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Bundling Design Systems/Component Libraries

First of all you need to decide who will be your target consumers based on the following:

  1. They have the same environment(webpack config, babel config) setup as you where you built your design system(this is mostly possible if you use monorepos/same configs where all the teams share the same environment).

  2. They don't have the same environment which is the case when you work in bigger teams and you want to distribute your design system as any other npm package which is already built and can be used directly.

If your use case falls under case no. 1 then you can just compile the source babel src -d build and leave the bundling to the consumer projects tools(webpack/rollup)

madelinegannon /
Last active June 15, 2023 11:02
How to get the Kinect V2 working in openFrameworks on Linux

How to get the Kinect V2 working in openFrameworks on Linux

This tutorial walks through how to get the Microsoft Kinect One working in Linux and openFrameworks.

Tested On

danreeves / init.vim
Last active March 10, 2018 01:32
My nvim config
" Start plugins
call plug#begin('~/.config/nvim/plugged')
" One Dark theme
Plug 'joshdick/onedark.vim'
" Automatic syntax for a bunch of languages
Plug 'sheerun/vim-polyglot'
" Detect editorconfig file
Plug 'editorconfig/editorconfig-vim'
cucmberium / gist:8ca7f4a5c5ea5a8b6590
Last active May 11, 2019 16:40
Twitter poll api



var status = await tokens.Statuses.ShowAsync(id => 696716686381027328, include_cards => true, cards_platform => "Android-12");

Twitter for AndroidのCK/CS

AminaKeldibek / Multiple camera calibration
Last active March 12, 2022 08:31
Multiple camera calibration

The document provides description on calibration of three Kinect for Microsoft sensors connected to one computer with several usb controllers. Three cameras setup is shown below:

![Figure 1] (

Intrinsic, extrinsic, and Kinect2Kinect calibration is performed to know the position of each sensor in the space. Our setup is ROS Indigo with Ubuntu 14.04. freenect_launch and camera_pose ROS packages are used. Camera_pose package provides the pipeline to calibrate the relative 6D poses between multiple camera's. freenect_launch package contains launch files for using OpenNI-compliant devices in ROS. It creates a nodelet graph to transform raw data from the device driver into point clouds, disparity images, and other products suitable for processing and visualization. It is installed with catkin as follows:

# Prep
staltz /
Last active July 22, 2024 09:31
The introduction to Reactive Programming you've been missing
REAS / RGB_textures.pde
Created May 20, 2014 23:01
Stochastic RGB textures
import processing.pdf.*;
color[] rgb = {
#FF0000, #00FF00, #0000FF
float spMin = 2;
float spMax = 4;
float strokeWidth = 0.5;
Kartones /
Last active July 24, 2024 21:30
PostgreSQL command line cheatsheet


Magic words:

psql -U postgres

Some interesting flags (to see all, use -h or --help depending on your psql version):

  • -E: will describe the underlaying queries of the \ commands (cool for learning!)
  • -l: psql will list all databases and then exit (useful if the user you connect with doesn't has a default database, like at AWS RDS)
simonista / .vimrc
Last active July 21, 2024 14:41
A basic .vimrc file that will serve as a good template on which to build.
" Don't try to be vi compatible
set nocompatible
" Helps force plugins to load correctly when it is turned back on below
filetype off
" TODO: Load plugins here (pathogen or vundle)
" Turn on syntax highlighting
syntax on
sloria /
Last active July 24, 2024 02:53
A "Best of the Best Practices" (BOBP) guide to developing in Python.

The Best of the Best Practices (BOBP) Guide for Python

A "Best of the Best Practices" (BOBP) guide to developing in Python.

In General


  • "Build tools for others that you want to be built for you." - Kenneth Reitz
  • "Simplicity is alway better than functionality." - Pieter Hintjens