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Last active September 3, 2023 12:43
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CLI to transform a SingleFileZ page into a SingleFile page
import { extract } from "";
import * as zip from ""; = zip;
const { docContent } = await extract(new Blob([await Deno.readFile(Deno.args[0])]), { noBlobURL: true });
if (Deno.args[1]) {
await Deno.writeTextFile(Deno.args[1], docContent);
} else {
if [ $# -eq 0 ]; then
echo " Usage: $0 <INPUT FILE> [OUTPUT FILE]"
echo " Transforms a page saved with SingleFileZ into a SingleFile page."
echo " Arguments:"
echo " INPUT FILE: path to a file containing a page saved with SingleFileZ"
echo " OUTPUT FILE: path of the output file"
exit 1
deno run --allow-read --allow-write ./sfz2sf.js "$1" "$2"
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nitincodery commented Jan 11, 2023

This is equivalent batch script for windows, if anyone needs:

Edit: Fixed input filenames with spaces.


@echo off

if "%~1" == "" (
    echo Usage: %0 ^<INPUT FILE^> [OUTPUT FILE]
    echo Transforms a page saved with SingleFileZ into a SingleFile page.
    echo Arguments:
    echo INPUT FILE: path to a file containing a page saved with SingleFileZ
    echo OUTPUT FILE: path of the output file
    exit /b 1
) else (
    deno run --allow-read --allow-write .\sfz2sf.js "%~1" "%~2"

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It expects SFZ with .zip.html extension as input and save them as SF with .html extension with same filename, removing the option to give output filename. Also updating %1 with %~1, as it was giving error with filenames having space, so latter fixes that.


@echo off

if "%~1" == "" (
    echo Usage: %0 ^<INPUT FILE^>
    echo Transforms a page saved with SingleFileZ into a SingleFile page.
    echo Arguments:
    echo INPUT FILE: path to a file containing a page saved with SingleFileZ
    exit /b 1
) else (
    deno run --allow-read --allow-write .\sfz2sf.js "%~1"


import { extract } from "";
import * as zip from ""; = zip;
const { docContent } = await extract(new Blob([await Deno.readFile(Deno.args[0])]), { noBlobURL: true });
await Deno.writeTextFile(Deno.args[0].split(".")[0].concat(".html"), docContent);

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Thank you very much @nitincodery!

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