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geog4046instructor / leaflet-geojson-circle-markers.js
Last active October 6, 2023 03:38
Leaflet - Create circles to represent GeoJSON point data
* This example shows how to use circle markers to represent GeoJSON point data
* instead of Leaflet's default blue marker. This snippet assumes the map (map),
* basemap (streets), and GeoJSON (myLayerData) have already been declared.
// create an object with a list of options to style the circle marker
// see for additional options
var myLayerStyle = {
color: 'Orange',
geog4046instructor / leaflet-geojson-layer-control.js
Last active September 30, 2019 20:53
Leaflet - Control to show/hide a GeoJSON layer
* This example shows how to add a layer list to a map where users can check and
* and uncheck a box to show and hide a GeoJSON layer. This snippet assumes
* the map (map), basemap (streets), and GeoJSON (myLayerData) have already been
* declared.
// create an operational layer that is empty for now
let myLayer = L.layerGroup().addTo(map)
geog4046instructor / leaflet-arcgis-fly.js
Created April 25, 2017 05:31
Leaflet and ArcGIS - Change the view by flying to a location
/* Change the map or scene view by making the camera "fly" to a new latitude and longitude. Note the lat/lng are reversed.
map.flyTo( [34.69, -117.76], 8, { animate:true, duration:1 } ) // for Leaflet maps
scene.goTo({ center: [-117.76, 34.69], zoom: 8 }) // for ArcGIS web scenes
/* To change the camera location but keep the current zoom level, you could provide flyTo and goTo with a zoom value equal
* to the map or scene's current zoom obtained with the map.getZoom() method in Leaflet and the scene.zoom property in ArcGIS.
geog4046instructor / leaflet-toggle-layer.js
Last active January 1, 2018 22:12
Leaflet - Click an HTML element to show or hide a layer
/* This example will listen for a click on an HTML element, in this case a button with id="my-btn",
* and show/hide a specified layer, in this case myLayer.
// wait for the user to click an element with id="my-btn", then run this code
jQuery( '#my-btn' ).click( function(){
if ( map.hasLayer( myLayer ) ){ // if the specified layer is visible on the map, it needs to be removed
map.removeLayer( myLayer )
geog4046instructor / leaflet-basemap-switcher.js
Last active March 28, 2023 14:49
Leaflet - Basemap switcher
/* This example is similar to the leaflet-layer-control.js example:
* (
* but this example only adds basemaps (tileLayer) to the control.
// create a street map layer and add it to the map, making it the default basemap
let streets = L.tileLayer( 'https://{s}{z}/{x}/{y}.png' ).addTo( map )
// create a satellite imagery layer
let satellite = L.tileLayer( '{z}/{y}/{x}' )
geog4046instructor / arcgis-3d.js
Last active January 1, 2018 22:17
ArcGIS - Load a 3D scene from ArcGIS Online
* This example loads a 3D globe with basemap and layers published to ArcGIS Online. To use another scene with this code,
* change the id of the portalItem. The "container" value should match the id of the map div specified in the HTML.
geog4046instructor / leaflet-jquery-geojson-layer-control.js
Last active June 29, 2023 06:37
Leaflet - Control to show/hide a GeoJSON layer that has been added with AJAX through jQuery
* This example shows how to add a layer list to a map where users can check and uncheck boxes to show and hide layers.
* The code below is combined with the code to add geojson to a map, since those two things are often used together.
* The code consists of five main parts:
* 1. Create the basemap(s) and layer(s)
* 2. Get geojson data and run a function to add it to a layer from step 1
* 3. Create the function that will be run in step 2
* 4. Create the list of layers that will appear in the control component
* 5. Create the control component
geog4046instructor / leaflet-geojson-custom-icon.js
Last active June 13, 2024 03:22
Leaflet - Create a custom icon to use with a GeoJSON layer instead of the default blue marker
* Create a custom icon to use with a GeoJSON layer instead of the default blue
* marker. This snippet assumes the map object (map) and GeoJSON object
* (myLayerData) have already been declared.
// replace Leaflet's default blue marker with a custom icon
function createCustomIcon (feature, latlng) {
let myIcon = L.icon({
iconUrl: 'my-icon.png',
geog4046instructor / leaflet-circle-marker.js
Last active March 14, 2021 17:16
Leaflet - Create a circle symbol to use with a GeoJSON layer instead of the default blue marker
* Create a circle symbol to use with a GeoJSON layer instead of the default blue marker
// This will be run when L.geoJSON creates the point layer from the GeoJSON data.
function createCircleMarker( feature, latlng ){
// Change the values of these options to change the symbol's appearance
let options = {
radius: 8,
fillColor: "lightgreen",
geog4046instructor / leaflet-geojson-popup.js
Last active April 25, 2017 02:55
Leaflet - Add a popup to GeoJSON features
/* This example demonstrates how to create a popup for a GeoJSON layer
* "YOUR_FIELD_NAME" should be the name of an attribute of the GeoJSON layer.
* Any string can be used in bindPopup(), including HTML.
function createPopup(feature, layer) {
// code here will run when a feature on the map is clicked.
layer.bindPopup( // show the clicked feature's attribute value in a popup
// some other code can go here, like adding the layer to a layer group so it can be shown on a control