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An unofficial list of discord app protocol routes

Discord app protocol routes


  • /: discord://-/
  • friends: discord://-/channels/@me/
  • nitro: discord://-/store
  • shop: discord://-/shop
  • message requests: discord://-/message-requests
  • family centre: discord://-/family-center


  • apps: discord://-/apps
  • discovery - guilds: discord://-/guild-discovery
  • gift: discord://-/gifts/<gift_code>
  • gift (with login screen): discord://-/gifts/<gift_code>/login
  • new server: discord://-/guilds/create
  • server invite: discord://-/invite/<invite_code>
  • server invite (with login screen): discord://-/invite/<invite_code>/login
  • developer portal: discord://-/developer


  • user settings: discord://-/settings/<setting_name>
    • with setting_name:
      • User settings - my account: account
      • User settings - profiles: profile-customization
      • User settings - privacy and safety: privacy-and-safety
      • User settings - family: family-center
      • User settings - authorized apps: authorized-apps
      • User settings - connections: connections
      • User settings - devices: sessions
      • User settings - friend requests: friend-requests
      • Payment settings - Discord Nitro: premium
      • Payment settings - server boost: guild-boosting
      • Payment settings - subscriptions: subscriptions
      • Payment settings - gift inventory: inventory
      • Payment settings - billing: billing
      • App settings - appearance: appearance
      • App settings - accessibility: accessibility
      • App settings - voice & video: voice
      • App settings - text & images: text
      • App settings - notifications: notifications
      • App settings - keybinds: keybinds
      • App settings - language: locale
      • App settings - windows settings: windows
      • App settings - linux settings: linux
      • App settings - steamer mode: streamer-mode
      • App settings - advanced: advanced
      • Activity settings - activity privacy - activity-privacy
      • Activity settings - registered games - registered-games
      • Activity settings - game overlay: overlay
      • Hypesquad: hypesquad-online
      • Changelog: changelogs
      • Experiments: experiments
      • Developer options: developer-options
      • Hotspot options: hotspot-options
      • Dismissible Contents: dismissible-content-options
  • guild settings: discord://-/guilds/<guild_id>/settings
    • overview: /overview
    • roles: /roles
    • emoji: /emoij
    • stickers: /stickers
    • widget: /widget
    • server template: /guild-templates
    • soundboard: /soundboard
    • custom invite link: /vanity-url
    • Apps - integrations: /integrations
    • Apps - app directory: /app-directory (empty page)
    • Moderation - safety setup: /safety
    • Moderation - audit log: /audit-log
    • Moderation - bans: /bans
    • Community - overview: /community
    • Community - onboarding: /onboarding
    • Community - server insights: /analytics
    • Community - partner programme: /partner
    • Community - discovery: /discovery
    • Community - server web page /discovery-landing-page
    • Community - welcome screen: /community-welcome
    • Monetization - Server subscriptions: /role-subscriptions
    • Server boost status: /guild-premium
    • User managament - members: /members
    • User managament - invites: /instant-invites
    • Delete: /delete


  • user profile: discord://-/users/<user_id>

Guilds and DMs:

  • dm channel: discord://-/channels/@me/<channel_id>
  • dm message: discord://-/channels/@me/<channel_id>/<message_id>
  • favorites: discord://-/channels/@favorites
  • favorites channel: discord://-/channels/@favorites/<channel_id>
  • guild: discord://-/channels/<guild_id>
  • guild channel: discord://-/channels/<guild_id>/<channel_id>
  • guild browse channels: discord://channels/<guild_id>/channel-browser
  • guild customise (onboarding): discord://channels/<guild_id>/customize-community
  • guild server guide channel: discord://-/channels/<guild_id>/@home
  • guild event: discord://-/events/<guild_id>/<event_id>
  • guild message: discord://-/channels/<guild_id>/<channel_id>/<message_id>
  • guild member safety: discord://-/channels/<guild_id>/member-safety
  • guild membership screening: discord://-/member-verification/<guild_id>
  • guild role subscriptions: discord://-/channels/<guild_id>/role-subscriptions
  • hub membership screening: discord://-/member-verification-for-hub/<hub_id>


  • library: discord://-/library/
  • library inventory: discord://-/library/inventory
  • library item actions: discord://-/library/<sku_id>/<action_name>
    • with action_name:
      • Launch: launch
  • library settings: discord://-/library/settings/
  • store page: discord://-/store/skus/<sku_id>
  • store page: discord://-/store/applications/<application_id>


  • login: discord://-/login (options: ?redirect_to=)
  • register: discord://-/register (options: ?redirect_to=)
  • reset: discord://-/reset
  • restore: discord://-/restore


If an event is over, the link might not work anymore

  • snowsgiving (Discord's yearly event in december): discord://-/snowsgiving
  • 8th birthday: discord://-/activities
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It's really cool how you can use these protocol routes with new Markdown masked links. 😎

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Lusiiky commented Nov 11, 2023

hey @Lusiiky , sorry didn't see the reply, yes you could do this by doing "discord://-/guilds/<guildID>/settings/guild-premium"

@Dark-LYNN Hello! Unfortunately, this doesn't seem to work for me.. :'(

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hey @Lusiiky , sorry didn't see the reply, yes you could do this by doing "discord://-/guilds/<guildID>/settings/guild-premium"

@Dark-LYNN Hello! Unfortunately, this doesn't seem to work for me.. :'(

Hey @Lusiiky this feature indeed seems to only work on pc (not mobile) and only if the user has access to this tab in the server settings, I can't find a protocol route towards the normal guild subscription/boosts page sorry.

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Lusiiky commented Nov 12, 2023

Hey @Lusiiky this feature indeed seems to only work on pc (not mobile) and only if the user has access to this tab in the server settings, I can't find a protocol route towards the normal guild subscription/boosts page sorry.

@Dark-LYNN However, I'm on a PC, and I've tested it on a server I own, and other servers and... nothing..

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is there a route for channel descriptions? or linked roles?

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Any route for adding a channel to your channel list?

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is there a kind of a protocol to mute myself on the desktop app? I'm trying to code a stream deck clone and I can't find ANYTHING about this

You can use hotkeys in the user settings to mute and unmute yourself.

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discord://-/ equal to discord:///

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Theres also this:

  • discord://-/developers
    Opens the Developer Portal inside Discord

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How can i use the redirect within the protocoll route?


Because it doesn't work for me. Please help <3

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How can i use the redirect within the protocoll route?

Like: discord://-/login?redirect_to=

Because it doesn't work for me. Please help <3

this doesn't work

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How can i use the redirect within the protocoll route?

Like: discord://-/login?redirect_to=

Because it doesn't work for me. Please help <3

Try instead

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Z1xus commented Apr 1, 2024

found the protocol for april fool's lootboxes: discord://-/settings/lootboxes

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I'm looking for a protocol that'd allow me to open the popup to "change nickname." or atleast send the person to the own settings where they can edit their nickname for any server

would be easier than telling people to either rightclick and change their nicknames or telling them to type /nick <new nickname>

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"Takma adı değiştirmek" için açılır pencereyi açmama izin verecek bir protokol arıyorum. veya en azından kişiyi herhangi bir sunucu için takma adını düzenleyebilecekleri kendi ayarlarına gönderin

İnsanlara sağ tıklayıp takma adlarını değiştirmelerini veya yazmalarını söylemekten daha kolay olurdu /nick <new nickname>

if you expect this you will be disappointed, trust me

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sylv256 commented Jun 9, 2024

Hey y'all, so I've figured something out: these only work on Windows.

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these only work on Windows.

For Linux try this. Also, Discord on Linux just sucks. (ArmCord enhances it a bit)

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lCyPh3r commented Jun 22, 2024

is there's a way to invite a discord bot with this protocol like : discord://-/oauth2/authorize?client_id=282859044593598464&scope=identify+guilds+bot+applications.commands+applications.commands.permissions.update&permissions=2080374975&response_type=code&redirect_uri=

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is there a kind of a protocol to mute myself on the desktop app? I'm trying to code a stream deck clone and I can't find ANYTHING about this

It's done over RPC, see Though, I dunno why wouldn't you just want to set a keybind.

Perhaps he wants to automize it on some event. You know, programatically.

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@Lenochxd not sure if you even still need this 😂

RPC can be a pain to work with (source: trust me bro™) as it's rather limited but it can work to automate things that are supported. discord-rpc is a pretty decent lib to interact with it, muting yourself would look something like this.

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@Lenochxd not sure if you even still need this 😂

RPC can be a pain to work with (source: trust me bro™) as it's rather limited but it can work to automate things that are supported. discord-rpc is a pretty decent lib to interact with it, muting yourself would look something like this.

This is exactly what I needed, thank you!

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Hey y'all, so I've figured something out: these only work on Windows.

These also work on macOS.

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