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Last active February 19, 2023 05:28
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Alert Internet Speed Periodicly with Speedtest CLI on Ubuntu Server


  • Send periodicly an Internet speed with speedtest-cli to group telegram with Telgeram BOT


sudo apt install speedtest-cli



# Token bot Telegram Anda
# ID grup Telegram yang akan menerima hasil tes kecepatan internet

# Fungsi untuk mengirim hasil tes kecepatan internet ke grup Telegram
function send_to_telegram {
    curl -s -X POST "$BOT_TOKEN/sendMessage" -d chat_id=$GROUP_ID -d text="$message" -d parse_mode="HTML"

# Tes kecepatan internet menggunakan speedtest-cli
result=$(speedtest-cli --simple)

# Waktu dan tanggal tes
timestamp=$(date "+%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")

# Pesan untuk dikirim ke Telegram
message="<b>Laporan kecepatan internet $timestamp pada Server Lenovo</b>%0A%0A<b>Ping:</b> $(echo "$result" | awk '/Ping/ {print $2}')%0A<b>Download:</b> $(echo "$result" | awk '/Download/ {print $2 " " $3}')%0A<b>Upload:</b> $(echo "$result" | awk '/Upload/ {print $2 " " $3}')"

# Kirim pesan ke Telegram
send_to_telegram "$message

Alert Periodicly

To alert periodicly we can use cronjob to automate execute this script, you can use Crontab Guru to design your automation day or time

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