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Last active April 8, 2016 12:42
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Generate string→enum and enum→string functions in Objective C for enum values.
#!/usr/bin/env python
name = "race waypoint marker shape"
values = [
api_value_type = "NSString"
api_value_name = "string"
def title(string):
modded = string.title()
modded = modded.replace(" ", "")
return modded
def title_small_first(string):
modded = string.title()
modded = first_lower(modded)
modded = modded.replace(" ", "")
return modded
def first_lower(s):
if len(s) == 0:
return s
return s[0].lower() + s[1:]
def underscore(string):
return string.replace(" ", "_")
print "-------------- .h ---------------"
# Enum
print """
typedef NS_ENUM(NSUInteger, %(big)s) {
%(big)sUndefined,""" % {
"big": title(name)
for value in values[:-1]:
print " %(big)s%(value_big)s," % {
"big": title(name),
"value_big": title(value)
print """ %(big)s%(value_big)s
};""" % {
"big": title(name),
"value_big": title(values[-1])
# Header declarations
print """
+ (%(big)s)%(small)sFor%(api_value_name_big)s:(%(api_value_type)s *)%(small)s%(api_value_name_big)s;
+ (%(api_value_type)s *)%(api_value_name)sFor%(big)s:(%(big)s)%(small)s;
""" % {
"big": title(name),
"small": title_small_first(name),
"api_value_type": api_value_type,
"api_value_name_big": title(api_value_name),
"api_value_name": api_value_name
print "-------------- .m ---------------"
# Function name
print """
+ (%(big)s)%(small)sFor%(api_value_name_big)s:(%(api_value_type)s *)%(small)s%(api_value_name_big)s {
if ([%(small)s%(api_value_name_big)s isEqualTo%(api_value_name_big)s:@"%(value_underscore)s"]) {
return %(big)s%(value_big)s;""" % {
"big": title(name),
"small": title_small_first(name),
"value_underscore": underscore(values[0]),
"value_big": title(values[0]),
"api_value_type": api_value_type,
"api_value_name_big": title(api_value_name),
"api_value_name": api_value_name
# Else
for value in values[1:]:
print """ } else if ([%(small)s%(api_value_name_big)s isEqualTo%(api_value_name_big)s:@"%(value_underscore)s"]) {
return %(big)s%(value_big)s;""" % {
"big": title(name),
"small": title_small_first(name),
"value_underscore": underscore(value),
"value_big": title(value),
"api_value_name_big": title(api_value_name),
print " }"
print """
return %(big)s%(undefined_big)s;""" % {
"big": title(name),
"undefined_big": title("undefined")
print "}"
# Function name
print """
+ (%(api_value_type)s *)%(api_value_name)sFor%(big)s:(%(big)s)%(small)s {
switch(%(small)s) {""" % {
"big": title(name),
"small": title_small_first(name),
"api_value_type": api_value_type,
"api_value_name": api_value_name
# Values
for value in values:
print """ case %(big)s%(value_big)s:
return @"%(value_underscore)s";""" % {
"big": title(name),
"value_underscore": underscore(value),
"value_big": title(value)
print """ default:
return nil;
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gklka commented Apr 8, 2016

I have added the enum itself too:

typedef NS_ENUM(NSUInteger, RaceWaypointPassDirection) {

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