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Created May 21, 2015 23:11
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project.clj that uses figwheel
(defproject manutencao "0.1.0-SNAPSHOT"
:description "FIXME: write this!"
:url ""
:jvm-opts ["-Xmx2048m"]
:dependencies [
[buddy "0.5.3"]
[clj-time "0.9.0"]
[com.rpl/specter "0.5.0"]
[com.stuartsierra/component "0.2.3"]
[cuerdas "0.3.2"]
[enlive "1.1.5"]
[environ "1.0.0"]
[honeysql "0.6.0"]
[leiningen "2.5.1"]
[org.clojure/clojure "1.7.0-beta3"]
[org.clojure/clojurescript "0.0-3269"]
[org.clojure/core.async "0.1.346.0-17112a-alpha"]
[org.clojure/java.jdbc "0.3.6"]
[org.clojure/tools.namespace "0.2.10"]
[ring "1.3.2"]
[ring-middleware-format "0.5.0"] ;; especifico para rest
[ring/ring-defaults "0.1.5"]
[bidi "1.19.0"]
[prismatic/plumbing "0.4.3"] ;; apenas fnk e defnk
[medley "0.6.0"] ;; prefira esta para os utilitários
;; [brutha "0.1.0"]
[flupot "0.1.1"]
; libs java
; ---------
;; [com.impossibl.pgjdbc-ng/pgjdbc-ng "0.5"]
[com.zaxxer/HikariCP "2.3.7"]
:source-paths ["src-clj"]
:min-lein-version "2.5.0"
:uberjar-name "manutencao.jar"
:clean-targets ^{:protect false} [:target-path "resources/public/js"]
:plugins [[lein-cljsbuild "1.0.6"]
[lein-figwheel "0.3.1" :exclusions [cider/cider-nrepl]]
[lein-environ "1.0.0"]
[lein-localrepo "0.5.3"]]
:hooks [leiningen.cljsbuild]
:cljsbuild {:builds
{:source-paths ["src-cljs"]
{:main manutencao.core
:asset-path "js/out"
:output-to "resources/public/js/app.js"
:output-dir "resources/public/js/out"}}}}
:profiles {:uberjar
{:env {:production true}
:omit-source true
:aot :all
:cljsbuild {:builds
{:source-map "resources/public/js/"
:optimizations :advanced
:pretty-print false}}}}}
{:source-paths ["dev" "test-clj"]
:dependencies [[reloaded.repl "0.1.0"]
[org.thnetos/cd-client "0.3.6"]]
:cljsbuild {:builds
{:figwheel true
{:source-map true
:optimizations :none
:pretty-print true}}}}
:env {:is-dev true}
:figwheel {:http-server-root "public"
:server-port 3440
:css-dirs ["resources/public/css"]}}}
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