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Created March 18, 2020 05:36
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Rustc get type
extern crate rustc;
extern crate rustc_error_codes;
extern crate rustc_errors;
extern crate rustc_hash;
extern crate rustc_hir;
extern crate rustc_interface;
extern crate rustc_span;
use rustc::session;
use rustc::session::config;
use rustc_errors::registry;
use rustc_interface::interface;
use rustc_span::source_map;
use std::path;
use std::process;
use std::str;
fn main() {
let out = process::Command::new("rustc")
let sysroot = str::from_utf8(&out.stdout).unwrap().trim();
let filename = "";
let contents = "fn main() { let message = \"Hello, world!\"; println!(\"{}\", message); }";
let errors = registry::Registry::new(&rustc_error_codes::DIAGNOSTICS);
let config = interface::Config {
// Command line options
opts: config::Options {
maybe_sysroot: Some(path::PathBuf::from(sysroot)),
// cfg! configuration in addition to the default ones
// FxHashSet<(String, Option<String>)>
crate_cfg: rustc_hash::FxHashSet::default(),
input: config::Input::Str {
name: source_map::FileName::Custom(String::from(filename)),
input: String::from(contents),
// Option<PathBuf>
input_path: None,
// Option<PathBuf>
output_dir: None,
// Option<PathBuf>
output_file: None,
// Option<Box<dyn FileLoader + Send + Sync>>
file_loader: None,
diagnostic_output: session::DiagnosticOutput::Default,
// Set to capture stderr output during compiler execution
// Option<Arc<Mutex<Vec<u8>>>>
stderr: None,
// Option<String>
crate_name: None,
// FxHashMap<lint::LintId, lint::Level>
lint_caps: rustc_hash::FxHashMap::default(),
// This is a callback from the driver that is called when we're registering lints;
// it is called during plugin registration when we have the LintStore in a non-shared state.
// Note that if you find a Some here you probably want to call that function in the new
// function being registered.
// Option<Box<dyn Fn(&Session, &mut LintStore) + Send + Sync>>
register_lints: None,
// This is a callback from the driver that is called just after we have populated
// the list of queries.
// The second parameter is local providers and the third parameter is external providers.
// Option<fn(&Session, &mut ty::query::Providers<'_>, &mut ty::query::Providers<'_>)>
override_queries: None,
// Registry of diagnostics codes.
registry: errors,
interface::run_compiler(config, |compiler| {
compiler.enter(|queries| {
// Analyze the program and inspect the types of definitions.
queries.global_ctxt().unwrap().take().enter(|ctx| {
// TODO: How do I get the type of `message` in `println!("{}", message);
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