection (4-6 sentences)

What is your impression of strengths-based development? What questions do you have about this kind of development?

It is like the horoscope— genuinely insightful look into certain larger patterns of thinking and feeling which do seem true— even if (their major flaw) they can’t be proved false.

To that end, I most enjoy seeing an image grid of world leaders with their types, although you could probably shuffle them all up and nobody would detect the difference. However, in the context of how that individual approached problems in life, I find it stimulating.

#“After reading, consider the idea of checklists. Write a reflection (4-6 sentences) on the benefits of a checklist and how an organizational system such as a checklist might help you first as a student and later as a full-time developer.”

What is a checklist?

It's a a function. A method. An algorithm. So you have a series of steps to follow. Now how do we make them? Once you introduce decisions and relationships checklists become amazing networks capable of detecting complexity we aren't even aware of yet.

Being a visual person, I find checklists therapeutic. A sort of bridge between what's done and what's to do. I can only imagine the complexity one faces as a full time developer. To be honest this is something I need

On Empathy

Read two of the following articles/videos (we recommend all of them!) and reflect on these questions: why are we talking about empathy at a software development school? how can you develop the "skill" of empathy? and why should you care?

After reading the articles above, create a gist on Github and reflect (4-6 sentences) on the following prompts.

What role does empathy play in your life and how has it helped you?

#“Pick out 3 behaviors that resonate with you in the list and describe why they resonate with you in a reflection (4-6 sentences).”

I chose four.

Microdecisions MATTER

Some of the very first code I wrote was javascript animation. I had just discovered variables, and I thought I was being economical by keeping everything short. Like, single letter short.