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Last active December 21, 2016 03:48
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unfold example
(ns docker-tag-paginate
(:require [clj-http.lite.client :as client]
[cheshire.core :as json]
[clojure.pprint :refer [print-table]]))
(def base-url "")
;; (progression pos? dec 15)
(defn progression
[continue? f seed]
(seq [_]
(let [step (fn step-fn [seed]
(cons seed (lazy-seq
(when (continue? seed)
(step-fn (f seed))))))]
(step seed)))
(reduce [_ rf init]
(loop [ret (rf init seed)
seed seed]
(if (reduced? ret)
(if (continue? seed)
(let [next (f seed)]
(recur (rf ret next) next))
(defn read-response
(when (= 200 (:status response))
(update response :body json/parse-string keyword)))
(defn get-tags
(let [base-url (str base-url "/repositories/library/" image-name "/tags/")
fetch! (comp read-response client/get)
next-url (comp :next :body)
results (comp :results :body)
pages (progression next-url (comp fetch! next-url) (fetch! base-url))]
(into [] (mapcat results) pages)))
(defn pretty-print-tags
(->> tags
(sort-by :last_updated (fn [a b] (compare b a)))
(print-table [:name :full_size :last_updated])))
(defn -main
(-> image-name
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arichiardi commented Dec 21, 2016

I have used this, and while I was writing the docstring I thought of coalesce. Maybe unrelated, I thought I might throw it there 😄 Thanks for sharing!

EDIT: for others, here is a more up-to-date, arguably better, approach.

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