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georgewfraser / spec.json
Last active December 24, 2022 18:15
Benchmark 2020 vs 2022
"$schema": "",
"description": "Log-scaled Histogram. We may improve the support of this. See",
"data": {
"values": [
{"warehouse": "BigQuery", "year": 2020, "time": 11.18},
{"warehouse": "BigQuery", "year": 2022, "time": 7.35},
{"warehouse": "Snowflake", "year": 2020, "time": 8.21},
{"warehouse": "Snowflake", "year": 2022, "time": 6.61},
{"warehouse": "Databricks", "year": 2020, "time": 18.08},
from orders
join order_items using (order_id)
join customer using (customer_id)
group by 1
georgewfraser / spec.json
Created September 9, 2022 16:13
Benchmark Histogram
"$schema": "",
"data": {
"values": [
{"BinLeft": 0.25, "BinRight": 0.5, "Warehouse": "BigQuery", "Count": 0},
{"BinLeft": 0.25, "BinRight": 0.5, "Warehouse": "Snowflake", "Count": 1},
{"BinLeft": 0.25, "BinRight": 0.5, "Warehouse": "Redshift", "Count": 2},
{"BinLeft": 0.25, "BinRight": 0.5, "Warehouse": "Databricks", "Count": 0},
{"BinLeft": 0.25, "BinRight": 0.5, "Warehouse": "Azure", "Count": 0},
{"BinLeft": 0.5, "BinRight": 1, "Warehouse": "BigQuery", "Count": 0},
georgewfraser / spec.json
Last active September 9, 2022 16:11
Benchmark Change
"$schema": "",
"description": "Change in benchmark performance",
"data": {
"values": [
{"warehouse": "BigQuery", "year": 2020, "time": 11.18},
{"warehouse": "BigQuery", "year": 2022, "time": 9.35},
{"warehouse": "Snowflake", "year": 2020, "time": 8.21},
{"warehouse": "Snowflake", "year": 2022, "time": 7.32},
{"warehouse": "Databricks", "year": 2020, "time": 18.08},
-- psql -d postgres -f 1.Generate.sql
drop table if exists source;
create table source as
cast(random() as varchar) as a,
cast(random() as varchar) as b,
cast(random() as varchar) as c,
cast(random() as varchar) as d,
create table ab_stream (a array<struct<k int, v string>>, b array<struct<k int, v int>>);
insert into ab_stream values
([(1, "one")], [(2, 200)]);
create or replace table lead_transform as
select cast(created_date as date) as day, count(1) as leads
from lead
where date '2016-10-01' < created_date
and created_date < date '2016-10-10'
group by 1;
-- incremental
-- SOURCE TABLE: visits (time timestamp) partition by date(time);
-- DEST TABLE: create table daily (day date, visits int)
create temp table new_visits as
select date(time), count(1)
from visits
where time >= date_sub(@prev_date, interval 5 days);
[Trace - 5:34:30 PM] Sending request 'textDocument/codeLens - (22)'.
Params: {
"textDocument": {
"uri": "file:///Users/georgefraser/Documents/copy-java-language-server/src/main/java/org/javacs/"
2018-12-23 17:34:30 INFO org.javacs.JavaCompilerService testMethods Finding test methods in
-- Ran on n1-standard-8 with 500GB SSD on GCP
-- Create a database `test` and switch to it
create database test;
use test;
-- Create a table `target` and fill it with 100k rows
create table target (id varchar(20) primary key, name varchar(2));