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Created September 6, 2020 03:49
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ML-Dash and ML-Logger Setup Script
1 df
2 ls /dev/sdh
3 cd /dev/sdh
4 sudo mount /dev/sdb1 ~/runs
5 mkdir runs
6 sudo mount /dev/sdb1 ~/runs
7 sudo mount /dev/sh~/runs
8 sudo mount /dev/sdh ~/runs
9 ls
10 cd runs
11 ls
12 conda envs list
13 conda
14 which python
15 python
16 python3
17 curl -O
18 ls
19 rm
20 cd ..
21 curl -O
22 ls
23 ./
24 sudo chmod +x ./Miniconda3-latest-Linux-x86_64.s
25 sudo chmod +x ./
26 ./
27 bash ./
28 ls
29 bash ./ -u
30 rm
31 rm -rf miniconda3/
32 curl -O
33 sudo chmod +x
34 ./
35 curl -O
36 wget
37 wget
38 sudo chmod +x
39 ./
40 rm
41 ls
42 rm 58728680-3cf7-11e9-94f6-5558e2e82ea9\?X-Amz-Algorithm\=AWS4-HMAC-SHA256
43 cp
44 rm
45 sudo chmod +x
46 ./
47 exit
48 conda env list
49 pip install ml-logger ml-dash
50 pip install --upgrade pip
51 yes | pip install graphene==2.1.3
52 yes | pip install graphql-core==2.1
53 yes | pip install graphql-relay==0.4.5
54 yes | pip install graphql-server-core==1.1.1
55 pip list
56 pip install numpy matplotlib
57 conda install matplotlib
58 sudo apt-get install gcc
59 sudo yum install gcc
60 conda freeze | grep matplotlib
61 conda list | grep matplotlib
62 conda install matplotlib
63 history
64 conda install matplotlib
65 echo $PATH
66 which python
67 python
68 conda config --add channels gaiar && conda config --add channels conda-forge && conda config --add channels c4aarch64 && conda update -n base --all
69 conda install -y libiconv
70 conda install -y conda-build && conda install -y anaconda-client
71 pip install matplotlib
72 git clone
73 sudo yum install git
74 git clone
75 git clone
76 cd matplotlib/
77 pip install -e .
78 sudo ym python-matplotlib
79 sudo yum install python-matplotlib
80 sudo yum install matplotlib
81 conda install matplotlib
82 conda list
83 cd ..
84 rm matplotlib -rf
85 python
86 pip install ml-logger
87 pip install ml-dash
88 pip list | grep graph
89 yes | pip install graphene==2.1.3
90 yes | pip install graphql-core==2.1
91 yes | pip install graphql-relay==0.4.5
92 yes | pip install graphql-server-core==1.1.1
93 pip install ml-dash
94 exit
95 conda install -y imageio-ffmpeg, typing, requests-futures, dill, scipy, termcolor, websockets, ujson, multidict, uvloop, httptools
96 conda install -y imageio-ffmpeg typing requests-futures dill scipy termcolor websockets ujson multidict uvloop httptools
97 conda install -y imageio-ffmpeg typing requests-futures dill scipy termcolor websockets ujso
98 conda install -y imageio-ffmpeg typing requests-futures dill scipy termcolor websockets ujson
99 conda install request-futures
100 conda install scipy
101 conda install numpy
102 tmux -CC
103 sudo yum install tmux
104 tmux -CC
105 python
106 history
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