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Last active October 6, 2023 03:38
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Leaflet - Create circles to represent GeoJSON point data
* This example shows how to use circle markers to represent GeoJSON point data
* instead of Leaflet's default blue marker. This snippet assumes the map (map),
* basemap (streets), and GeoJSON (myLayerData) have already been declared.
// create an object with a list of options to style the circle marker
// see for additional options
var myLayerStyle = {
color: 'Orange',
radius: 5
// create a vector circle centered on each point feature's latitude and longitude
function createCircles (feature, latlng) {
return L.circleMarker(latlng, myLayerStyle)
// create an options object that specifies which function will called on each feature
var myLayerOptions = {
pointToLayer: createCircles
// create the GeoJSON layer from the myLayerData object (not shown in this snippet)
L.geoJSON(myLayerData, myLayerOptions).addTo(map)
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