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Created April 24, 2014 18:39
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(defroutes rotas
#_(ANY "/empresa" []
:available-media-types ["application/edn"]
:method-allowed? (request-method-in :get :post)
:handle-ok (fn [ctx]
(k/select ent/empresa (k/fields :id :nome)))
:post! (fn [ctx]
(let [empresa (read-edn-from-body ctx)]
{::result (insert-empresa empresa)}))
:handle-created (fn [ctx] (::result ctx))))
#_(ANY "/empresa/:id" [id]
:available-media-types ["application/edn"]
:method-allowed? (request-method-in :get :put :delete)
:respond-with-entity? true
:malformed? (fn [_] (not (valid-uuid? id)))
(fn [ctx]
(k/delete ent/empresa
(k/where {:id (java.util.UUID/fromString id)})))
(fn [ctx]
(-> (k/select* ent/empresa)
(k/where {:id (java.util.UUID/fromString id)})
first ))
(fn [ctx]
"Registro excluído"))
:put! (fn [ctx]
(let [empresa (read-edn-from-body ctx)]
{::result (update-empresa empresa)}))
:handle-created (fn [ctx] (::result ctx)))))
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