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Last active March 23, 2024 12:04
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Notes on Quelima R3 WiFi Camera


  • Install the app "Sports DV" and change WiFi SSID and password


  • Wifi and Cam settings are seperated and have different port numbers.
  • Wifi-Settings (just login withoug username and password):
  • Cam LiveStream:
  • Not sure how the configuration is made really... Would need a Man-In-The-Middle-Attack or send the initial ICMP package

Change AP (Cam is the access point) to Station (Cam is a normal WiFi Client)

  • Log into without entering user and password
  • Go to the second tab, there you can change the access mode vom "AP" to "Station", enter the SSID of your home WiFi, Encryption mode and password (works with Windows 10 mobile hotspot, too, just notice it only works with 2.4 GHz networks). The cam will guess the channel when you saved the settings.
  • Don't worry, if the connection fails, the camera will offer you the configured AP again
  • Better give it a fixed IP through your router (identified by MAC address)

Other Information

  • The connection between the app and the cam is made through an initial ICMP package with the payload "99 bottles of beer on the wall"
  • looks like "MJPG-Streamer" was used when googleing for the url structure

Button configuration

  • Reset: Press Mode first and then On/Off
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vinibali commented Dec 27, 2023

Hello there again!
I've spent some time with my SQ23 camera. According to the labels on the PCB, 7668A is the project/product name for which we should search for.
Unfortunately none of repos are having that string at
There is also a SV6030P single-chip WLAN board can be found, so if we want to do something with the sources we need to lift over some code from other repos, as some of them at yilanjueding's repo are having WIFI set up.
I walked trough all the Generalplus datasheets and according to the specifications, like:

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vinibali commented Dec 27, 2023


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vinibali commented Dec 30, 2023

This small camera is really interesting, as you could see I damaged the small 0 Ohm fuse for the wifi module while I was disassembling it.
The functions of the buttons literally have gone at all, the only thing I could do was to power it up and reset with the two button combination. Sometime the switch to the WIFI mode was working, but nothing really else.
I also spent some time with searching for all the sources, but it seems only those two can be used. Nothing really else contains the code.
Another thing is that GPCV1248 is the closest chip to the GPCV1247A, which might be a lower pin count chip.

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breadbrowser commented Feb 19, 2024

I have SQ23 camera and can see interface at, but I have refuse connection at . There is even no 8080 port in nmap output

Nmap scan report for
Host is up (0.0097s latency).
Not shown: 997 closed tcp ports (reset)
80/tcp    open  http
8081/tcp  open  blackice-icecap
30000/tcp open  ndmps

How can I access stream?

run this

import requests

url = ""
headers = {
    "User-Agent": "Lavf/58.12.100",
    "Accept": "*/*",
    "Range": "bytes=0-",
    "Connection": "close",
    "Icy-MetaData": "1"

response = requests.get(url, headers=headers)

and then you will get a 200 as a response and the stream will work
but i don't it think it does anything. if you don't have a stream a thing to do is to restart it over and over till it works

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I have SQ23 camera and can see interface at, but I have refuse connection at . There is even no 8080 port in nmap output

Nmap scan report for
Host is up (0.0097s latency).
Not shown: 997 closed tcp ports (reset)
80/tcp    open  http
8081/tcp  open  blackice-icecap
30000/tcp open  ndmps

How can I access stream?

run this

import requests

url = ""
headers = {
    "User-Agent": "Lavf/58.12.100",
    "Accept": "*/*",
    "Range": "bytes=0-",
    "Connection": "close",
    "Icy-MetaData": "1"

response = requests.get(url, headers=headers)

and then you will get a 200 as a response and the stream will work but i don't it think it does anything. if you don't have a stream a thing to do is to restart it over and over till it works

That's Python, right?

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hanjoonwon commented Mar 21, 2024

Pakete mithilfe von "Packet Manager" auf Android analysiert.

@lebarsfa @vinibali


I bought a SQ 13,23 as a wireless camera to use on my Raspberry Pi.
I have a problem with the camera not connecting to wifi on my laptop, so I can't access the strwam url either.
But can connect on my cell phone.

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