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Last active March 15, 2022 21:48
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create table ab_stream (a array<struct<k int, v string>>, b array<struct<k int, v int>>);
insert into ab_stream values
([(1, "one")], [(2, 200)]);
-- Initial setup.
create table ab_stream (t string, r json); -- A small number of recently appended rows in all tables.
create table a_compact (k int, v string); -- Periodically compacted from ab_stream.
create table b_compact (k int, v int); -- Periodically compacted from ab_stream.
create view a_stream as
cast(json_extract(r, '$.k') as int),
cast(json_extract(r, '$.v') as string)
from ab_stream
where t = 'a';
create view b_stream as
cast(json_extract(r, '$.k') as int),
cast(json_extract(r, '$.v') as int)
from ab_stream
where t = 'b';
create view a as
select * from a_compact
union all select * from a_stream;
create view b as
select * from b_compact
union all select * from b_stream;
-- Insert new rows.
insert into ab_stream values
('a', json '{"k":1,"v":"one"}'),
('b', json '{"k":2,"v":200}');
-- Compact recently added rows.
insert into a_compact
select * from a_stream;
delete from ab_stream
where t = 'a';
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