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Created May 30, 2020 23:24
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(ns app.renderer.core
["@material-ui/core" :refer [AppBar Toolbar Badge Hidden IconButton]]
["@material-ui/core/Button" :default Button]
["@material-ui/core/styles" :refer [createMuiTheme makeStyles ThemeProvider]]
["react-dom" :as rdom]
[app.renderer.myhelix :refer [defnc]]
[helix.core :as hx :refer [$ <>]]
[helix.dom :as d]
(def useStyles
(fn [theme]
{"boxShadow" "none"}
{:flexGrow 1}
{:maginLeft ((.-spacing theme) 1)}}))))
(defnc Topbar
[{:keys [class on-sidebar-open]
:as props}]
(let [classes (useStyles)
props ( -> props
(dissoc :on-sidebar-open)
(assoc :class
(str (.-root classes) " " class)) )
($ ^:native
{:& props}
($ ^:native
(d/div {:class (.-flexGrow classes)
:name "Toolbar"})))))
(def theme (createMuiTheme #js {}))
(defnc App
($ ^:native
ThemeProvider {:theme theme}
($ Topbar {})
(d/label "teste")
($ ^:native
Button {:variant "contained"
:color "primary"
:on-click (fn [e]
(.log js/console "oi"))}
"Oia ae Felipão"))))
(defn start! []
(rdom/render ($ App) (js/document.getElementById "app-container")))
; (js/console.log "root " (.-root classes))
; (js/console.log "props " props)
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For future reference, reading through helix's Slack chat I found this:

I would recommend not using ^:native metadata
what $ does normally is translates your props map literally. so if you wrote
($ Button {:onClick #(js/alert "hi")} "Hello")
it would literally create a call like
(react/createElement Button #js {:onClick #(js/alert "hi")} "Hello")
this is good, because you can look at the documentation of material UI, see it takes an onClick prop, and write :onClick in your code
marking it as ^:native will automatically change kebab-case to camelCase for you, as well as translate DOM props like :class to :className and :style will be transformed into a JS object from CLJS data
IMO this was a mistake to build into $. it's wrong half the time, because sometimes you want the kebab-case transformation but you don't want :style, or you do want transformation from clj->js in some other prop but it doesn't do that for you so you have to remember which props it does automatically and which do not - helix

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@sdmoralesma thank you referencing this.

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