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Created April 30, 2024 17:59
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How do I get the "primary" (simplest and most primitive) type of a Malli schema?e.g. :string => :string [:and :string [:fn ,,,]] => :string
(let [kinds #{:map :tuple :vector}
fn-kind {string? :string
int? :int
boolean? :boolean
double? :double}
type-kind {(type "") :string}
simplest-form (fn [form]
(keyword? form)
(fn? form)
(get fn-kind form "not handled fn form")
(vector? form)
(let [[kind-or-and kind] form]
(or (get kinds kind-or-and)
(get kinds kind)
(get fn-kind kind)
(and (= kind-or-and :enum) (type-kind (type kind)) )
"unhandled vector form"))
:else "not handled and not branched")
(for [schema [[:enum "s" "b" "d"]
[:and boolean? [:fn identity]]
[:tuple {:title "location"} :double :double]
[:map [:x int?] [:y int?]]
[(simplest-form schema) " <- " schema]
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